Analytical Laboratories
Enviro Check Analytical Laboratories Pty Limited ACN 077 726 820 / 31 Queen Street Narellan
P.O. Box 3157
Mail Delivery Centre
Narellan NSW 2567
Phone: (02) 4647 1242
Fax: (02) 4647 1656

Accredited Lab No: 14469

Enviro Check is a small independent chemical testing service, operating from a well-equipped laboratory at Narellan in Sydney’s South West.

Enviro Check was established in 1997 as an environmental and chemical analysis, contract consulting lab service, specialising in lead assessing and analysis for domestic, commercial and industrial premises.

Enviro Check attained NATA accreditation for testing of Lead in paint and soil in

September 2000. And continue to add new test types to the list of services that can be provided.

Enviro Check provides both a chemical testing and an assessing service in regards to Lead and related issues. Assessments are done under the guidance of the relevant Australian Standard for handling of Lead paint in industrial or domestic premises, and NOHSC and Workcover requirements for occupational health and safety.

Enviro Check is currently the only non-government lab and one of only three public testing services accredited for Lead in paint under NATA Test Category:- 7.26.11 Paint and Related Surface Coatings: Chemical Tests.

NATA Accredited Tests

We can currently provide NATA endorsed test certificates for the following;

* Lead, Cadmium and Chromium in dry paint flakes

* Cadmium, Chromium, Copper, Manganese, Nickel, Lead and Zinc in soils

Analysis for Lead can also be done on ceiling dust and wipe samples

Currently without NATA endorsement.

Enviro Check can also provide a wide variety of chemical tests on soils and waters in the environmental, agricultural and trade waste fields.

Tim Connor, one of Enviro Check’s directors and principal chemist, contributed to the writing of the course notes for the Lead Paint Course run by the Department of Painting and Decorating at Granville TAFE. He also guest lectured, at the in-service for TAFE teachers, and presented the “How to Test for Lead” segment of the course for several presentations to government and private organizations.

The Lead Paint assessing method used is laboratory based, a small sample of paint from various surfaces is removed from the site and taken back to the laboratory, where it is dissolved in acid and then analysed by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy. This is the only certifiable method available and is used to check chemical spot tests and portable XRF results.

The price for a small domestic assessment starts at $200, with a more thorough examination costing around $300-$350 not including GST. Commercial or Industrial assessments prices are based on each particular job.

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