Who I Will Become: A Life Map

The Project:

Eighth grade is a time to begin seriously thinking about your future as you prepare for high school and beyond. Some of the choices and decisions you make now will seriously affect the rest of your life. While some of the ideas you have about your future may change over time, beginning to set goals for yourself now is paramount to becoming successful. In creating this project, you will conduct research that will explore who you want to be fifteen to twenty years from now. Hopefully this process will help guide your steps throughout this year and your life.

The project (paper) will be due October 7, 2016. On that day you will also sign-up for a day during the five-day period of October 10-14, 2016 to present your project.

The Content:

The Paper (Double-Spaced, 12 font, using Courier or Courier New)

Using what you have learned, your will write a 5 pg. paper containing the following:

  1. Introduction:
  2. Where/Who/What profession would you like to be as an adult?
  3. What are you doing now to work toward that goal?
  1. Educational/Training Expectations:
  2. What type of education/trainingis required to working your desired profession?
  3. What are some colleges, universities, or training programs that are known for producing graduates in your career of interest?
  4. What are the academic requirements are needed to enter theses colleges or training programs?
  5. Do you currently meet these requirements? If not, what will you change to meet them? If so, what must you do to continue to meet or exceed them?
  1. Timeline:
  2. What is the minimum timeline after education, training, internships, etc. required to be able work in your profession?
  3. What are some alternate plans if that timeline is not met?
  4. Create a timeline that demonstrates the steps.
  1. Interview/Shadow:
  2. Interview someone who currently works in the profession you desire.
  3. Report on his/her process for achieving his/her goals.
  4. Report on what a typical day looks like for someone in this profession.
  5. What are the benefits and draw-backs of this career?
  1. Conclusion:
  2. Summarize what you have learned about your chosen profession through this project.
  3. Has it changed your mind about your goal or made it stronger? Explain.
  4. How might you begin to apply the knowledge you gained so that you may better direct the desired outcome?
  1. References:(not counted as one of the 5 pgs)
  2. Include all references used including your interview
  3. There should be at least three references, one of which must be a book

Who I Will Become: A Life Map

Presentation:All presentations must be 1-3 minutes. A printed version must be turned in on the day of the presentation.

Speech: This component will be delivered in 1-3 minutes with meaning and emotion. It should express your thoughts and ideas around your chosen profession and what you have learned through the research process. The speech should include examples from your interview that are relevant and informative and include a visual aid demonstrating the timeline required. You may deliver it with the paper or note cards in front of you for reference only. You may not simply read from the paper or note cards.

PowerPoint Presentation: This component will be delivered in 1-3 minutes with meaning and emotion. It should express your thoughts and ideas around your chosen profession and what you have learned through the research process.The presentation should include examples from your interview that are relevant and informative and include a visual aid demonstrating the timeline required. Slides should be an enhancement (you should not simply read from the slides). It is recommended that you use note cards to assist in the delivery of the presentation.

Miscellaneous: I am open to other ideas for presenting the information you learned. Talk to me, so that we can discuss the necessary components.

Component Due Dates:

Tentative Topic: Friday, September 9, 2016

Research Organizer/Final TopicFriday, September 16, 2016

Interview questions:Friday, September 23, 2016

Interview:(needs to be completed)Friday, September 23, 2016

Rough Draft:Monday, October 3, 2016

The Grade:

Your project will be graded using a rubric with the following components worth 45% each:

Paper: 45% Presentation: 45%

Format15%Content 15%

Content 15%Delivery 15%

Grammar 15%Appeal 15%

Timeliness:If the paper is turned in on time and you are prepared to present on the day chosen, you will receive 10 extra points to your grade. Late =-5 points per day.No paper or presentation will be accepted after October 14, 2016!!!! It is very important you turn your work in on time!!!!

Total: 100%