1. Translate the following phrases into English:

vladavina prava ______

rješavati sporove______

izvršna grana vlasti______

akuzatorni postupak ______/7

2. Translate the following into Croatian:

a unitary state ______

allocation of power ______

a binding judgment______

an independent judiciary ______/7

3. Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate word(s) from the list below:

conform, executive, functions, administrative, legislative, judicial

There are three main ______of government. These are the ______, the ______and the ______. The theory of separation of powers states that those functions should be carried out by different bodies. The British Constitution does not ______to this theory. The same people are members of the executive and legislature and there are some ______functions which are carried out by the courts. /6

4. Complete the following statements:

A state is a ______division in which a community of people lives subject to a ______system of law.

Bureaucracy derives its authority from ______.

The rule of law means that all power in a community should be subject to ______.

The legislature ______the laws, the judiciary imposes sanctions for ______the law and the executive ______the law into effect.

The European Convention on Human Rights was drawn up within the ______and it entered into force in ______.

The Constitution of the United Kingdom is ______. /10

5. Translate the following sentences:

The term 'democratic state under the rule of law' means a state where citizens elect their own leaders, a state where government itself is bound by the law and helps ensure that the law is respected in the relations between citizens. /5

The Convention prohibits torture and inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, the death penalty, slavery and forced labour, discrimination in the enjoyment of rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Convention and expulsion of a state’s own nationals. /5


1. Translate the following phrases into English:

vladavina prava – the rule of law

rješavati sporove – to settle (resolve) disputes

izvršna grana vlasti – the executive branch of government

akuzatorni postupak – adversarial procedure

2. Translate the following into Croatian:

a unitary state – jedinstvena država

allocation of power – dodjela ovlasti

a binding judgement – obvezujuća presuda

an independent judiciary – neovisno sudstvo

3. Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate word(s) from the list below:

conform, executive, functions, administrative, legislative, judicial

There are three main FUNCTIONS of government. These are the EXECUTIVE, the LEGISLATIVE and the JUDICIAL. The theory of separation of powers states that those functions should be carried out by different bodies. The British Constitution does not CONFORM to this theory. The same people are members of the executive and legislature and there are some ADMINISTRATIVE functions which are carried out by the courts.

4. Complete the following statements:

A state is a TERRITORIAL division in which a community of people lives subject to a UNIFORM system of law.

Bureaucracy derives its authority from LAW.

The rule of law means that all power in a community should be subject to GENERAL RULES.

The legislature MAKES/ENACTS/PASSES the laws, the judiciary imposes sanctions for BREAKING the law and the executive PUTS the law into effect. (EXECUTES).

The European Convention on Human Rights was drawn up within the COUNCIL OF EUROPE and it entered into force in1953.

The Constitution of the United Kingdom is UNWRITTEN/FLEXIBLE.