The SOARS Program is administered by the
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research

through sponsorship of the National Science Foundation.


Part 1-3 of the application may be handwritten or typed. Part 4 (Application Questions)should be typed. Please answer all questions completely.

1Personal Information


Last Name First Name Middle Initial


Present Street AddressCity State ZipTelephone


Permanent AddressTelephone


E-Mail AddressFax Number

Citizenship:  U.S.  Permanent Resident Status

2Educational Information

Current Undergraduate Academic Standing:  Freshman  Sophomore  Junior Senior  5th year Senior


Current Graduate Academic Standing:  Master’s Level  Ph.D. Level

Academic Major(s):______Minor(s):______

Anticipated Date of Graduation:______


By signing below, I hereby authorize all college and university representatives to furnish information requested by the SOARS Program. I certify that all of the statements in this application are true and complete to the best of my knowledge, and I understand that any falsification of material facts may be sufficient cause for disqualification from the program.



4Application Questions

Please type your responses on a separate sheet.

a)Please describe your research interests and professional goals.

b)Explain if and how the participation in SOARS has influenced these interests and goals.

c)Describe how you will use your continued participation in SOARS to support your interests and goals. If you have ideas for next year’s research, please describe those ideas and any steps you have already taken.

5 Additional Documentation

As part of the application the SOARS office must have received the following documents:

 Your official spring transcripts

 An email to Laura Allen to update your Profile

6 Deferment

SOARS allows you to defer your application for one year:

 I wish to attend SOARS in the summer of 2020 instead of the summer of 2019

 This application is for summer 2019.

7Submitting the Application

Sign and date your application and emailor mail your application to:,

UCAR/SOARS Program, PO Box 3000, Boulder, CO 80307.

8Criteria for Continuation

Your request to continue in SOARS will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

  • Research interests that align with the atmospheric and related sciences
  • Satisfactory academic progress as indicated by maintaining at least a 3.0 GPA
  • Successful completion of the summer program (e.g. completing all required SOARS elements and a favorable evaluation from mentors and staff)
  • Favorable SOARS colloquium and poster presentations.
  • Positive influence and good role model in the SOARS Community
  • Professional behavior when representing SOARS at conferences
  • Responsiveness to SOARS staff

Application for Continuation Deadline:September 1

Transcripts of fall term will be requested following notification of acceptance forcontinuation.

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