[Agency/Clinic] Project Plan
Project Name:
Project Plan Manager:
Project Duration:
Project Goals and Objectives:
· What is the focus of this project?
· Why are we doing it?
· Who will this project impact?
· What do we hope to achieve?
Scope – Project Activities:
· Project Deliverables
o What is our current process in this area?
o What quantitative benchmark goals will tell us we have achieved the change we wish to make?
o How do we need to change our process in order to meet our benchmark goals?
§ How much time (realistically) will it take for us to make this change and meet our goal?
o What quantitative milestones along the way will indicate that we are making progress towards our goals?
o How can we test/prototype this change in a short period of time to meet our milestones?
§ What is our timeline for implementing this prototype?
§ If we don’t meet our milestones, what is our contingency plan?
§ If we do meet our milestones, how will we implement on a broader scale?
• Assumptions
o What assumptions are we making that we will need to address before we can start our project plan?
o What information can we learn as we implement, and what information is critical to research/understand first?
• Communication Plan
o Who will we need to buy into this plan?
o How will we communicate with them? (e.g. establishing regular meetings with top management, town halls, staff meetings, regular emails, special presentations by top management to staff)
• People
o Team Members
§ Who is the Project Sponsor?
§ Who is the Project Manager?
§ What subject matter experts do we need? (e.g. Finance, IT support, data analysis/results communication)
§ Who do we need to report to?
o Stakeholders
§ Who is impacted?
§ Who is interested?
• Money
o Are there cost constraints?
• Supplies and Materials
• Project Documentation
• Data Analysis & Results Communication Needs
• Technical Supports
Project Sponsor: Project Leader:
Signature Date: Signature Date:
Revision History: