Please answer the questions and indicate the symptoms which most closely describe your current problem. Please tick each of the relevant circles.

1-How long have you been ill?

...... hours ...... days ...... weeks ...... months ...... years

Why do you need to see the doctor now? (you may indicate more than one reason)

2- O I have fever...... How many degrees?......

Since (date)......

3- O I have a headache...... Since (date)......

4- O I'm aching all over...... Since (date)......

5- O I'm exhausted...... Since (date)......

6- O I've lost my appetite...... Since (date)......

7- O I've lost weight...... Since (date)...... how much?...... (in kg)

8- O I've put on weight...... Since (date)...... how much?...... (in kg)

9- O I'm sweating heavily...... Since (date)......

10-O I feel sick...... Since (date)......

11-O I keep falling asleep...... Since (date)......

12-O I'm not sleeping well...... Since (date)......

13-O Loss of consciousness...... Date...... Duration......

14-O Convulsions...... Date......

15- O I have a cold...... Since (date)......

16-O I have a sore throat...... Since (date)......

17-O I have a nosebleed...... Since (date)......

18-O I have earache...... Since (date)......

19-O I have a hearing problem...... Since (date)......

20-O I have toothache...... Since (date)......

21-O I have a cough...... Since (date)......

22-O I make noises when I breathe...... Since (date)

23-O I have difficulty breathing...... Since (date)......

24-O I'm bringing up saliva...... With blood O, Without blood O.

Since (date)......

25-O I have chest pains...... Since (date)......

26-O My heart is beating...... faster O, slower O, irregularly O

Since (date)......

27-O I have acid in the stomach...... Since (date)......

28-O I have stomach pains...... Since (date)......

29-O I have abdominal pains...... Since (date)......

30-O I'm constipated...... Since (date)......

31-O I have diarrhoea...... Since (date)......

32-O I have blood in my stools...... Since (date)......

33-O I have nausea/vomiting...... Since (date)...... With blood O, Without blood O

34-O I have a body itch ...... Since (date)......

35-O I have skin trouble...... Since (date)......

36-O I have a genital irritation...... Since (date)......

37-O I have sexual problems...... Since (date)......

38-O I have erection problems...... Since (date)......

39-O I have a pain in my testicles...... Since (date)......

40-O I have a burning sensation when I urinate...... Since (date)......

41-O I've seen blood in my urine...... Since (date)......

42-O My urine is leaking...... Since (date)......

43-O I have difficulty urinating...... Since (date)......

44-O I haven't had my period...... Date of last menstruation......

45-O I'm pregnant...... Date of last menstruation......

46-O I have vaginal bleeding ...... Date of last menstruation......

47-O My periods are painful...... Since (date)......

48-O I have a heavy vaginal discharge...... Since (date).

49-O I'm feeling very unhappy...... Since (date)......

50-O I'm feeling very nervous...... Since (date)......

51-O I've taken: Drugs O, Alcohol O

52-O The following has happened to me: I've fallen O, Someone has attacked me O, I've had a road accident O, I've been raped O

53-O I can't see properly ...... Since (date)......

I can't see close up O, I can't see at a distance O

My vision is blurred O, I'm seeing double O, I only see partially O

54-O I have a pain (indicate where in the picture) Since (date)......

If your problem is not covered by any of the above, use the picture to indicate where it is.