Agriculture Department
Officer Application
Frisco Wakeland FFA Officer Application
Application Instructions and Process
- Complete this form.
- The student and parent(s) must sign the officer contract, which explains the duties of each office.
- Two letter of recommendation from teacher or administrator andyour resume.
Officer Duties and Expectations
- Duties of each specific office are outlined in the current version of the FFA Official Manual. Each officer is expected to fulfill the duties of the office to which they are elected.
- All officers are expected to attend the Officer Leadership Camp for Area V, held in the month of June and purchase Official dress.
- All officers are expected to be present at each chapter meeting and each officer meeting. Failure to attend three meetings (officer meetings or chapter meetings in any combination) gives grounds for removal from office.
- Penalties:
- First Offense – The officer will be verbally warned by the advisor and the officer’s parents will be contacted.
- Second Offense – A conference will be scheduled with parents, the advisor, and the officer to discuss possible removal from office.
- Third Offense – The officer will be removed from office, following a report to the parents and principal. Disciplinary action may also be included if appropriate.
- Officers must compete on at least one LDE team in the fall semester and one CDE team in the spring and must be members of the Wakeland Wolverine FFA Booster Club during their term in office.
- Other duties may be assigned as needed by the advisor.
- Applications are due on Wednesday, August 31, 2011. We will have a Chapter meeting where the Chapter will vote on officers. Officer elections are determined by scores from the application and chapter member’s votes.
- Please answer, in paragraph form, the question “Why I want to be a chapter officer.” ______
- Why is the FFA important to you? ______
- What qualities do you find important for a leader to possess? ______
- What Leadership Development Events and/or Career Development Events did you participate in this past year? ______
- What did you learn from participating in these LDE’s or CDE’s? ______
- Why is an agriculture education valuable? ______
- List your top accomplishments in the FFAranking them in order of their importance to you. ______
- What are 3 strengths that you feel you would bring to the officer team, and please explain? ______
- Briefly describe your SAE. ______
- What interested and motivated you to begin your SAE project? ______
- When you were planning your SAE, what two or three goals and objectives did you plan to achieve at this point in your development? ______
Officer Contract
(1) be dedicated and committed to FFA and the total agricultural education program for the entire year.
(2) become knowledgeable of agriculture, agricultural education and the FFA.
(3) develop myself into an effective public speaker and project a desirable image of FFA at all times.
(4) regularly and on time write all letters, thank-you notes, reports and other correspondence, which are necessary and desirable.
(5) be willing to take and follow instructions as directed by those responsible for me.
(6) use the Frisco Wakeland FFA Chapter’s resources and assets responsibly and only to the benefit of the Frisco Wakeland FFA Chapter.
(7) not publicly take positions, which compromise the FFA’s position of neutrality in local issues or in state or national political affairs.
(8) comply entirely with the Officer Code of Ethics. (As adopted the 2005-2006 State FFA Officer team)
(a) To forgo all tobacco while involved in official and unofficial FFA activities and at all times refrain from consumption or possession of alcohol or any substance, which is not legal for me to consume or possess.
(b) To treat all FFA members equally by not favoring one over another.
(c) To conduct myself in a manner that earns respect without display of superiority.
(d) To maintain dignity while being personable, concerned and interested in my contacts with others.
(e) To avoid places or activities which may in any way raise questions as to my moral character or conduct.
(f) To consider FFA officer activities and school as my primary responsibilities.
(g) To use wholesome language in all speeches and informal conversation.
(h) To maintain proper dress and good grooming for all occasions.
(i) Work in harmony with fellow FFA officers, and not knowingly engage in conversations detrimental to other FFA members, officers, advisors and other adults.
(j) To serve as a member of the officer team always maintaining a cooperative attitude.
(k) To keep myself up-to-date on current items.
(l) To maintain and protect my health.
(m) To be a professional and be on time.
(n) Follow a curfew of 11:00 p.m. at all FFA activities, unless otherwise noted by the Advisor.
(9) Respectfully adhere to board policy and treat all students, teachers and state staff with proper deference.
I have read, studied, understand and accept the above provisions. As a Frisco Wakeland FFA Officer, I will carry out my responsibilities in accordance with these statements and understand that I will be warned, suspended or discharged from office by the Frisco Wakeland FFA Advisor and Administration in accordance to Frisco Wakeland FFA Chapter Policy if I do not satisfactorily follow these established standards for the Frisco Wakeland FFA officers. Furthermore, I have read and understand the provisions of the student officer job description, and the student officer discipline policy and commit myself to full compliance to these provisions.
Signature Date
I have reviewed this pledge with my son or daughter, understand all policy provisions, support the Frisco Wakeland FFA Chapter in the enforcement and fulfillment of these policies and all other relevant policies and have witnessed his/her signature.
Parent/Legal Guardian Signature Date