A Third Wave in Electronics Industry: the Sensory Revolution and its Consequences

Prof. Tamás Roska


We are witnessing a third wave of revolutionary process in electronics industry. After the microprocessor revolution that led to the PC industry in the 80's, and the communication revolution that led to the internet industry of the 90’s, the third wave is the sensory revolution.

As a sign, cheap microsensors and actuators are being available to all natural and artificial senses, e.g. vision, hearing, tactile, chemical, position, location, etc..

When exploring the consequences of these, we will also deal with a new direction: Bionics or Info-Bionics, combining information technology with bio-technology.

AR Puppet: Animated Agents in Augmented Reality

István Barakonyi1, Dieter Schmalstieg2

ViennaUniversity of Technology

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AR Puppet is a hierarchical animation framework for Augmented Reality agents, which is a novel research field connecting Augmented Reality (AR), Sentient Computing and Animated Agents to a single coherent human-computer interface paradigm. This framework enables the control of the physical environment and virtual animated agents using the same interface, blurring the boundary between the real and virtual world. Any physical object that can be monitored or controlled by a computer can be incorporated into the framework and used in AR applications. AR Puppet explores the requirements for context-aware animated agents concerning visualization, appearance, behavior, as well as associated technology and application areas. The framework is built on a powerful collaborative AR middleware and it allows for experimentation with a wide range of applications and many different characters – physical and virtual alike.

Visualisation of Gamut Mapping Techniques through Augmented Reality

Stefan Daschek, Alexander Wilkie, Werner Purgathofer

Institute of Computer Graphics and Algorithms

ViennaUniversity of Technology


Gamut mapping is an extremely common problem in colour reproduction. Several algorithms for different purposes have been introduced and are in common usage, and researchers continue to develop new approaches in this area. However, development is sometimes hindered by the fact that fully understanding the details of the colour mapping process performed by these algorithms is a demanding task which requires – amongst other things – excellent spatial orientation because of its inherently 3D nature. We implemented a visualisation application as part of an augmented reality framework to help understanding colour gamuts and gamut mapping through stereo viewing and direct interaction.

Feature Detection and Tracking for Emphatic Avatars

Peter KUBINI1 - Stanislav STANEK2 - Andrej FERKO3

ComeniusUniversityBratislava and TU Graz

Department of Computer Graphics and Image Processing

Comenius University, SK-842 48 Bratislava, Slovakia

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This paper reports on a digital storytelling approach to document and preserve cultural heritage using emphatic avatars. Our metaphor for emphatic communication is a delayed mirror reflecting the head movements and facial expressions in real-time. In more detail we discuss the ongoing development of a subsystem for feature tracking and recognition using a cheap hardware setup consisting from two web cameras.

Believable Intelligent Agent: Face-to-Face Interaction with a Digital Human in a Virtual Environment

Bernadette Kissa, Balázs Benedeka, Gábor Szijártóa, Barnabás Takács

aVerAnim, Budapest, HUNGARY

bDigital Elite, Los Angeles, California, USA


We describe an advanced Human Computer Interaction (HCI) model that employs photo-realistic virtual humans to provide digital media users with information, learning services and entertainment in a highly personalized and adaptive manner. The system can be used as a computer interface or as a tool to deliver content to end-users. We model the interaction process between the user and the system as part of a closed loop dialog taking place between the participants. This dialog, exploits the most important characteristics of a face-to-face communication process, including the use of non-verbal gestures and meta communication signals to control the flow of information. Our solution is based on a Virtual Human Interface (VHI) technology that was specifically designed to be able to create emotional engagement between the virtual agent and the user, thus increasing the efficiency of learning and/or absorbing any information broadcasted through this device (Takacs & Kiss, 2001). The paper reviews the basic building blocks and technologies needed to create such a system and discusses its advantages over other existing methods.

Use of Communicational Agents in Distance Learning Environments

László Laufer, Gábor Tatai, Annamária Csordás


H-1117 Budapest, Infopark st.1.

{llaufer; gtatai; acsordas}@aitia.ai


In this article we would like to describe the role of communicational agents in education and out two tutoring agent systems we created recently with a special emphasis on the use of humor. VBroker was designed for the Hungarian Financial Authority to promote the stock exchange and financial markets in general. The system is incorporating an E-learning curriculum on the subject; an embodied conversational agent and a virtual stock exchange game. Our other project is a Hungarian language teaching agent, designed for foreigners studying the language. Both systems are good examples of how communicational agents re-define interactivity in multimedia, and how tutoring agents are excellent tools for distance learning.

Introducing the Colour and Multimedia Laboratory

Schanda J, Bodrogi P, Kránicz B, Sik-Lányi C.

University of Veszprém, Colour and Multimedia Laboratory


At this conference a number of papers and posters get introduced that were prepared at the Colour and Multimedia Laboratory of the University of Veszprém during the past year, and my task is to set these papers into the context of their background. Our Laboratory – and within this Laboratory Mrs. Sik-Lanyi – has a key role in the organisation of this meeting, thus it seemed to be appropriate to place these works into perspective.

The Colour and Multimedia Laboratory is part of the Image Processing and Neurocomputing Department of the Faculty of Technical Informatics. Its task is to teach fundamentals of computer image capturing and displaying devices, multimedia and virtual reality courses, tutoring on visual fundamentals, such as visual ergonomics and colour science – both related to physical processes and psychophysical, human related issues. According to this the Laboratory works in three sub-groups:

  • Physical and visual fundamentals,
  • Technology and application of Multimedia and Virtual Reality,
  • Colour memory effects.

In the following I would like to provide a short overview on these subjects and their interrelationship.

Development of rehabilitation software for aphasia patients to learn the everyday words

Cecília Sik Lányi1, Erzsébet Bacsa2, Rita Mátrai3, Zsolt Kosztyán4

Colour and Multimedia Laboratory, University of Veszprém

H-8200 Veszprém, Egyetem u. 10., Hungary

Ilona Pataky

National Centre of Brain Vein Diseases OPNI

H-1021 Budapest, Hűvösvölgyi u. 116., Hungary

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Aphasia is an impairment of language, affecting the production or comprehension of speech and the ability to read or write. Most common cause of aphasia is – about 23–40 % of stroke survivors - acquired aphasia. The rehabilitation of aphasia is a medical, special treatment (speech therapy), which is the task of a psychologist. It needs long and intensive therapy. More detailed information about therapy can be found in [2,6].

In this paper we present our implementation or realization of interactive multimedia educational software to develop readiness of speech for helping the therapy within the frame of youth scientific and MSc thesis works. The first program was developed in Flash, the second in Macromedia Director.

The goal of our software is to teach the most important everyday words. The software will be a useful device in the education of children with heavy mental deficiencies. Reading the program you can learn how it works and what current results we have achieved.

Preparing Virtual Public Transport for Treating Phobias

2Viktória Simon, 1Viktória Laky, 1Cecília Sik Lányi, 2Lajos Simon

1Colour and Multimedia Laboratory, University of Veszprem


2Semmelweis MedicalUniversity in Budapest



Nowadays the virtual reality (VR) is very popular. It is an artificial world, which is made in a computer environment and the user tries to enter fully into the spirit of her or his role in this unreal-world. Virtual Environment (VE) technology has undergone a transition in the past few years that has taken it out of the realm of expensive toy and into that of functional technology. Recently, in the field of Mental Healthcare, the considerable potential of VEs has been recognised for the scientific study. This paper shows the application of VR and presents the VR research in the University of Veszprem. The virtual worlds are developed for treating phobias.

Computer as a Tool in Postponing Aging

Ülo Kristjuhan

TallinnUniversity of Technology

Ehitajate tee 5, 19086 Tallinn, Estonia



At present average life expectancy is increasing in most countries 0.1−0.3 years every year. Everybody wants to enjoy life. We want to be young for more years. It is possible to make this progress more rapid. Computers open new horizons for creating optimum working environment and postponing aging processes in the human organism, first of all, by creating mild conditions of human activity and computer-assisted instruction.

Virtual Reality and its Applications in the Treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

JoAnn Difede, Ph.D.

WeillMedicalCollege of CornellUniversity

The New YorkPresbyterianHospital, New York

Hunter Hoffman, Ph.D.

Human Interface Technology Laboratory, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington

Cezar Giosan, Ph.D.

WeillMedicalCollege of CornellUniversity

The New YorkPresbyterianHospital, New York


The interface of technology and medicine is creating exciting possibilities for psychiatry and behavior sciences, one of which is the merging of Virtual Reality technology to established psychotherapeutic principles and techniques for the treatment of anxiety disorders. One of the areas in which Virtual Reality technology has been proved useful is the treatment of PTSD following the WorldTradeCenter attacks in the United States. Virtual Reality technology can offer patients who suffer from PTSD and who are unable to recount their traumatic experiences an external setting in which to encounter and master their trauma, greater involvement and a sense of presence that can facilitate processing of the traumatic experience.

Interactive Simulations

of Elementary Physical Experiments

Alena Kovárová, Silvester Czanner

Department of Computer Graphics and Image Processing

Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, ComeniusUniversity

Mlynská dolina, 842 48 Bratislava, SlovakRepublic



Most of the multimedia CD ROMs offer static or unchangeable items like texts, images, sounds or videos without any user interaction. We have created an interactive CD ROM, which simulates several elementary experiments in physics. The CD ROM can be used as a learning tool in the educational process. Before entering this virtual laboratory, students are offered a brief introduction to the simulated problems. Our software has been developed using Macromedia Flash MX, which offers the opportunity to control the running application by changing several parameters. After setting the parameters a physical experiment is simulated and shown to the student via animation.

Sound in Didactic Multimedia Applications

Veronika STOFFA

Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of Informatics, Tr. A. Hlinku 1, 949 74 Nitra, Slovakia



Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Pedagogical Faculty, Department of Educational technology, Tr. A. Hlinku 1, 949 74 Nitra, Slovakia



The article deals with the role of sound and teacher’s voice in multimedia educational computer applications. It focuses on simple possibilities of recording voice sequences and their use in virtual school courseware.

Speech Recognition in daily Hospital practice: Human-Computer Interaction Lessons learned

Andreas Holzinger, Siegfried Ackerl, Gig Searle, Erich Sorantin*

Institute of Medical Informatics, Statistics and Documentation (IMI)

*) Department of Radiology

MedicalUniversity of Graz

A-8036 GrazAustria


Dictation is the most common use of Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) systems today. This includes medical transcriptions, legal and business dictation, as well as general word processing. In some cases special vocabularies are used to increase the accuracy of the system.

Due to the continuously rising costs and stiffening competition in the health care industry, doctors and hospitals need to find effective ways of reducing spending and increasing efficiency whilst still providing high quality care for their patients. One of the main criteria in providing this care for patients, e.g. in a department of Radiology, is the speed with which the radiological finding can be supplied, together with the X-Ray. Therefore we implemented and realized a PC based software solution in the Radiology of the 2300 bed GrazUniversity hospital and carried out experiments since 1998 using Philips SpeechMagicTM speech recognition technology, with the aim to eliminate the need to manually transcribe medical reports in the traditional way. According to Shneiderman (2000) spoken language is effective for human-human interaction but often has severe limitations when applied to human-computer interaction: Speech is slow for presenting information, is transient and therefore difficult to review or edit, and interferes significantly with other cognitive tasks. But most of all we found that most medical doctors were not willing to invest a lot of time and effort in this technology, which is absolutely necessary for getting satisfying results.

In dictation, users may experience more interference between outputting their initial thought and elaborating on it” (Ben Shneiderman, 2000)

Multimedia in Higher Education: Three Years of Experience with e-Learning for Civil Engineering

Martin Ebner

Institute of Structural Concrete (IBB)

GrazUniversity of Technology, Lessingstraße 25, A-8010 Graz

Phone: ++43316873 6196, e-Mail:

Andreas Holzinger

Institute of Medical Informatics, Statistics & Documentation (IMI)

MedicalUniversityGraz, Auenbruggerplatz 2, A-8036 Graz

Phone: ++43316385 3883, e-Mail:


The main course at the Institute of Structural Concrete of Graz University of Technology has been supported by the e-Learning project interactive Visualizations in Civil Engineering, short iVISiCE (Ebner and Holzinger, 2002) for three years now. A large number of animations, visualizations and so called Interactive Learning Objects (ILO) have been created. By using the e-learning platform eLS (eLS, 2003) based on Hyperwave (Maurer, 1996) a blended learning scenario has been applied. The use of discussion forums, chats and e-Mails leads to a new way of teaching. In this paper we provide an overview of some of our experiences and results of the last three years; some didactical concepts and we propose the potential and possibilities of e-Learning in Higher education, but also the problems of such applications, are proposed.

Intelligent Computing for Music and Musicology

Gerhard Widmer

Department of Medical Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence

MedicalUniversity of Vienna


Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Vienna


The paper gives a very cursory overview of some of our current research in the area of Artificial Intelligence and Music. It is shown that intelligent computer programs can ‘understand’ a variety of aspects of music, and can learn to perform complex musical tasks. Two currently ongoing research projects are presented, and it is argued that Artificial Intelligence can both make useful contributions to scientific fields such as musicology, and provide the basis for a new generation of intelligent music software and music services.

A Formal Approach to The Development of Web Based Multimedia Presentations

Roman Berka, Adam J. Sporka, Pavel Slavik, Jiri Zara

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
CzechTechnicalUniversity in Prague, Karlovo nam. 13, 121 35, Prague, Czech Republic

{berka | sporkaa | slavik | zara}@fel.cvut.cz


The progress and expansion of the Internet on one side, and the powerful graphics and audio technologies on the other, allow for ever-increasing complexity of their applications, including the multimedia presentations. Currently, the development of advanced multimedia applications calls for acquisition, storage, and management of large amount of texts, images, videos, etc. In order to maintain a consistency of these resources, certain formalism must be introduced. In this article, we present a new method of structured acquisition and management of the multimedia resources. Our approach is based on the paradigm of uniform descriptors. A uniform descriptor is a collection of properties of logical units it represents, be it an elementary resource (a text, an image, etc.), a group of resources (a thematic unit), or a relation among these resources. The descriptors may form a hierarchical structure reflecting the semantics of the whole presentation. Later in the text, we give an overview of the formal language for computer representation (based on the XML), and describe a use case of our approach.

Preparing for being ready to make good use of VLE possibilities

Pál Pentelényi1 - Péter Tóth2 - Ágnes Tóth3

Bánki Donát Faculty of Budapest Polytechnic

H-1081 Budapest, Népszínház u. 8.


Social needs and employers force the realisation of knowledge acquisition through distant and open teaching with the use of Virtual Learning Environments (VLE). The paper outlines a practicable model of the electronic education and considers some pedagogical aspects of the electronic teaching-learning process (organisational forms, methods, electronic syllabuses, etc.). The role of learning styles in electronic education is also analised.

Multimedia Streaming with Jini

Balazs Vegso, Zoltan Juhasz

Department of Information Systems, University of Veszprem

Egyetem u 10., Veszprem, 8200, Hungary


Multimedia streaming provides solution to media content delivery in situations where a priori media download is not feasible. This paper describes a distributed streaming framework, based on Jini Technology, that overcomes two major problems of streaming systems; end user difficulties related system configuration, and the ability to find unknown media sources as well as perform efficient media search queries.

Use of Virtual Reality Methods for Production Planning

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Franz – Josef Schneider

Hochschule für Technik, Stuttgart

70174 Stuttgart


Virtual reality (VR) methods will be used in production planning in future. In the last few years more and more manufacturing disciplines changed their conventional planning methods and switched over to digital data based models for validation and simulation. As a consequence the switch to a digital manufacturing planning environment speeds up the collaboration between product development, manufacturing engineering and in addition the collaboration inside different manufacturing disciplines. Because more and more of them are involved in this process simple, powerful mechanism are necessary to clarify and discuss planning results with neighbouring planning departments.