VMHA Executive Meeting Agenda

Dec 17, 2014

In Attendance: Durwin Selte, Dave Eremko, Angela Bryden, Jessica Heinrich, Gerald Martin, Erin Baldwin, Lisa Rochford, Larry Eyben, Kim Thompson, Sarah Squires, Corrine Rehman, Leanne Lupul, Heather Oddan, Carla Myshaniuk, Sandra Katuski, Darin Stenhouse, Leslie Carlson, Laurie Bowman

1. Call to Order: Larry called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.

2. Approval of Agenda: Motion by Gerald to approve the agenda. Carried.

3. Approval of Minutes: Amendment to Nov 19, 2014 minutes: Team accounts balances were as of Oct. 31, 2014. Motion to approve the minutes with the amendment by Lisa. Carried.

4. Treasurer’s Report:Account Balances as of November 30, 2014

General Account $104683.35

  • Total Registration Deposits for October were $6818.75
  • Total Expenses in October:$16,249.22

Accounting $2,163.26

Coach Courses $974.20

Ice Fees (September) $8,169.67

Hockey Alberta Fees $3,674.00

Equipment $709.71

Ref Registration Fees $520.00

Office Supplies $38.38

  • Transferred out $10000.00 to Concession Account for a float to be paid back when there are sufficient funds.
  • Concession Expenses paid from General Account in October were paid back $5529.38

Concession Account $27,014.31

  • Total Deposits for October $15,017.60
  • Total Expenses for October $18,060.39
  • Total Expenses Paid from General Account $11,636.32 to be reimbursed

Plan 24 $10,065.31

  • Received $5,400.00 for Jersey Sponsorship in November

5. Team Accounts Report: Account Balances as of November 30, 2014

Team Accounts: $37922.16, Team Account: $17607.92.

6. Director’s Reports:

a) Initiation (Heather Oddan): Clarification of Team Building funds, both Initiation teams wish to access the funds. If the parent’s wish to play the kids, it needs to be done at a private function, booked through the town for Vermilion for insurance purposes. . Gerald made a motion to allow both Initiation teams get to use more than the allotted $100.00 for their function. The tournament made just over $2000.

b) Novice (Sarah Squires): The tournament is full. A question on whether managers need to be carded. If the manager is on the bench or signing the game sheet they must be carded.

c) Atom (Ryan Isley): Ryan was not at the meeting but sent a report saying all is good.

d) Atom/Peewee Girls (Jessica Heinrich): All is good.

e) Peewee (Angela Bryden): The tournament is full. Todd Schule is moving (coach) but wants to continue coaching, as well as having his children play here for the remainder of the year. Alberta Hockey has given permission but we are awaiting approval from his new local minor hockey association.

f) Bantam (Dave Eremko): All is well. The tournament is full.

g) Bantam/Midget Girls (Leanne Lupul): The Midget girls are hosting provincials this year. All is well with both teams. There is an injured girl on the Midget team, and they have requested some of their registration fees to be refunded. As per our handbook, we will refund 50% of the registration fees and one concession shift deposit. Darrin made a motion to approve the Midget girls request to use their team account to pay for their names on the girl’s hoodies this year. Carried.

h) Midget (Frank Eyben): Frank was not in attendance but sent a report that all is going well. There was some discussion about carding a couple of people as assistant coaches as there are some openings.

7. Operations: All is good.

8. Business: Would the directors please let all of the managers know that the midget girls have been selected to host provincials this year and that all teams will be expected to help out in some manner for this weekend. It is scheduled from Mar 19-22, 2015. Most of the jersey sponsors have paid for this year and some from last year. The Figure Skating organization would like someone to open the filing cabinets in the office for them. Larry will look after this for them.

9. Equipment: Darin had purchased some goal equipment and it is all being used. We received 4 brand new bags of equipment from KistAccount Balances as of November 30, 2014

General Account $104683.35

•Total Registration Deposits for October were $6818.75

•Total Expenses in October:$16,249.22

Accounting $2,163.26

Coach Courses $974.20

Ice Fees (September) $8,169.67

Hockey Alberta Fees $3,674.00

Equipment $709.71

Ref Registration Fees $520.00

Office Supplies $38.38

•Transferred out $10000.00 to Concession Account for a float to be paid back when there are sufficient funds.

•Concession Expenses paid from General Account in October were paid back $5529.38

Concession Account $27,014.31

•Total Deposits for October $15,017.60

•Total Expenses for October $18,060.39

•Total Expenses Paid from General Account $11,636.32 to be reimbursed

Plan 24 $10,065.31

•Received $5,400.00 for Jersey Sponsorship in November Kitscoty Minor Hockey and it will be distributed by the KID Sport program.

10. Concession: All is good.

11. Fundraiser: Shannon was not at the meeting but sent a report that stated we profited around $3700.00 from the gala. IT was mentioned that the interest in the gala and subsequently our profits have been declining for the past couple of years. It is maybe time to think of some new ideas to pique interest and increase profits.

12. Website: Anita was not at the meeting but sent word that she would like the directors to remind the team website people to update the website more regularly.

13. Other business:

Clinic Coordinator: Power skating is wrapped up for the year, if any teams wish to continue this program, they need to contact Corinne as arrangements can be made. A request form Rebecca for a case in the lobby was approved. The Figure Skating Club would like to know if we are interested in a bulletin board in the lobby area of the Stadium; the cost is about $600. We are not interested at this time. We will be serving the hot chocolate and donuts (from Co-op) upstairs in the Stadium this year for Minor Hockey week. We do not want to have a DJ/announcer at the Stadium this year for Minor Hockey as we cannot provide it at both ice surfaces. There is a suggestion of doing a puck toss this year as a 50/50. Corinne is thinking of organizing a food bank drive in conjunction with Minor Hockey week as there is a high volume of traffic through the facility that weekend. No budget was set as the organization feels that Corinne will spend what is necessary and very capable in conserving costs.

14. Open Floor discussion: The organization would like to remind our coaches that they are representatives of VMHA and would like them to conduct themselves as ambassadors of the organization. Lisa made a motion to have Dave write a letter to Shawn Bell of the town of Vermilion in regards to the usage of the room upstairs in the Stadium. Carried. A question arose about considering 3 Atom teams next year if the numbers stay steady or increase. It was stated that we would either have to have 3 Tier 2 teams that are picked in non-competitive manner or 1 Tier 1 and 2 Tier 3 teams. There was discussion of the VMHA uniforms and what our expectations as an organization are in regards to teams not complying to uniform expectations. Gerald will look after conveying our expectations to non-complying teams.

15. Next Meeting: Jan. 21 at 7 pm.

16. Meeting Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at 9:08 pm by Larry.