The Role of the Body’s Subtle Energy in Mental Health
by Dr. Yury Kronn
EMCEE: I met our next speaker over a year ago. He came to my office. He was introduced to me by one of the State Farmers board members. She runs a marketing firm. She said, I want you to meet this guy. He’s really amazing. He’s got a product, and she called it acupuncture without needles. I thought, Well, I gotta see this. So he’ll be describing this product to you, but more amazing was the fact that he had done a great deal of study on the body’s subtle energy systems.
He is a Russian physicist. He spent much of his life under Communist rule. I asked him what it was like to live and work under Communism, and he described it very succinctly. He said, “We pretended to work, and they pretended to pay us.” One of the things I found most fascinating is that as part of the group of Soviet government scientists, he actually studied psychic phenomena, and this was in the early 70s. It was in the early 70s, and they’d watch this woman move things around without touching them. Quite amazing.
He’s got a very long list of academic achievements, and social achievements. I won’t go into them--they’re in your pack, but this is a topic that we’re all familiar with, but we rarely get to hear it from the perspective of a physicist about the body’s subtle energies. Please welcome Dr. Yury Kronn.
DR. KRONN: Thank you. So Dr. Lake made my job much easier because he already talked about Chinese medicine, which is based on energy which is outside the paradigm of Western science--it’s called Chi. So, this 5,000 years of experience of Chinese medicine still didn’t persuade our science that Chi exists, and... (laughter)... it’s a really strange situation--I would say an extremely strange situation in our science on that topic. Because, you know, the basis of this belief is that our science cannot measure chi directly. But there are a lot of things that our science cannot measure directly. Nevertheless, it believes in its existence if it thinks can be directly demonstrated.
What I want to present at this lecture is first, I want to talk about the nature of this energy or chi. So I hope you are interested in this boring scientific part of my lecture, because we need to know what we’re dealing with to really be able to harness it. So the first part of my lecture will be about the nature of chi and the mechanism of its interaction with physical matter and, of course, with our human bodies. Second part, I will talk about technology--how to harness this energy which we managed to do. And the third part will be about the results which doctors observed with our products infused with chi. Of course, I will be happy to answer your questions if we have time, or after the lecture.
Okay, about the disbelief of our science in chi. You know, let’s remember a little bit of physics you probably had in high school. There are only three particles that comprise the whole of our physical universe: proton, neutron and electron, right? These three particles make up the whole Periodic Table of Elements; and the Periodic Table of Elements make all the chemicals in the world, including our physical body.
One of these particles, the neutron, is not possible to detect directly by scientific equipment because it’s too small to see, and it doesn’t have an electrical charge, so it cannot directly be observed. But, nevertheless, from all this scientific research of atoms and nuclear reactions, our science believes in the existence of the neutron. So why doesn’t it believe in chi? Are there enough indirect but scientific evidence of the existence of chi and its effect? Yes. The answer is yes. Let me try to tell you about some results of this energy called chi.
By the way, some doctors believe that it’s not, like Dr. Chin says, our physical structure that first exists then emanates energy. Our energy determines our physical structure, which means that all causes of disease really lie in energy first. It is a very important statement, and we will see that it has some validity.
Now, coming back to the source of this chi. For about the last 30 years, a lot of serious scientists in Russia, in China, in the United States of America did research which absolutely, unequivocally shows the existence and very powerful effect of chi on the physical matter, on molecular, and even on the nuclear level, and of course, its effect on the human body, on animals, on plants, and all this stuff. If I would just list these results it would take the whole of my lecture, so I cannot, of course, talk too much about it, but on our webpage,, you can find examples of this research. This research was done using MRI, spectroscopy, the whole scientific arsenal of tools. What this research shows us first, is that chi is not electromagnetic in nature. Some research down here in California at the University of Irvine, using MRI, shows that the speed of propagation in the human body of this energy exceeds the speed of any known electro biological signal in the body by more than a thousand times. It gives some hints about the non-electromagnetic nature of chi, right?
Now, this research shows that chi is able to influence the molecular structure of physical matter. And what is especially interesting, some results show that this influence depends on the type of energy pattern, which means that not just energy itself, but information encoded in this energy influences physical structure of matter differently.
Now, what is absolutely astonishing is that in China, in one of the main institutes of physics, a very prominent nuclear physicist did research on influencing the decay rate of an element called Americium. Americium 241 was influenced by Dr. Yangtze, who is a qi gong master. The decay rate of this radioactive element was changed. Can you imagine what that means? There is no physical means of changing the radioactive rate of decay. You can heat these elements, you can put them in an extremely strong electromagnetic field, nothing will happen. But chi changes the radioactive rate of decay. What does that mean? It means that somehow chi influences the structure of the nucleus. What does the nucleus consist of? It consists of neutrons and protons, but we know that protons cannot be influenced by chi, otherwise chi would be measured by a regular electromagnetic field. So, the logical assumption is that this energy influences subatomic particles which make the neutron and proton. And these particles, discovered only 13 years ago, in 1990, are called quarks. Only two of six known quarks participate in the creation of physical matter. It opens a lot of possibilities, doesn’t it? What about other universes? What are the other quarks doing? If they make another universe, how do we detect it? We have no means to detect it. So, a lot of things are buried in this new science.
Now, these subatomic particles, quarks--these two quarks, let’s say Number 1 and Number 2. Two Number 1 quarks plus one Number 2 quark make a proton, and one Number 1 quark plus two Number 2 quarks make a neutron. And that’s it. So when we suppose that this energy, chi, influences quarks, it means--or smaller subatomic particles that make quarks (we will talk about that in a little bit)--then we need to make a supposition that that energy belongs to the subatomic world. And that is a very logical assumption, because, you know, every substance should have an organizing energy, like we have electromagnetic energy, which is responsible for all chemical and physical interactions in our physical world. So there should be some energy in that world of subatomic particles which is also responsible for all those interactions among subatomic particles. So if you make this supposition, then many things can be explained in the model of many events, and now real chi can be explained.
Now, the one small creation of our science: how many of these subatomic particles exist in the universe which are not bonded by neutrons and protons of our physical world. You can go on the internet and click the word “dark matter.” You will find an absolutely enormous amount of articles devoted to dark matter. How many people here have heard about dark matter? Pretty many. You can find these kinds of statements: Observation provides a new basis for calculating the content of the universe concerning mounting evidence that ordinary matter, which means our matter, all the shining stars, galaxies, plus people, computers, cats and so on, accounts for less than five percent, et al. The rest takes the form of mysterious, mysterious dark matter, and even more enigmatic, dark energy in space--95%--that is causing galaxies to rush apart from one another at accelerating rate with unknown consequences for the cosmic future, as reported in an article about dark matter from National Geographic, February of this year (2003) ( It’s a very interesting article. So, what we found after a hundred years of research and billions of dollars spent, the only thing we can say--our science can say--is that we only have access to five percent of the universe, and ninety-five percent of the universe is inaccessible to our equipment. How elegant this science can be in denying the existence of chi, the dimensions and so on.
But, now, we do have some progress. The Superstring Theory shows that the universe has at least ten dimensions. Science made the progress by accepting the existence of other dimensions, and it opens some possibilities for statements which we can make now.
If this chi interacts with these subatomic particles, and this dark matter consists of known and unknown subatomic particles, which many scientists already assume, then since it interacts with these particles, it could be part of this dark energy spectrum. Now, what is interesting is that ancient people knew very well about the existence of this energy, and the role of this energy in a human life. This is Lao Tzu. Everybody knows his book, “Tao Te Ching,” but there is another book which is not as well known. It is called “Hua Hu Ching.” But what this book says is, “There are numberless energy rays in the Universe...All rays and spirits come from the subtle nature of the Universe... The interwoven energy net influences the lives of individual human beings, whole societies and entire races. A virtuous individual who responds to the high, pure, harmonious subtle energy rays and integrates them with the positive elements of his own inner being may strengthen his life, enhance his health and power, and lengthen his years.”
So, it means that what Dr. Chin said and what Lao Tzu said 500 years before Christ, it’s the same. It says this energy plays a decisive role in our whole life, our health, our mental health, emotional health and physical health.
From this perspective, it is, I would say, arrogant for our science to deny experiments that other people did--unofficial scientists--who researched these energies and the subtle structure of the human body and the structure of physical matter. I want to mention one absolutely amazing researcher who spent 38 years searching physical matter. They were trained by Indian yoga teachers to psychically, if you wish, observe the structure of atoms. In spite of not being able to explain how it can be, nevertheless, when we look at their research, what we find is absolutely astonishing.
First, they discovered several elements before science, like seven years and in one case, 36 years before science found Promethium, number 61. And then, they talked about the atomic weight of these elements exactly right. They also predicted or observed the existence of isotopes five years before science discovered it. What is absolutely astonishing, in 1895, they reported the structure of the nucleus of hydrogen, which is one proton. They said that it consists of three particles, and we know now that it consists of three quarks, and two of these particles are positive and one is negative. And, they described particles which comprised these quarks.
So, one physicist, just one, from many, from Cambridge University, Dr. Stephen Phillips, mathematically investigated what Besant and Leadbeater observed. He mathematically confirmed that all they observed was right. He made a mathematical theory of matter based on their observations, and published this book. I think it is Nobel Prize work, but it’s almost completely ignored by our science, because it’s based on ESP, you see? So how can it be, of course, it’s not possible. The mathematics is ignored also, along with ESP and his book. But this is an incredible book, which is completely concerning this work of Besant and Leadbeater. ( So, based on this data, we can make a conclusion that subtle energy, called “chi” in traditional Chinese medicine, is an energy type belonging to the world of subatomic particles, or the subatomic world.
Let’s look at what follows from this statement. What follows from this conclusion? We can really get information from this research about subtle energy, how it interacts with the physical world and what follows from it.
First, Besant and Leadbeater said that all physical matter is made from two primal physical atoms, as they called it, or Anu, they call it. This Anu, the string-like--remember, string theory--the string-like vortex of energy coming from a subtler world, which is much subtler than the physical. And this vortex creates this primal atom. This primal atom has two positive and negative radiations. One is clockwise, the other counter-clockwise vibration. Now, this Anu, two Anus, combined with each other make different combinations. These different combinations in several steps make subatomic particles which our science now calls quarks. Two of these quarks make our physical atom: neutron, proton, and then all the Periodic Table of Elements.
So, let’s put some attention to this picture. It means that the physical structure of our world is not something which was once made and now exists. Do you remember this statement--in many philosophies you can find the statement--that God creates the world every moment. That’s really true. These Anu, these vortexes of energy created from the matter, if you wish, from other dimensions, creates the physical world continuously. And it means that any physical substance is always connected to some energetic pattern.
Now, if this is true, how do we see it? One scientist who researched this ancient science, in 1925 said, “Look out of chemistry into space, peer at the atom of physicists and read for yourself the lessons discovered by your ancestors. Open your eyes, you are blind.” (laughter)
So what is interesting is that in this book by (?), it says that these subatomic particles are subjected to gravity, which means that all this so-called “dark matter” can be explained by this. It is nothing but this collection of subatomic particles. If they would read these books, then the dark matter phenomena would have been explained the day it was discovered. It happened in 1933. But, still, it is still a puzzle for our science.
Now, let’s look at how subtle energy influences our physical world. Remember that subtle energy, chi, doesn’t directly interact with physical substance, otherwise it would be detected and all this enigma of dark energy would be resolved, but that’s the main obstacle. So how can we explain it now using Leadbeater and Besant’s research? Subtle energy interacts only with the substance of subatomic world, and electromagnetic energy interacts only with physical matter. They don’t interact across--meaning the subtle energy doesn’t interact directly with atoms, or electromagnetic energy with subatomic particles. But, there is a way of influencing subtle energy patterns on our physical matter, because, as we discussed, this process of creation is happening continuously. So if a subtle energy pattern is somehow changed, it means that this process of creation of physical nucleus will most likely be changed. And it will create slightly different physical matter, which, in scientific terms you can say that there are isomers--chemical isomers. Of course, it is a very sophisticated process because this is the quantum world. But the general idea is clear: that subtle energy patterns being changed will change slightly the structure of physical matter. And that’s how our physical body, how our biochemistry, can be influenced by subtle energy. There are scientific experiments confirming this statement.
Now, this opens the possibility to explain a lot of different things which we cannot explain without knowing this picture. For instance, how does electromagnetic energy influence our physical matter so strongly? For instance, there are a lot of experiments. I was at a lecture in San Francisco once where there was scientific evidence presented that electromagnetic energy, being modulated, influences the human body on a level which is considered much lower than a dangerous level of electromagnetic energy. But it still influences tremendously our biochemistry. How can that be? Modulation is information, and as we saw, this information is important in changing the subtle energy pattern, because electromagnetic energy--like electromagnetic energy connected with subtle energy--this interaction is much more sophisticated than we know from Maxwell’s equations of electromagnetic energy. Nevertheless, it exists. The same as in the connection of subtle matter with atomic matter. So through this process, vibrations of electromagnetic energy change subtle energy patterns, and it changes physical matter. That’s how this indirect effect of an electromagnetic field can be explained if you take into account this picture.