Author Instructions for Typing Manuscript
(The paper titleis in Times New Romanfont 16 pt in bold, with only the first word capitalized, centered and containingno more than 15 words)
Jan Černetiča , Jurij Prezeljb and Mirko Čudinaa
(author’s name(s),font 12 pt in lower case, surname(s) in capital letters, without title, centered)
a Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana,
Aškerčeva 6, 1000 Ljubljana, SLOVENIA, e-mail:
(Affiliations: organization, department, street, zip code, city, state, country and e-mail of the corresponding author,centered, font 12 pt)
b Laboratory for Technical Acoustics, University of Ljubljana,
Aškerčeva 6, 1000 Ljubljana, SLOVENIA
Begin your paper here on the first page with the abstract (200 words maximum). The text of the abstract and the other headings must be typed single-space, one column to a page, on an A4 format sheet, using Times New Roman, font 12 point and fully justified left and right, normal text style. At the top of the first page, use the pasted logo of the congress.Keep theabstract and the remaining text of the paper within the margins 25 mm from all borders. This instructions sheet is typed according to the specifications detailed herein for typing on the pages; with the correct style for headings, as explained and illustrated in the following text. Papers are organized in the following order: abstract, introduction, main body, conclusion, acknowledgments (if any), references, and appendices (if needed).Only manuscripts in the English language will be accepted.The EAA EUROREGIO 2010 Proceedings will be published on a CD-ROM, and handed to each conference delegate at the beginning of the congress.
Abstract must end on the first page
Start 2nd and subsequent pageshere
(Begin the introduction on the second page)
Paper length: Author-prepared papers may be of any number of pages from 2to 4 for Contributed papers and up to 6 and 8 pagesfor Invited and Plenary Keynote papers.
Units: SI (Metric) units of measurement are to be used in all papers.If the English conventional system of units is used, the SI equivalents should be inserted in parentheses following the English values.
Major headings are typed in capital letters (12-point) and centered within the margins of the page. Leave a line space above and below the major heading.
Subheadings are typed (12-point)with the initial letter of each word capitalized, and placed flush left. One line of space is left above the subheading, and the text begins on the next line below it.
Sub-subheadings. Sub-subheadings are underlined, typed with the initial letter of each word capitalized, and placed flush left. One line of space is left above the sub-subheading, and the text followed by a period, space and the text on the same line. All headings, subheadings and sub-subheadings are to be printed in a bold face.
3. Figures and tables
Figures and tables should be placed in the body of the text as soon as practical after the first reference to that annotation in the text and may be centered on the page or placed in two columns on the page to save space. Leave at least one line of space between tables or figures and text.
Table 1. Table captions are above the table (flush with the left-hand margin of the table, font 11 pt)
a / b / c / d / e / f / g / hx / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1
y / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2
Figure 1. Figure captions and any explanatory legend type below the figure (centered, font 11 pt)
Illustrations (graphs and line drawings) and photographs must be ready for printing, that means: sharp, clear, in black and white (Indian ink line drawings are highly suitable for reproduction purposes), and must be reduced in size to fit on the page. Lettering must be large enough to remain legible; a minimum height of 2 mm and maximum of 5 mm is recommended. Photographs should be screened and pasted down in camera-ready form.Color may be used.
Equations are typed. Number displayed equations consecutively from (1) to the end of the paper. As shown in Eq. (1), enclose equation numbers in parentheses and place them flush right on the page; leave one line of space above and below the displayed equations.
When referring to an equation in the text, type Eq. (1).
Footnotes should be avoided. Use references instead.
Please follow these paper preparation instructions carefully and make sure that your paper is between two and eight pages in length.
Note that the final congress program will include only accepted full-length papers (for which a registration fee has been received).
We gratefully acknowledge all authors for submitting their work to EAA EUROREGIO 2010.
5. references
Under the heading references, list and number all references. When referring to them in the text, type the reference number in square parentheses 1. References should be cited at the end of the article in the following form: author, title, publication and/or publisher, volume and number, year and page numbers. See example below:
1 Beranek, L. L., “Noise Control”. McGraw Hill, New York, 1999. (for books)
2 Young, R.W., “Revision of the Speech-privacy Calculations”. Journal Acoustical
Society of America, Vol. 38, 1965, pp. 524-530. (for articles in journals)
3J. Černetič, J. Prezelj and M. Čudina, “Title of the paper”, Proceedings of the 3rdAAAA International Congress on Sound and Vibration 2007, Graz, 2007, pp. 379-382. (for articles in proceedings)
End of paper without Appendix
Page Numbers. Please do not insert page numbers in the paper.
Name your file “EAA-EUROREGIO-xxx.pdf”, where “xxx” are the final three digits of the abstract number you received in the Letter of Acceptance of the Abstract. For example, if your abstract number was 013, name your paper file “EAA-EUROREGIO-013.pdf”. Please ensure that the pdf file is 1MB or smaller and that the name of the file is exactly as prescribed before (no additional characters, no spaces…).
Once again carefully proof-read your manuscript in the final camera-ready form then:
Submit your paper as a pdf (Portable Document Format) file using the Paper Submission form on the congress website the deadline of June 30, 2010.The pdf file of your final paper must not be locked!
However, before the electronic submission of the paper choose the appropriate session ( in which you propose your paper to be included in the final congress program.
Authors who submit their material late may not be able to have their papers printed on the CD-ROM of Proceedingsat the First Congress of EAA EUROREGIO 2010 in Ljubljana, SLOVENIA.
Questions. Please refer any questions to Mirko Čudina, Congress Chairman.