- Name of Insured:
- Description of Operations:
- Website:
- Years in business (if under 5 years, please provide details regarding the applicant’s experience history):
Name of Each Product or Completed Operations / Description of each Product or Completed Operations / End use of Each Product or Completed Operations / Quality Control test/ procedures Performed / Revenues derived from Each:
Canada: $
US: $
ROW: $
Canada: $
US: $
ROW: $
- Does the insured import any products from outside of North America?
- If yes, does the insured request for proof of insurance valid in Canada from Product Provider? If answer is no, please provide details regarding quality control tests/ procedures performed by component part manufacturer, and insured before the product is sold to suppliers.
- Do any of the applicant’s revenues stem from installation?
If yes to above, what percentage? %
If yes to (3) describe qualifications of employees/ contractors/ sub-contractors performing installation
- Please provide details of any claims from the past 5 years or if the applicant is aware of any situation, fact or circumstance which may give rise to a claim (attach details if answer anything other than none. Include – Description of Loss, amount paid (net of deductible).).
Details of Underlying Policies
Type of Policy / Policy Period / Limits of Coverage / Annual Premium / Insurer / Policy Number
CGL / $ / $
Employee Benefits / $ / $
Employee Benefits Liability / $ / $
Auto / $ / $
Umbrella / $ / $
Excess / $ / $
Schedule of Underlying CGL Forms
Form Name / Description of Form
Additional Insured(s) (If applicable):
The applicant agrees to notify the company of any material changes in the answers to the questions on this questionnaire which may arise during the course of this policy issued and further understands that claims may be denied if information regarding these material changes was not provided.
The purpose of this questionnaire is to assist in the underwriting process. Information contained herein is specifically relied on in determination of insurability. The under-signed, therefore, warrants that the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of his / her knowledge, information, and belief. This questionnaire and the application shall be the basis of any insurance policy that be issued and will be part of such policy.
A consumer report containing personal, credit, factual or investigative information about the applicant may be sought in connection with this application for insurance or any renewal, extension or variation thereof. Signing of this form does not bind the Applicant to purchase the insurance or the Insurer to accept the risk, but it is agreed that this form shall be the basis of the contract should a policy be issued. For purposes of the Insurance Companies Act (Canada), any document would be issued in the course of Lloyd’s Underwriters’ insurance business in Canada.
Insured Signature: / Date:
Broker Signature: / Date:
Broker Email:
Premier Canada Assurance Managers Ltd. is one of Canada’s largest Managing Underwriting Agents. The underwriting insurance carrier varies by line of business and region - please refer to specific quote for declaration of the underwriting insurance company(s).
** Email application and attachments to - **Vancouver - T 604.669.5211 F 604.669.2667
Rev. Oct 4, 2017