WG C Groundwater

Progress report October 2011 – May 2012

for the Strategic Co-ordination Group of 10/11 May 2012

Authors: Johannes Grath, Anna Hall


·  22nd WG C Groundwater Plenary meeting on 20–21 March 2012 in Brussels. Main topics:

WG C Activity 1 – Continuation of Exchange of best practice:

·  GW-body delineation and GIS-presentation

Ø  Summary of a respective Eurogeosurvey workshop

Ø  Approaches of MS

Ø  Problems encountered when a European GW-body layer was compiled

·  Drinking water protected areas

·  Status and trend assessment

·  Development of wetland TVs

·  Overview of existing guidance documents

WG C Activity 3 – Groundwater and climate change

·  Presentation and discussion draft summary report from the workshop held in October 2011


·  23rd plenary meeting of WG C Groundwater on 08/09 October 2012 in Limassol (Cyprus)

·  Contribution to SPI: completion of ‘research needs’ questionnaire by 25th May 2012


Activity WG C 1 (Exchange of best practice):

GW-body delineation and GIS presentation - Conclusions

·  Recognition by WG C Groundwater of need to:

-  Produce and deliver consistent reporting of groundwater information e.g. groundwater bodies for Europe

-  Establish improved communication with WG D

-  That data/information should as far as reasonably possible be suitable for GIS

-  There is a need for harmonisation and for uniform assignment of GW-bodies to horizons and to GIS-layers (3-dimensional units, vertical strata)

-  It is recommended to review the attributes and pick list (table presented by Klaus Duscher on behalf of ETC/ICM) for the reporting of GW bodies, as WG C think there are opportunities for improvement

-  Remark: It was stated, that delineation of groundwater bodies is at the discretion of MS, as they function as management units

·  Conclusions by WG C Groundwater

-  WG C wants to contribute constructively to reporting by providing technical expertise for groundwater related topics

-  WG C proposes the following activities:

Ø  Small group to improve guidance with respect to assignment to horizons

Ø  Review of current reporting guidance with recommendations for amendment from groundwater experts based on lessons learned

Ø  Recommendations of attributes that should be optional with respect to reporting

Ø  Define and improve definitions for reporting for next cycle

Drinking water protected areas - Conclusions

By and large CIS Guidance No 16 “Drinking Water protected areas” was regarded as useful. The following conclusions were expressed:

·  Further guidance in relation to the risk based approach and transboundary GWBs is needed

·  Harmonise regulations (frequencies, parameters) between “Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points” (HACCP) and WFD

·  Use of raw water data from drinking water suppliers and harmonising approaches were regarded as helpful

Ø  recommendation to update guidance concerning integration of raw water data from drinking water suppliers and the risk based approach; moreover, a joint water safety plan according to DW-D and WFD requirements should be considered

Status and Trends – Conclusions

The respective guidance is helpful – needs for amendments were not expressed. However, for performing the test for GWDTEs and for GW dependent aquatic ecosystems further best practice examples would be helpful.

Development of wetland TVs – UK approach

Based on GW quality monitoring of water feeding GWDTEs, GW chemical measurements in GWDTEs and literature TVs were derived for nitrate – for 11 GWDTE categories and for three altitude levels ranging from four to 26 mg/l nitrates.

In order to improve this approach and continue such investigations, it is intended to distribute a questionnaire among WG C members asking for contacts of experts within a country which else could hold such information in Europe. These experts are going to be approached and the results shall be presented at the next WG C meeting.

Existing guidance docs

-  Transboundary issues in CIS Guidance docs – what does harmonisation mean?

-  Groundwater and dependent aquatic ecosystems – knowledge gap still exists; team of volunteers will provide examples


Update concerning activity in expert group “Water scarcity and droughts” concerning GW-issues; via the established link information exchange is ensured.

Information concerning planned procedure for development of WG mandates for next period. First input was collected via brainstorming within WG C.


WG C Groundwater meeting in October 2012

Activity WG C 1: exchange of best practice concerning:

-  Risk management and programme of measures – assisting to make PoMs operational

-  Complementary to the exchange of best practice for the above mentioned issue lessons learnt from reporting process for the 1st RBMP will be discussed

Depending on decision of SCG: Ad hoc Activity “Workshop Climate Change and Groundwater”: development of recommendations to make river basin management plans CC proof – by feeding the established knowledge base on CC impacts on groundwater into the policy process

Proposed schedule – Way forward

·  research priorities as contribution to SPI activities – deadline 25th May 2012

·  Autumn 2012 – 8/9th October next WG C Groundwater meeting in Limassol (Cyprus)

·  Workshop on Groundwater and Climate Change – recommendations to make RBMPs CC proof with regard to groundwater

·  Continue and summarize exchange of best practice according to Activity WG C 1

·  Distribution of questionnaire within WG C concerning contact information of experts dealing with GWDTEs.

·  Start identification of issues for next mandate period