Red Oak High School Band

(972) 617-4617 220S. State Hwy 342 Red Oak, Texas 75154

Dear Region 20 Colleagues,

Red Oak High School is honored to be hosting the 2018UIL Region 20 MS/JH UIL Concert and Sightreading Contest for CC/CCCvarsity bands on April 24-26, 2018 (Tuesday-Thursday). We look forward to hosting you and your students, and hope that your visit will be enjoyable and rewarding. In addition to the schedule that you will receive from Allyson Whitsitt, please read below for important information regarding your visit to Red Oak HS:

Concert Judges 1. Corey Graves 2. Greg Hames3. Edward Pagliai

SR Judges 1. Barbara Lambrecht2. David Puckett3. Jolette Wine

Bus Notes, No Case/Instrument Storage Areas and No Dressing Rooms

  • Please refer to the attached “campus map” and “directions map” showing where to take your buses. Note this is the BACK of the school.
  • A monitor will meet your bands at the bus area to show the director to the contest office for check- in, and then escort your band to the warm-up room.
  • When you arrive, please wait with your band in the shaded “porch” area right outside the PAC. In the event of inclement weather you may move into the PAC foyer. A director or parent chaperone must remain with your students to keep them quiet out of respect to the ensembles performing on stage.
  • Other than a load in area for large percussion, there will be no areas for you to store cases, instruments, or equipment. Please use your buses/trucks for storage.
  • We will not have any changing facilities or dressing rooms available. Please plan on arriving and departing in your concert uniform.

Contest Office / Check-In / Check-Out

  • The contest office is located in room C-124(art studio located next to the foyer of the PAC).
  • Please check-in to the contest office as soon as you arrive.
  • MAKE SURE that you bring your FORM I Eligibility Certification signed by your principal when you check in. Your band cannot perform without a Form I on file.
  • Items needed at check-in:

a. Signed Form I (if not previously turned in)

b. Three original judges’ scores for each selection you are performing (measures numbered)

c. 2 copies of updated set-up chart

  • You will be able to return to the contest office after sightreading to pick up your packets with comment sheets, judges’ scores, and awards as applicable.

Set-up Charts

  • Please email a copy of your set-up chart by Friday, April 21st to .
  • Please follow the link and instructions below:
  1. Enter the number of chairs per row.
  2. Click “show music stands” and indicate where you need each stand.
  3. Title the chart with your school name.
  4. Print the chart and add percussion needs from the provided instrument list below.
  5. Scan and email to

Provided Percussion

A. Concert Stage: Concert Bass Drum, Adams 4 1/3 Marimba, Chimes, 5 Adams Timpani,

Adams Xylophone, Adams Vibes, Gong, and Fall Creek Orchestra Bells

(bring your own mallets/sticks/cymbals/beaters/other drums, and accessories).

B. Sightreading: Timpani, Concert Bass Drum, Bells, Snare Drum, Crash/Suspended Cymbal, and Triangle.

* Bring your own sticks, mallets and triangle beater.

  • C Varsity - The 2018 level 1 sightreading instrumentation for percussion is: Snare Drum/Bass Drum (2 players), Bells (optional)(one player), Crash Cymbals/Triangle (2 players), Timpani (1 player).
  • CC Varsity - The 2018 level 2 sightreading instrumentation for percussion is: Snare Drum/Bass Drum (2 players), Bells (1 player), Triangle/Crash Cymbals (1 or 2 players), Suspended Cymbal (optional)(1 player), Timpani (1 player).
  • CCC Varisty - The 2018 level 3 sightreading instrumentation for percussion is: Bells (optional)(1 player),, Snare Drum/Bass Drum (2 players), Timpani (1 player), Triangle (1 player), Crash Cymbals (1 player), Suspended Cymbal (optional)(1 player).


  • There are no eating areas available to you on campus. Do not bring food or drinks to the school.
  • Please also let your parents/visitors know that there is NO food, gum, or drinks allowed in the

Performing Arts Center.

Other Important Notes and Reminders

  • As always, we have a very full schedule, therefore please be ready to move from warm-up as scheduled. If you arrive late, you will not be able to have your full warm-up time, as we must keep the contest on schedule. We will have a monitor on hand that will keep up with your time. Please be respectful of the monitor and the other bands and be prepared to move according to your schedule.
  • No risers will be available for the stage. If you would like to perform with risers, you will need to bring your own.
  • Warm-up will take place in the black box theatre.
  • The Fine Arts wing of the school is isolated from the rest of the school, however (of course) we will still have theater, art, and choir students in and out of the wing for classes during the day. If you are moving to an area during a passing period, just be aware that the hallways may briefly be busy with high school students.
  • Please ensure that your students are well-supervised and quiet in the hallways at all times.

We look forward to having you and your bands on our campus. Please feel free to email with any questions ahead of time.

Best wishes,

Steven H. Moss, Josh Perry, Joshua Weisbrod-Torres

Red Oak High School Band