Under Procedure Rule No 11, Councillor T Madge asked the Leader of the Council, Councillor D Cook, the following question:-

"With the recent closure of the Golf Course it was stated by Councillor Thurgood and Councillor Claymore that the buildings will be secured and steps taken to stop people and vehicles accessing the land, when will this happen please?"

Councillor D Cook gave the following reply:

Thank you Mr Mayor

I am happy to respond to this question but would point out that an operational query such as this can be asked of the Portfolio holder or officers at any time but happy to answer it. All details were listed in the Cabinet report from 11th September and as stated in the Cabinet report a number of measures have and will be taken to secure the site including the following;

On Thursday the 2nd Of October an additional trench was dug adjacent to the road to help prevent unauthorised vehicle access. Signage was also erected to notify the public that the site is closed.

On Friday the 3rd of October the majority of the windows and doors were secured with steel shutters and concrete blocks placed at the entrance to the car park.

On Saturday the 4th October the remaining doors and windows were secured.

The site will now be cleared of any combustible materials and the utilities shut off.

I have also exchanged communications with residents in that area and stated that if any Anti-Social incidents occur they must keep reporting these to the Police, but I hope this does not prove to be necessary.

Supplementary question:

The cost was quoted to keep the course open until next spring was estimated to be in the region of £62,000. Can you tell the Council what the cost will be in order to secure the 152 acres to stop vehicle and public access?

If you are serious in trying to stop people getting access, fencing would have to be erected all round and the cost would be far in excess of the projected savings.

Is it not the case that we are spending £5 to save a pound?

Councillor D Cook gave the following reply:

I was the portfolio holder in 2006 when we put fencing up at the football pitches. I can tell you that cost £57,000 so I would not like to think how much it would cost to fence off the whole of the Golf Course.

If Councillor Madge would permit me, I will respond as quickly as I can with as much information as I can.

Email reply after the meeting:

I have looked at your follow up question in regards security at the former golf course site. To be completely honest, we have not / never considered fencing off the whole 61 hectares, thus I am unsure what the cost would be and a little terrified of what it would be. As stated on the night I was the Cabinet Member who found funding to fence off the Anker Valley Football pitches in 2006/07, this cost around £57,000 thus the golf course would be a massive cost.

I know this is brief, but we have genuinely not considered it as it would be next to impossible to achieve. I am pleased to report that as of today I am aware that there has been no rise in ASB in the area since closure other than golfers digging out the old holes to play the course.