(From consultant to request access for VI testing)
Property Owner’s Name
Street Address
Town, NJ ZIP
Re:Vapor Intrusion Testing at:
Street Address
Municipality, County
Block #, Lot#
For:Site Name
Street Address
Municipality, County
NJDEP Program Interest (PI) #:
Dear [Property Owner’s Name]:
[Name of consultant], on behalf of our client [name of person responsible for conducting the remediation], is investigating [soil and] ground water contaminationat the [Site Name] site. During the investigation, elevated levels of [list compound(s)]were detected in the ground water. [This contaminant belongs/These contaminants belong] to a class of chemicals known as volatile organic compounds (VOCs).[Recent sampling has indicated that a plume of VOC-contaminated ground water has moved off site in [a/an] [indicate direction] direction. (Include previous sentence if appropriate)].
[Name of consultant] will soon be evaluating nearby buildings to determine whether the occupants of these buildings are at risk for exposure to VOCs due to vapor intrusion. Enclosed are two fact sheets that explain how vapor intrusion occurs, how the testing is conducted, and how vapor intrusion can be addressed.
We would like to evaluate your building for vapor intrusion as part of this investigation. As part of this process, representatives from [name of consultant]will collect [a sample/samples] of [the soil gas beneath your slab or basement floor/your indoor air (include one or both)] for analysis of VOCs. The sampling will be conducted at no cost to you and a summary of the analytical results will be provided to you. All sampling will be performed in accordance with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection’s (NJDEP)Vapor Intrusion Technical Guidance document, which is available at
We expect to conduct the sampling [provide date(s) or approximate time frame]. [We will need access to your building for a brief period of time [on both days (include if applicable)] to conduct the testing.(Include this sentence if applicable.)] Please contact [name] at [phone number/e-mail address] no later than [date] to discuss this matter further and arrange a sampling appointment. [Enclosed for your review is a list of instructions on how to prepare for testing. (Include this sentence if indoor air testing will be conducted.)] Additional vapor intrusion sampling may be needed depending on the results of this round of testing. [If testing of the soil gas beneath your building reveals elevated levels of VOCs that are not related to the [Site Name] site, this information will be provided to NJDEP’s Communication Center for possible future investigation. (Include previous sentence only if sub-slab soil gas testing will be conducted.)]
Please also note that pursuant to New Jersey’s Open Public Records Act, all building surveys and vapor intrusion sampling results obtained by NJDEP during this investigation become part of the public record for the [Site Name] site. NJDEP is obligated to make this information available to any interested party that requests access to it through its Office of Record Access.
It is important that we obtain access to your property for the required environmental investigation in order to protect public health and the environment. For more information about providing access to your property, please visit NJDEP’s website:
Thank you for your assistance in this matter. If you have any questions about the vapor intrusion investigation or remedial activities underway at the [Site Name] site, please contact [name] at the [number/e-mail address] provided above.
Enclosures: Evaluating Indoor Air near VOC-Contaminated Sitesfact sheet
Subsurface Depressurization Systems fact sheet
Instructions for Occupants –Indoor Air Testing (if applicable)
c:Municipal Clerk
Health Officer
Tenants(if applicable)
(From consultant when no response has been received to initial requests to conduct VI testing)
Certified Mail
Return Receipt Requested
and via regular mail
Property Owner Name
Street Address
Town, State, Zip Code
Re:Vapor Intrusion Testing at:
Street Address
Block #,Lot #
For:Site Name
Street Address
NJDEP Program Interest (PI) #:
Dear [Property Owner’s Name]:
As part of an environmental investigation conducted at the [Site Name] site, elevated levels of [list contaminant(s)] were detected in the ground water in the vicinity of your property. On [date(s)],a representative from [name of consultant], on behalf of [name of person conducting the remediation],requested access to your property to conduct vapor intrusion testing of the [sub-slab soil gas/indoor air (include one or both)] to determine if unacceptable levels oforganicvapors [have the potential to enter/are present in(includeone or both)] your building[s]. (See enclosed letter.) [You were also contacted by alocal health official on [date] to explain why access is needed and help arrange the testing. (Include previous sentence if applicable.)] To date you have [not responded/denied access to your property (choose one)].
We request your cooperation in obtaining access to your property to collect the [sub-slab soil gas sample(s)/indoor air sample(s)(include one or both)]. Organic vapors have the potential to cause adverse health effects for building occupants if they are exposed to elevated concentrations for prolonged periods.
Please note that in order to ensure that human health and the environment are protected, state law requires remediating parties to file an action in court to obtain access to private properties if access is not granted voluntarily. For more information about providing access to your property, please visit the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection’s (NJDEP) website:
Please understand that if you chose not to participate in the vapor intrusion testing and either refuse access to your property or do not respond to this request, [name of person conducting the remediation] will have no choice but to pursue court ordered access. We appreciate your cooperation as we make every effort to help [name of person conducting the remediation] comply with the law.
We ask that you contact [name] at [phone number/e-mail address] no later than [date] to arrange a sampling appointment. The vapor intrusion testing and analysis would be performed at no cost to you and the results will be provided to you. Additional vapor intrusion testing may be needed depending on the results of this round of sampling. [If testing of the soil gas beneath your building reveals elevated levels of VOCs that are not related to the [Site Name] site, this information will be provided to NJDEP’s Communication Center for possible future investigation. (Include previous sentence only if sub-slab soil gas testing will be conducted.)]
For more information about how vapor intrusion occurs and how the sampling is conducted, see the enclosed fact sheet. [Also enclosed is a list of instructions on how to prepare for testing for your review. (Include this sentence if indoor air testing will be conducted.)]If you have any questions, please contact [name], [title]at [phone number/e-mail address]. Thank you for your assistance in this matter.
[Name, Title]
Enclosures:Vapor intrusion testing access request letter dated [date]
Evaluating Indoor Air at VOC Contaminated Sites fact sheet
Instructions for Occupants – Indoor Air Sampling Events (if applicable)
c:Local Health Department
Municipal Clerk
Tenants (if applicable)
(From consultant to offer remedial measures and/or installation of a subsurface depressurization system to address vapor intrusion)
Property Owner Name
Street Address
Town , State, Zip Code
Re:Vapor Intrusion Testing at:
Street Address
Block #, Lot #
For: Site Name
Street Address
NJDEP Program Interest(PI) #:
Dear [Property Owner’s Name]:
On [date], [name of consultant],on behalf of [name of person conducting the remediation],sent you a lettersummarizing the findings of a vapor intrusion investigation that was conducted at your property. In the letter, we informed you that the investigation confirmed there are elevated levels of [list contaminant(s)] vapors in the [sub-slab soil gas/indoor air (include one or both)] at your building and that you are eligible to have [remedial measures implemented at your property/a subsurface depressurization system (also known as a vapor mitigation system) installed at your property(include one or both)] at no charge in order to reduce the vapors.
Please contact [name]atthe [phone number/e-mail address(include one or both)]provided below at your earliest convenienceto discuss the next steps regarding [implementation of the remedial measures/installation of the subsurface depressurization system(include one or both).] We will make every effort to ensure the work is performed in a manner that minimizes disruption to the occupants of the building.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. If you have any questions, please contact [name], [title] at [phone number/e-mail address].
[Name, Title]
Enclosure: Vapor intrusion testing results letter dated [date]
c:Municipal Clerk
Local Health Department
Tenants(if applicable)
(From consultant to document that a property owner is refusing the offer of remedial measuresor has not responded,and there are no tenants or the property is not a public space)
Certified Mail
Return Receipt Requested
and via regular mail
Property Owner Name
Street Address
Town , State, Zip Code
Re:Vapor Intrusion Testing at:
Street Address
Block #, Lot #
For: Site Name
Street Address
NJDEP Program Interest(PI) #:
Dear [Property Owner’s Name]:
On [date], [name of consultant],on behalf of [name of person conducting the remediation], notified you that elevated levels of[list contaminant(s)] vapors were detected in the [sub-slab soil gas/indoorair (include one or both)] at your building and that you were eligible to have [remedial measures implemented at your property/a subsurface depressurization system (also known as a vapor mitigation system) installed at your property(include one or both)]at no charge in order to reduce the vapors. (See enclosed letter.) [You were also contacted by a local health officialon [date(s)] to explain why the system is needed. (Include previous sentence if applicable.)] To date you have [not responded/declined our offer(choose one)].
[Because you have not responded to the offer, [name of consultant] has concluded you are not interested in having the remedial measures implemented/subsurface depressurization systeminstalled(include one or both). (Include previous sentence if applicable.)]Please note that [name of consultant]is documenting that you have declined the[remedial measures/installation of a subsurface depressurization system(include one or both)]. A record of this communication will be filed with the municipality.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. If you have any questions, please contact [name], [title] at [phone number/e-mail address].
[Name, Title]
Enclosure:Vapor intrusion testing results letter dated [date]
c:Municipal Clerk
Local Health Department
(From consultant to document that a property owner is refusing remedial measures or has not responded, and there are tenants or the property is a public space)
Certified Mail
Return Receipt Requested
and via regular mail
Property Owner Name
Street Address
Town , State, Zip Code
Re:Vapor Intrusion Testing at:
Street Address
Block #, Lot #
For: Site Name
Street Address
NJDEP Program Interest (PI) #:
Dear [Property Owner’s Name]:
On [date], [name of consultant], on behalf of [name of person conducting the remediation], notified you that elevated levels of [list contaminant(s)] vapors were detected in the [sub-slab soil gas/indoor air (include one or both)] at your building and that you were eligible to have [remedial measures implemented at your property/a subsurface depressurization system (also known as a vapor mitigation system) installed at your property(include one or both)] at no charge in order to reduce the vapors. (See enclosed letter.) [You were also contacted by a local health officialon [date(s)] to explain why the system is needed. (Include previous sentence if applicable.)] To date you have [not responded/declined our offer(choose one)].
Please be advised that remediating partiesare required by state lawto fully investigate and address all contamination and ensure human health and the environment is protected.Since [the general public is/tenantsare(choose one)] potentially at risk for exposure to contamination from the [Site Name] site through vapor intrusion, [name of person conducting the remediation] has no choice but to pursue court ordered access to your property to perform the remedial action. We encourage your cooperation in order to avoid this action. Please note that a record of this communication will be filed with the municipality.
Please contact [name], [title]at [phone number/e-mail address]to discuss this matter further. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
[Name, Title]
Enclosure:Vapor intrusion testing results letter dated [date]
c:Municipal Clerk
Local Health Department