Document Retention Policy
All original documentation and project specific records relating to externally funded projects should be kept on current file for the life of the project. Once a project has finished, the documentation can then be archived. Documents should be archived by programme and project and placed in an archive box which clearly identifies the contents of the box. Archive boxes will be kept in a secured place identified by City of Bradford MDC.
Particular note should be given to European Funded programmes, including Co-Financing. Project records must be maintained to capture evidence of eligible actual expenditure to comply with ERDF rules and regulations.
Article 90 of regulation 1083/2006 states:
‘Without prejudice to the rules governing State aid under Article 87,of the Treaty, the Managing Authority shall ensure that all the supporting documents regarding expenditure and audits on the operational programme concerned are kept available for the Commission and the European Court of Auditors for (a) a period of three years following the closure of an operational programme’. The Commission will inform the MemberState when The Programme is closed.
By way of guidance it is currently expected that this may be at the earliest
31 December 2025. However clarification should be sought from the Department for Communities and Local Government for an actual approved disposal date before disposing of any records. Until this time all records relating to projects will be retained. It should also berecognised that projects could be monitored/ audited any time after it has closed and up to the close of the Programme. Auditors will want to see originals, or certified copies, of invoices, receipts, activity records etc. This also applies to any organisation which has provided match funding (either actual or in kind).
Responsibility for ensuring this policy is implemented lies with the Strategic Programmes Manager, External Resources, Department of Regeneration.
The policy should be reviewed and updated annually at the financial year end.
Policy Amended 31.3.12
C:\Documents and Settings\holroydk\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK70\CBMDC Document Retention Policy - Enterprising Bradford.doc