Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. 31...Love your neighbor as yourself. Mark 12:30-31 NIV

Word of the Month: NEIGHBOR

Much like this past spring, we again were blessed with a powerful and awesome Fall Walk season. REC #17 (Residents Encounter Christ - the Emmaus Walk for those in prisons), saw 31 inmates attend, and Walks 120 and 121 experienced similar numbers. Thanks to the three Lay Directors, Bruce Seymour, Larry Holthouser and Rhoda Baumfalk for being obedient in allowing God to assemble three outstanding teams that ministered and showed agape love to all the pilgrims and candidates this fall. Special thanks to you, Elizabethtown Emmaus Community for all you continued to do to offer this special gift we call the Walk to Emmaus, to so many outstanding Christian leaders in Central Kentucky! But God’s work is not yet complete, we have Chrysalis 48 taking place this coming weekend (Nov. 5-7), so please be in prayer, and support that team as you have all the others this fall!

We’d also like urge you to keep up the good work, as we begin initial preparations for our spring Walk season. Congratulations to Tom Crittenden (Men 122), Mitzi Lynch (Women 123) and Dick Dye (REC 18) who were recently announced as the Spring 2012 Walk Lay Directors.

November Gathering will be this Saturday, November 5th at Memorial United Methodist Church beginning at 7:00 PM. This will be “Open Mic” (microphone) when we welcome all our new pilgrims from Walks 120 and 121, to share with us their Fourth Day experiences. Immediately afterwards we’ll have a time of food and fellowship in the church’s fellowship hall, so please bring your favorite dessert and enough to share with others and/or some two liter soft drinks, coffee will be furnished. Also after the Gathering, Larry Holthouser will conduct a short training session on sponsoring pilgrims that is open to anyone interested in how to become, and properly sponsor a pilgrim on an Emmaus Walk.

Jeff Noel, Community Spiritual Director, will share with us who’s our “neighbor”, why we should care, and what we should do for them, as we begin to wind down our look at our 2011 Scripture Focus - Mark 12:30-31. The Board of Directors election will also be held at this Gathering. So clear the calendar, and make every effort to attend this month’s Emmaus Gathering, as we welcome all of our new Community members!

Look forward to seeing you then!


Doug Shepherd, E’town Community Lay Director

Walk 108, Table of Matthew

Board of Directors Happenings

Two major actions were taken by the Emmaus Board of Directors at their October meeting. First, they voted to continued to hold monthly Emmaus Gatherings on the first Saturday of each month. Secondly, in an effort to make Gatherings more “family friendly” they are inviting all children to come to the Gatherings with their parents. As a result, childcare will no longer be offered during Gatherings, beginning this month. However, childcare will be provided for children of all ages during all Candlelight services.

The new Chrysalis Community Lay Director is Amanda Drane. Spring Chrysalis dates are February 18-20, 2012.

The Board also approved the slate of Board of Director nominees from the nominating committee. This slate of 15 will be presented and five selected via secret ballot at the November Gathering, to serve on the Board of Directors for a three year term. Newly elected board members will actually attend the December Board Meeting, then officially begin their terms on January 1, 2012. The following individuals have been nominated to serve on the Board and have agreed to serve if elected:

Tracy Arflin / Rhoda Baumfalk
Homer Carter / Carolyn Cox
Karen Dean / Becky Frye
Amy Gennett / Darrel Gennett
Karolyn Griswell / Heather Holthouser
Kevin Oldham / Mark Riordan
Angela Rutledge / Josh Smith
Doug Stone

Please give each of these names some prayerful consideration. Remember this isn’t a popularity contest, but a serious endeavor to lead God’s people to develop quality Christian leadership that will not only bring glory to Christ but expand His kingdom as well and strengthen area churches! Also remember that one of the five Board members elected will possibly serve as Community Lay Director during their second year on the Board.

Thanks to our nominating committee for the slate of potential board members and those members of the Community, who through prayer, said yes to serving in this important role if selected.

Welcome Walk 120 Pilgrims

Josh Bennett Brian Berndt Steve Boyd

Shelby Byrd Vince Carman Curtis Cartwright

David Cress Tony Emmerson Bogey Gambino

Tony Golladay Gary Grant Kevin Green

C.W. Locke Adrian Lunsford Danny Lyvers

George Miller Marty Moutardier Angelo Owens

John Rogers Lynnie Rucker Kenny Saltsman

Jeff Snellen Todd Stewart Ryan Todd

Timmy Tucker Steve Utter

Welcome Walk 121 Pilgrims

Allison Bennett Wanda Berndt Brenda Boyd

Kathy Brown Susie Byrd Dawn Emmerson

Angie Fox Leann Givan Arlene Golladay

Becky Grant Theresa Hatcher Mandy Hayduk

Stephanie Hester Leslie Jarrell Laura Jones

Billie Jo Lowrey Vickie Lunsford Pam Lyons

Linda Maassen Theresa McMahan Tonja Minnich

Phyliss Oller Stefanie Pawley Jennifer Phelps

Kathy Rucker Malissa Russell Shannon Saltsman

Pam Serpico Tammy Shoffner Stephanie Simpson

Jackie Summitt Angie Thomas Ann Tinker

Megan Tucker Demarys Velez Stacie Wilkerson

Walk Followup

This past week, both fall Walk Lay Directors, Walk Board Reps, Community Lay and Spiritual Directors, Board Vice Chair, and both spring Walk Lay Directors met to review the past two walks and share experiences with the upcoming Lay Directors. This was a new effort “To Make the Best Better!” as we say in 4H, and improve communication at all levels within Emmaus. Some minor recommendations will be presented to the Board at their next meeting, as a result of what was discussed. This was a very positive, productive meeting according to all involved, and God’s hand at work through this thing we call Emmaus it’s quite apparent and amazing!

Team Selection Process

Much like all other aspects of Emmaus, the Team Selection Process takes place in a very deliberate and purposeful manner. Since many of you have asked how this actually happens, and due to the fact that this process is just beginning for the Spring 2012 walks, thought we’d share how all this takes place.

First let’s review some thoughts on the Team Selection process as detailed in the Upper Room Handbook on Emmaus. The process is not only important to each Walk but also the health of the Emmaus Community as a whole. The team selection process should assure: (1) the choice of a strong and balanced team after prayer and reflection on the gifts, experience, and needs of the community members; (2) broad involvement by the Emmaus Community on teams; (3) cultivation of new leadership for future Walks and the Community; and (4) attention to what people need, to grow in grace and authentic servanthood. In view of these aims, the Team Selection Committee selects all team members, except the Walk Lay Director and Spiritual Director.

Etown Emmaus Policy states that the Team Selection Committee (TSC) shall be composed of: the Prior Year Community Lay Director who serves as Chair of the Committee, Community Lay and Spiritual Directors, Vice-Chair of Board of Directors (if filled), Walk Lay and Spiritual Directors, Immediate Past Walk Lay Director, three at-large members chosen from the Community that are selected by the TSC Chair. These at-large members are to be the same gender as the Walk Lay Director and are to reflect a theological balance. They may be selected from: Representatives from active reunion groups, or Past Lay Directors or members of the Board of Directors.

That their first meeting the TSC reviews each active (not older than two years) volunteer sheet, those that serve in Fourth Day support positions (serving meals/72 hour prayer vigil, etc.), involved in reunion groups and attend Gatherings. Each volunteer sheet has one of these three indicators placed on it:

·  Green - the volunteer is known by a member of the committee and is a good candidate for the team, or

·  Yellow - the volunteer is known by a member of the committee and there is a concern that it’s not a good time for the volunteer to work in the conference room or on the team, or

·  Red - the volunteer is not known by any member of the committee and/or is not suitable to be a team member at this time.

Also reviewed with the Walk Lay Director at this meeting is the Upper Room Handbook Team Selection Guidelines regarding progressive servanthood, anonymous positions of servanthood, the “One-third” Rule (1/3 very experienced working on walks, 1/3 moderate experience, 1/3 new/no experience), involving new clergy, new and experienced Assistant Lay Directors, theological balance, mixing men and women on clergy teams, and honoring Emmaus Community participation. Also the restriction that not more than five volunteers may work consecutive walks, and the need to qualify volunteers as potential Walk Lay Directors.

A subsequent meeting date is mutually agreed upon by the Committee. At that meeting the Walk Lay Director after much prayer and discernment from God will present to the committee a list of recommended primary volunteers to serve in each of the 48 walk team positions. Two back up volunteers will also be recommended for each position. The committee will review all these recommendations, and finalize the Walk Team recommendation. After this meeting the Walk Lay Director then begins contacting primary volunteers to see if they are willing to fulfill the team member responsibility for which they have been recommended. If they decline to serve, then the secondary and/or tertiary recommended volunteers are contacted. If all these reject serving, then the Walk Lay Director is to contact a designed member of the TSC to discuss alternative candidates.

Each month the Walk Lay Director submits to the Board of Directors a roster of confirmed team members. The Lay Director is accountable to the TSC and the Board of Directors to comply with TSC policy, as well as act diligently and timely in the selection of the Walk team.

This whole process takes a couple of months to complete, and is to be completed and finalized approximately 90 days prior to the Walk.

And that’s how Walk Team Selection Process takes place. Please be in prayer for all those involved in this process!

Prayer Time


·  Upcoming Chrysalis 48 - Lay Directors, Sponsors, Butterflies and Teams

·  Pilgrims from REC 17, Walk 120 and 121 on their Fourth Days

·  Deployed Military Service Men and Women especially those from Fort Knox

·  Reunion Groups

·  Those in our Emmaus Community that have experienced the loss of a loved one

·  The Spiritually Lost

·  Upcoming Elections on November 8th

·  New Board of Director election

·  Your Emmaus Board and Leadership

Mark Your Calendars

November 5th / Chrysalis Sendoff Board Meeting
Gathering -
Fellowship and Pilgrim’s Sponsorship Training after Gathering / 9:30 AM
5:00 PM
7:00 PM / Campground
Memorial UMC
Memorial UMC
November 6th / Chrysalis Candlelight / 8:00 PM / Memorial UMC
November 7th / Chrysalis Closing / 5:00 PM / Campground
December 3rd / Board Meeting
Gathering / 5:00 PM
7:00 PM / Memorial UMC
Memorial UMC
December 3rd / Board Meeting
Gathering / 5:30 PM
7:00 PM / Memorial UMC
Memorial UMC
January 7th / Board Meeting
Gathering / TBD
7:00 PM / Memorial UMC
Memorial UMC
18th - 20th / Chrysalis 49
8th - 11th / Men’s Walk 122
15th - 18th / Women’s Walk 123