Coaches with a Coaching Qualification other than Pony Club
It is a requirement to complete your Preliminary Pony Club Coach (PPCC) qualification first then Level 1 Pony Club Coach (L1PPC) second. However this does not mean having to complete both workbooks in their entirety nor does it mean having 2 separate assessments.
Step 1
Purchase both workbooks from PCAWA.
Step 2
In the PPCC work book complete pages 16 - 25 and page 43 (Code of Ethics). Note if you have a current 1st Aid qualification there is no need to complete page 19. You can find a very good organisational diagram of the Pony Club to national level at page 12 of the PCAWA Handbook Part 1.
Step 3
Provide copies of any relevant qualifications and 3 lesson plans to coach D/D* level riders in flatwork, games and pole work or jumping to the State Coaching Panel along with your workbook. Forward $15 to PCAWA for NCAS registration.
Step 4
Be assessed conducting the 3 lesson plans previously submitted - this need not be 3 full lessons but could be a warm up in flat work, intro to jumping followed by a game within the time frame of a normal full lesson.
Step 5
Complete pages 16 - 19 and page 101 (Code of Ethics) of the L1 PCC workbook.
Step 6
Provide copies of any relevant qualifications and 2 lesson plans to coach 4-6 riders at C/C* level in flat work and jumping to the State Coaching Panel along with your workbook.
Step 7
Be assessed conducting the 2 lessons previously submitted - 30 to 40 minutes per lesson and conduct a short horse care/theory (dismounted) topic consistent with the C* syllabus. In addition you will be required to demonstrate lungeing a quiet horse or have a mentor assess you and complete Unit 3.11 on page 37 of the workbook. A mentor is someone at the same level (qualification and/or experience) or higher as yourself.
Steps 2 and 3 can be concurrent with steps 5 and 6. You must be assessed coaching first at Preliminary level (step 4) then Level 1 (step 7). This can take place on the same day and with the same assessor. This fast tracks the process and keeps costs to a minimum.