Graduation Check List:
Document prepared for potential Kelley Direct students eligible for graduation.
- Apply for graduation. Complete the Graduation Application Form found via the following link: Please submit your completed form to: or fax to 317-274-7301.
- RSVP for the Kelley Direct Pre-Ceremony Dinner and Graduate Recognition Ceremony: (Graduation Events Registration 2017 form can be found via the link above. Deadline is April 21.
Dinner - 4:30-6:00 pm, Alumni Hall, Indiana Memorial Union, 900 E 7th Street, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47405 – NO CHARGE FOR DINNER; NO LIMIT ON NUMBER OF GUESTS.
Kelley Direct Graduate Recognition Ceremony – 7:00-8:15 pm, Indiana University Auditorium (arrive at the Auditorium no later than 6:15 pm).
Reception - following the ceremony, ending by 9:00 pm
Parking – Parking passes for the Indiana Memorial Union will be provided. You may use the lot next to and across the street from the IMU. The Auditorium is a 7-minute walk from the IMU.
- Make plans to attend the Indiana University Graduate Commencement Ceremony if interested. Visit the following link for detailed instructions: NOTE: This ceremony is for campus-wide graduate programs; you will not have your name called and you will not walk across the stage.
- Order your cap and gown. Apparel is required for both the Kelley Direct Graduate Recognition Ceremony as well as the University Graduate Commencement Ceremony. Visit the following link to order: NOTE: Site will not open until early January; mark your calendar so you don’t forget
- Order by Friday, March 10, 2017 for the best price
- STARTING Saturday, March 11, 2017-Friday, March 24, 2017: $50 late fee charged
- LAST DAY of online orders: Friday, March 24, 2017
NOTE: When ordering, ignore the date that is given for the ceremony; you will not find an option for the KD Ceremony on May 6. ORDER YOUR CAP & GOWN AS IF YOU ARE ATTENDING THE FRIDAY,
MAY 5 GRADUATE CEREMONY IN THE ASSEMBLY HALL. IGNORE all instructions concerning when and where you will pick up the caps & gowns. We have made special arrangements for our KD students per instructions below.
If you are attending the main IU Graduate Commencement Ceremony on Friday, May 5, 3 p.m., in the Assembly Hall, 1001 E. 17th Street in Bloomington, you will need to pick up your Kelley Direct cap & gown at the Kelley School, 1275 E. Tenth Street, Room 3100, beginning Wednesday, May 3. If you are attending the KD Ceremony on Saturday, May 6, do not return your cap & gown at the Assembly Hall.
If you are attending ONLY the Kelley Direct ceremony on Saturday, May 6,you will need to pick up your attire between 10:00 am-5:00 pm at the Indiana Memorial Union (exact location of pick-up will be communicated to you a week prior to the event. You will return your attire at the Auditorium following the ceremony.
- Secure your hotel accommodations immediately. A list of hotel accommodations can be found via the following link: Approximately 7,000 Indiana University students graduate over the course of this weekend and typically over a hundred Kelley Direct students attend graduation; therefore, it is very important to make your hotel arrangements as soon as possible.
Please direct any questions regarding graduation to:.