Content for Model Rates Notice – 2016/17

Page 1 – General Outline & Specific Front Page Text

Page 2 – Menu of Rating Options/Charges that are required on the Notice

Page 3 – Back Page of Notice with accurate technical details.

General Outline

In 2005 the LGA worked with communication and rates administration staff to produce good practice guidelines and a model rates notice. It sought advice from stakeholders, including COTA National Seniors, Office of the Valuer General; Child, Youth & Family Services (CYFS); Revenue SA; State Electoral Office; & the Department of Water, Land Biodiversity & Conservation (DWLBC), and had input from Norman Waterhouse Lawyers.

Key elements of the Good Practice Notice include:

  1. A reference to "Having difficulties paying your rates?" which has clear and easy directions for seeking assistance and to discuss payment options on a confidential basis. This is located on the front page of the notice, in the "payment methods" section.
  2. Clear instructions to direct people to where they can find out how rates are calculated.
  3. Highlighting that community consultation around service provision and rate setting has occurred, and informs people how to find out more if they are still concerned. (On the model notice, this is titled - "Have your views been heard?")
  4. Reducing the amount of legislative language used. The Act requires certain information be included on the notice, but it is important to make the content easy to understand.
  5. Indicating that the amount now due is the quarterly figure (plus any arrears) whilst making clear that payment of the annual amount can also occur.

The guidelines and models have been updated in 2016. See green text for changes

This document should be used in conjunction with the PDF Model Notice (which provides design suggestions for the layout of the notice making it simple and easy to read).

Councils will also need to carefully look through the text on the notice and ensure that they include specific relevant information where needed (eg Council details, phone numbers, contact details, Agency offices, Financial Years etc).

Life of this Notice

Please note this Notice has been prepared for the 2016/17 Rating Year. It will again be amended for 2017/18.

ECM 590510


Front Page of Notice

Most of the content for the front page needs to be looked at with the PDF model notice for it to make sense as it is predominantly design focused.

Rate Notice 2016/17

Rate and Charges for Period: XXXX to XXXX

Rates declared on XXXX

Quarterly Payment

Last Day for Payment

Assessment Number

Date of Notice

Property Details

Valuation Number [Valuer General Number]

Capital/Site/Annual Value [delete as required]

Council Rates are exempt from GST


Amount Now Due [Quarterly Amount & any arrears due]

1st Quarter [insert same amount as “amount now due” and due date]

2nd Quarter, 3rd Quarter, 4th Quarter [these need to have forecasted amounts and relevant due dates – remember if it’s a 2nd, 3rd or 4th notice these amounts may change if arrears are owing at the relevant time]

Payment Methods – see over for details

Want to know what you get for your rates? Visit

Having difficulty paying your rates?

If you are experiencing difficulties in paying your rates please contact xxxx on xxxx to discuss payment options. These enquiries are treated confidentially.

Assessment Number

Quarterly Amount

Last Day for Payment

Fines apply for payments not received at the Council by the Due Date

Menu of Rating Options/Charges that are required on the Notice

(for consideration on Council Rates Notice, in the main panel on the front page of the notice)

Valuation = BBBB

Rate in $ValuationAmount

Rates and Charges

General Rate [specify rate in $ and valuation]

Egrate in $$BBBB$CCCC

Fixed Charge [where applicable]$DDDD

Minimum Rate [only need to mention where Council adopts a minimum rate AND it relates to a property]$EEEE

Identify if it is a general minimum rate or minimum service rate/charge or both

Differential General Rate [specify differentiating factor eg land use/locality, rate in $ and valuation]

egResidentialrate in $$BBBB$FFFF

Annual Service Rate [specify name/s of service; if vacant/occupied and other varying factors]

egWaste CollectionOccupiedrate in $$BBBB$GGGG

Annual Service Charge [specify name/s of service and basis for charge/s; if vacant/occupied and other varying factors]

eg Community Wastewater Management System(based on nature of service)$HHHH

Separate Rate [specify purpose and basis for separate rate and indicate if basis is differential]

egMain Street Projectrate in $$BBBB$JJJJ


Mandatory [specify from s160 – s165 under Local Government Act]

egCommunity Service Rebate 75% - $KKKK

Discretionary [specify Council decision s. 166 under Local Government Act] - $LLLL


Discretionary [specify Council decision see s. 182 under Local Government Act] - $MMMM

Total Council Rates Liability 2016/17$XXXX

Deductions (eg refunds)$NNNN

Natural Resources Management Levy [specify name of Board and basis for applying levy] $YYYY

State Govt Funded Concessions [specify details eg CWMS] - $OOOO [or] SEE REVERSE



To be included on 2nd, 3rd & 4th Notice Instalments

Payments Received to date-$PPPP

Balance for 2016/17RRRR


How were my rates calculated? Visit www. Xxxx or phone xxxx for a detailed explanation

Important Information for Year Ending 30th June, 2017

Payment of Rates

Rates are payable in four approximately equal instalments.You may elect to pay any instalmentin advance. We will send you further notices for each quarter. If the amount due remains unpaid after the due date, it may be recovered in a court of competent jurisdiction.

Fines on Rates

Rates will be overdue if they have not been paid by the “last day for payment” shown on the front of this notice. After this date, additional charges will apply:-

  • a fine of 2% of the amount due will be added immediately and
  • at the end of each month thereafter, interest (at the rate prescribed in the Local Government Act 1999) will be added on any balance (including interest)not then paid.

Rate Concessions

State Government Concessions

From 1 July 2015, the State Government elected to replace the concession on Council rates with the “cost of living payment” provided directly to those entitled. This payment may be used for any purpose, including offsetting Council rates. To check eligibility contact the Department for Communities and Social Inclusion Concessions Hotline 1800 307 758 or at

The separate concession entitlements for Council Community Waste Water Schemes (CWMS) remain unchanged. Should you beentitled to the State Government funded concession on CWMS rates this will be reflected on the front of this rate notice.

Persons experiencing hardship may seek assistance from Council; contact phone XXXX for a confidential discussion or email XXXX

Council Rebates
Certain persons/and or organisations may be eligible for a rebate, eg community groups, health and education organisations etc. Phone xxxxxxxx or email xxxxx for further information.

Postponement of rates – seniors

Ratepayers who hold a State seniors card (or who are eligible to hold a State seniors card and have applied for one) are able to apply to Council to postpone payment of rates on their principal place of residence. Postponed rates remain as a charge on the land and are not required to be repaid until the property is sold or disposed of. Phone xxxx xxxx or email xxxxx for further information.

Natural Resources Management Levy
The Natural Resource Management levy is a State tax. Councils are required to collect it under the NRM Act. Enquiries should be directed to the XXXX NRM Board(s), phone XXXX, website XXXX.

Change of Address or Ownership
Please advise Council, in writing, immediately if your details have changed.

Objection to Valuation

You may object to the valuation referred to in this notice by writing served personally or by post on the Valuer-General within 60 days after the date of service of this notice.

But Note:
(a) if you have previously received a notice or notices under the Local Government Act 1999 referring to the valuation and informing you of a 60-day objection period, the objection period is 60 days after service of the first such notice;

(b) you may not object to the valuation if the Valuer-General has already considered an objection by you to that valuation.

The Valuer-General may extend the 60 day objection period where it be shown there is reasonable cause to do so by a person entitled to make an objection to a valuation.

A written objection to valuation must set out the full and detailed grounds for objection. Objections can also be submitted via an online form at enter “Objecting to a Valuation” in the search field.Differential rates (and or charges) imposed by rates (and or charges) are still due and payable by the due date even if an objection has been lodged.

Objections are to be forwarded to:
State Valuation Office
GPO Box 1354, Adelaide 5001

101 Grenfell Street, Adelaide 5000
Phone 1300 653 345

Fax 08 8226 1428

Objection to Land Use [Only for Councils using differential rates based on land use]
Differential General Rates imposed by the Council are based on various Land Use Categories. Should you have any reason to believe that the Land Use Category applied to your account is incorrect, you may lodge a written objection to Council outlining the grounds upon which your objection is based. Objections must be submitted to Council within 60 days of receiving this notice.

Rates are still due and payable by the due date even if an objection has been lodged.

Voters Roll
Persons on the State House of Assembly Electoral Roll are automatically included in the Council Voters Roll and entitled to vote in Council elections. Others who are ratepayers may also be entitled to be enrolled on the Council Voters Roll and will need to apply for enrolment. If you have any queries please contact xxxxxx on yyyyyyyyy.

Have your views been heard?

Council has undertaken community consultation on the draftannual business plan. If you are concerned or worried about your Council rates, contact xxxx on phone xxxxxxxx or email xxxxx.

A summary of Council’s annual business plan is sent out with the first rates notice each financial year. The full version is available at xxxxx.

ECM 590510