Item Analysis Data Training
Using Performance Tracker
Performance Tracker provides us an excellent opportunity not only to analyze and evaluate assessment data relevant to each of our students but, perhaps more importantly, the ability to identify specific areas of weaknesses in the skill sets of each student and tailor instruction to meet those identified needs. To that end, the directions below correspond to the process to follow to accomplish this task.
Step 1: Log on to Performance Tracker using the MethactonSchool District homepage.
Step 2: Once logged on, click on the “Reporting” tab.
Step 3: Create an assessment filter by clicking first on the “Proficiency level – pie chart” option under the “Standard Reports” banner and then click on the “Assessments” tab under “Filter Options.”
Step 4: Choose “math” (if that’s the subject you’re analyzing)andthe appropriate grade level options from the drop-down menus. Also, choose the 2009-2010 school year option to ensure you are looking at your students and their data from the current year. Then click “Re-Display.”
Step 5: Click on the block next to the most recent 4Sight date and then click “OK and Return.”
Step 6:If necessary, scroll down, click on the “Schools” tab, click on the box next to your school’s name and click “OK and Run Now.” If this step is not required, simply click “OK and Run Now” after completing step 5.
Step 7: Click on the item “Click to view the students”next to each of the four proficiency levels listed at the bottom of the page. This will display a list of specific students who scored in each category.
Step 8: Click on the name of one of the students. This will generate an extensive, student-specific report. Next, highlight and click on the specific 4 Sight report corresponding to the most recent test date and subject area (math). This will generate a report that corresponds to the specific assessment anchors addressed on the test and will show the proficiency level relative to each anchor. Write down the codes for the assessment areas in which the student scored “basic” or “below basic.” Complete this task for each student in your class.
Step 9: Under the “Welcome” banner at the top of the page, click on the “Home” tab and then click on the “Content Library” icon on the homepage. Choose the appropriate grade level and subject area (math) from the drop-down menus. Click on the “Show Anchors Descriptors” box which will display all of the assessment anchors covered on the test. Choose a student and click on the boxes next to each of the anchors on which he or she scored below proficient level. Then click on the “Show Questions” tab at the bottom of the last page.
Step 10: Click on each question that you would like to add to the review packet for this specific student. You will see the question placed into the “Items Checked” folder. Once you have added all the questions you wish, click on the “Add to Selected Questions” icon at the bottom of the page. This will then display only those questions you checked.
Step 11: Scroll down to the bottom of the last page and click on the “Print/Copy Ready” tab. This will display a printable copy of the questions to be given to the student.
Step 12: Complete Steps 1-11 for each student who scored in the below proficient categories on the 4Sight assessment.
Item Analysis Addendum
In addition to working through Performance Tracker data using the previously identified step-process to evaluate individual student-performance, the steps below will allow an aggregate analysis of class/grade level performance on each specific anchor. Once logged into Performance Tracker, proceed as follows:
- Step 1: Choose the “Reporting” tab from the main menu. Under “Filter Options” click on “assessments” and then choose the appropriate subject area, grade level, year (09-10 for current 4Sight data) and click “OK and Return.”
- Step 2: Only for those with Extended Rights: Click on “School Filter Option” and choose appropriate school.
- Step 3: Under “Item Level Report” click on “Question Summary” and then “Run Report.” This report will list and describe each of the assessment anchors tested and indicate the percentage of students in your class/grade who answered correctly or incorrectly.
- Step 4: By clicking either on “correct” or “incorrect” after each percentage, you can see a listing of the specific students and how they answered.
Note: Instead of choosing “Question Summary” in step 3, you could also choose “Standards Analysis” or “Item Analysis” to view similar reports.