Rake Management System (FOIS) 05-10-2010

Document for Skipping Empty Haulage Collection ( RMS Version 6.4 Onwards)


All the Privately Owned Container Flat/Empty Rakes will not get departed from P3 locations in RMS, unless the field user reports, its collection of Empty Haulage Charges in TMS (Version 6.4) or one skips this collection with appropriate autority in RMS (Version 6.4).

Train Departure Screen

Skip Empty Haulage Collection in RMS (Version 6.4 Onwards)

Collection of Empty Haulage Charges can be skipped with appropriate authority detail in RMS in case the specific rake is going for TXR Examination/Work Shop/ Maintainence.

The Rake Formation/Consist Screen will highlight the candidate rakes of this Charge in distinct color.

Specific Menu option (Modify->Skip RR Generation), will prompt a new window to fill-in the Authority and Reason of Skipping.

The Skip Reporting of Empty Haulage Collection will free the specific rake to get departed from the location without calculating / collecting Haulage Charges.

**In the Reason column, the user should specify

EXAM – If the rake is going for TXR examination/Work Shop/ Maintenance


LCMV – For Local Movement i.e., to/from Siding to Serving Station in which Haulage Charge is not applicable.