IFCA Board Of Directors’ Winter Meeting

SaturdayMarch 4th, 2017

Prairie Meadows Hotel And Casino

Altoona, Iowa

The meeting was called to order by President Steve Milder with the following Directors, Past-Presidents, and Committee Chairman in attendance: Don Anderson, Ken Winkler, Erik Link, Jeff Anliker, Curt Bladt, Cory Faust, George Ashman, Lyle Alumbaugh, Aaron Shipley, Chad Edeker, Sam Anderson,Eric Trudo, P.J. Hedrington, Bob Goodvin, Mike Dunlap, Bill Shafer, Kevin Bowman, Scott Heitland, Aundra Meeks, Brian Wilken, Darrell Schumacher, Bob Howard, Don Hicks, and Warren Woepking. Also in attendance was David Milder.

President Milder introduced the new Iowa Football Coaches’ Association Board Members….Erik Link from Des Moines Roosevelt, Eric Trudo from Van Meter, Bill Shafer from Central Springs, and Kevin Bowman from Maquoketa.

Motion by Kevin Bowman, seconded by Don Hicks to accept and approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Motion carried.

Motion by Scott Heitland, seconded by Jeff Anliker to accept and approve the Treasurer’s Report. The report indicates a balance of $1,223.00 in savings, $9565.09 in checking, and $732.16 in the yearbook account. The money is on deposit at Central Bank in State Center. Motion carried.

Past-President Scott Heitland“thanked” the IFCA Board Of Directors for allowing him to serve as President the last two years. He stated that“it was truly an honor and a privilege for him to serve this tremendous organization who is so important to the sport of football”. A “big” thank you to Scott for his leadership as President of the Iowa Football Coaches’ Association over the last two years.

Old Business:

4th IFCA Board Of Directors’ Meeting—Discussion took place in regards to a 4th IFCA Board Of Directors’ Meeting Date. A motion by Darrell Schumacher, seconded by P.J. Hedrington

to have the 4th IFCA Board Of Directors’ Meeting in conjunction with the Shrine Game. Motion carried.

We will meet in Cedar Falls-Waterloo at noon on the Saturday of the Shrine Game. Coach Winkler will look for a place to meet and report back at our Summer Meeting.

Sponsors—Need sponsors especially if we are going to maintain the IFCA Scholarships.

New Business:

IFCA Committee Report

Winter Meeting

IFCA Clinic

Prairie Meadows Conference Center

March 4, 2017

Shrine Committee

Everything is going well.

Assistant CoachesOf The Year

Coaches were honored this past fall. We will take nominations/suggestions like we did last fall. Process was very thorough.

Hall of Fame

Dinner will be held later tonight with a record attendance expected. Staff members from Iowa and Iowa State will be in attendance which is a great addition. The committee will be discussing the option of not presenting the plaques at the State Championship Games due to the “time crunch” at the halftimes and also due to the fact that we could go back to three new members each year versus two.

Junior High Coaches Of The Year

Currently have 4 nominations for next year. Committee Chairman Warren Woepking shared some newspaper articles from 1964-1965 with the IFCA Board Members in attendance along with an article on Tom Moore and Don Taft who the IFCA Junior High Coach Of The Year Award is named after. Thanks for sharing Warren!

Years Of Service

Currently caught up. A “date” needs to be established to send out a “reminder” to all Head Coaches in regards to updating their coaching staffs’ years of service so we just send out the certificates and plaques to those deserving coaches once a year.


All recipients have received their awards. We will follow the same system next fall. Committee Chairman Lyle Alumbaugh informed the IFCA Board Of Directors that he plans to ask the District Football Chairman of each district to send in All-District selections to the Iowa Newspaper Association. Coach Alumbaugh is hopeful that Todd Tharp will be able to help him with the name and contact information of each District Football Chairman.

Regional CoachesOf The Year

Coaches will be honored at the Iowa State Football Clinic on Friday night March 31st at 6:30 PM.2017 Committee Member List has been updated. See attached sheet for a list of the Regional Coaches’ Of The Year Award Winners.

Distinguished Service Award

All award winners and coaches have been notified. UniversityOf Iowa has been contacted and the confirmation of dates and times for the award ceremony has been solidified. The Distinguished Service Awards Banquet will be held on Friday night March 24th at 7:00 PM in the Iowa Football Indoor Facility. See attached sheet for a list of the IFCA Distinguished Service Award Recipients.


Currently at 54% (180 schools and 6 out of 28 colleges). Currently looking into “adding” a spot on the IFCA Membership Form for schools to donate to the IFCA Scholarship Fund at the same time as they pay their IFCA Membership Dues. Also looking into the possibility for schools to pay “on-line” for their Membership Dues, the IFCA Clinic, make a donation to the IFCA Scholarship Fund, and pay for the IFCA Hall Of Fame Dinner/Banquet in one payment.

Ethics & Legislative Issues

Nothing at this time which I think is a good thing.

Playoff Advisory

Report on IHSAA Playoff Advisory Meeting and on the IFCA Playoff Committee Meeting.

The IFCA Playoff Committee met with the Iowa High School Athletic Association yesterday. Things are progressing in regards to getting back to 32 qualifiers and we are hopeful we can get this done.

Academic All-State

There will be no limit on the number of nominations a school may have starting next year. Hopefully there will be no issues next year in regards to nominations which were sent through email. Lastly, we are in the process of putting together and using a different format for nominations.

District Champions

Nothing to report. We had a great turnout this year and it went very well between quarters this year. One change for next year will be that we will have the coaches report to the other end for the presentation of the certificates and pictures. It would also be nice if we could arrange for the presentation of the District Champion and Playoff Qualifier Certificates to the coaches to be up on the UNI-Dome “Big” Board.

Public Relations

We are going to again tape the college coaches doing a football “promo” to be usedon various statewide radio stations next fall. This went over really well last year and we hope that it will go over very well again. The Mason City Media did an exceptionally great job with the football “promos” all fall. A special thanks to Dave Bingham for his help and assistance on this task.

IFCA Scholarship

I apologize for not being there this weekend. All applications were completed and submitted on-line this spring. It may be helpful to send out one more email reminder to all head coaches. We do not have many applications at this time, but usually get most of them in March. The process is fairly simple, but coaches have to get the information out to the players on their team who are deserving. Here is the link:

We currently have been giving one $2000.00 scholarship and four $1000.00 scholarships. The Iowa Football Coaches’ Association will continue to have one $2000.00 scholarship and now just $2000.00 to give compared to the $4000.00 we used to have. Discussion followed in regards to how we split that $2000.00 up. Eric Trudo made a motion, seconded by Kevin Bowman to present four $500.00 scholarships in 2017. Motion carried. The presentation of the scholarship checks currently has taken place at the Shrine All-Star Football Game in July. Discussion followed in regards to keeping the presentation of checks at the Shrine Game or do we want to look for another location and date to present the checks to the recipients. It was decided to leave “as is” for this year and the IFCA Board Of Directors will review when to present the checks at their Summer Board Meeting.

Rules Committee

It has been suggested that the Iowa Football Coaches’ Association invite Todd Tharp from the Iowa High School Athletic Association to the IFCA Clinic or an IFCA Board Meeting to give us an “overview” of the new rules which will be implemented in the fall.

IFCA Journal

We are looking for a new process on passing out the Journals to all Iowa High Schools and Iowa College who are IFCA Members. Jeff Anliker made a motion, seconded by Scott Heitland that with “paid” IFCA Membership Dues each school will receive one (1) IFCA Yearbook and one (1) IFCA Journal. Motion carried.

Playoff Hospitality

Things went well!

IFCA Yearbook


State Coach of the Year

See attached sheet.

Walt Fiegel Award

Jerry Pezzetti from Ankeny Centennial will receive The Walt Fiegel Coaching For Character Award tonight at the IFCA Hall Of Fame Banquet. The committee plans to meet briefly after the IFCA Board Meeting.

Ed Thomas Award

We received more nominations for the Ed Thomas Award this year than we have ever received. The Ed Thomas Award Committee is currently in the process of selecting the 6 recipients (one in each football playing class). Award Presentations will be set up with each individual recipient’s school this spring in late April or early May. I ask any members of the IFCA Ed Thomas Award Committee and the IFCA Board Of Directors which would like to help present the Ed Thomas Award Plaques and Certificates to the recipient and the recipient’s school to please contact me either by email () or by cell phone (1-712-299-6787).

IFCA Website

Website has had no major changes. If there are any suggestions on how to improve or add to the IFCA Website, please let Committee Chairman Scott Heitland know. We are always open to suggestions and ideas of how to make things better.

Mentoring Program

Currently we are updating the email addresses and phone number lists of the coaches that are currently listed.

IFCA Clinic

The IFCA Clinic was attended by 900-950 coaches these last two days. There has been many positive comments in regards to the clinic. The Iowa, Iowa State, and UNI Hospitality Rooms were all well attended and very good. Iowa, Iowa State, and UNI were very happy with our clinic, the clinic format, and us allowing them to each have their own hospitality room. The Iowa Football Coaches’ Association Clinic Committee will review the financial report, evaluate the clinic, and make any changes to next year’s IFCA Clinic here in the next couple of months. The IFCA Clinic Committee will then report back to the Iowa Football Coaches’ Association Board Of Directors at the June Board Meeting in Altoona.

Other Business:

IFCA Board Of Directors’ Summer Board Meeting—The IFCA Board Of Directors’ Summer Board Meeting will be held at the Adventureland Inn in Altoona on Sunday June 4th at 12:00 PM.

Motion by Warren Woepking, seconded by Don Hicks to adjourn. Motion carried.