·  Observe and analyze accommodations/modifications used as determined by IEP
·  Provide professional development (special education process)
·  Monitor
-90-day timeline
-reevaluation timeline
-master calendar for IEP meetings
CECAS entries
COSF completions
Transitions from EI to PK and PK to K
Transportation contracts
·  Co-audit records with teachers
·  Build teacher capacity to
-problem solve
-analyze data
-make informed instructional decisions
-deeply understand common core/essential standards
-work collaboratively
-monitor school, teacher, and student progress
·  Review evidence of ESY data collection
·  Coordinate visits, placements, and ongoing services for Developmental Day Centers
·  Complete information for CIPP Indicators and submit to EC director / ·  Provide support to EC teachers and related service providers
·  Serve as Preschool specialist for EC Program
·  Serve as liaison with EC Program, parents, other schools, etc.
·  Communicate with parents, teachers, and other support team members as needed
·  Coordinate services for all children with IEPs / · Attend weekly coaching meetings with Director to share data collected, analyze solutions, and create plan of action for any concerns
· Conduct random monitoring to ensure data notebooks are updated
· Update master schedule/calendar for upcoming IEP meetings
· Audit records using audit checklist
· Schedule screening, referrals, eligibility, and reevaluation meetings
· Attend Transition Planning Conferences with CDSA Case Managers
· Attend referral, eligibility, and reevaluation meetings with Speech Therapist as LEA Representative
· Coordinate Evaluation Requests and completion and submit to BOE
·  ESY determinations due upon request
·  Submit separate class rosters to EC office
·  Submit list of retentions to EC office
·  Compile and submit teacher summer contact information to EC office
·  Submit EOY checklist
·  Facilitate transfer of records TBD / ·  Attend professional development on coaching process (ongoing)
·  Model record auditing at monthly chair meetings
·  Submit required monthly reports by the 3rd of each month
-Suspension Reports
-IEP Meeting List
-Agenda/Roster for monthly EC team meeting
·  Attend monthly EC Chair meeting
·  Schedule and facilitate monthly meeting for EC staff to review updates and compliance issues (include related services providers)
·  Model record audit at each meeting using audit checklist
·  Attend monthly committee meetings for:
·  Monitor CECAS for Headcount
·  Ensure progress reports are sent with report cards to parents
·  Check for ESY data collection for students whose eligibility is yet to be determined (according to the IEP) / ·  Well-written IEPs with matching instruction and accommodations that accurately address specific skill deficits
·  Compliant records
·  Well designed lesson plans and instructional practices using research-based interventions and curricula
·  Strong EC staff/team
- Designate and maintain a locked location where files can be kept for compliance and review
- Submit Group Home/Foster Home placement/withdrawal forms to EC office
- Process paperwork for all transfers within 2 weeks of enrollment
-Submit evaluation requests
- Submit evaluation request after eligibility determination
-Maintain a master copy of testing modifications, reevaluation dates, and IEP dates to ensure compliance by all staff
-Attend all initial/reevaluation meetings
- Submit all paperwork required for December and April Headcounts
- Monitor 90-day timeline
- Ensure IEP meeting minutes are appropriately being documented for all meetings