PSMA User Group
PSMA User Group: meeting #1
Date:17 May 2012
Venue: Ordnance Survey-GeoPlace office at the National Audit Office,
157-197 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W 9SP
Time:10.00 - 16.00
On arrival:Please ask for Andy Wilson.
As this meeting is in the Ordnance Survey-GeoPlace office, there is an opportunity for local government members to attend a gazetteer session with GeoPlace after the meeting has concluded. If you are interested in participating, please email Andy Wilson.
Paul Baden, Department for TransportSteve Campbell, Borough of Poole
Philip Franklin, Local Government Data Unit - Wales
David Gander, English Heritage
Carol Hrynkiewicz, Defra
Andrew Mahon, Metropolitan Police Service
Riley Marsden, Barnsley MBC
Denis Payne, Cambridgeshire County Council
Gee-Mei Redgwell, ONS
Dave Roberts, Welsh Government
Peter Silvester, East Hants DC
Jason Weall, Welsh Ambulance Service
Geraldine Wildman, British Geological Survey
Elizabeth Seaman, Department for Business Innovation and Skills
Susan Cope, Department for Business Innovation and Skills
Andy Wilson, Ordnance Survey
Gill Blake, Ordnance Survey
1 / Welcome, apologies and introductions / 10.00 / Andy
2 / The PSMA User Group – role, activities, etc / 10.30 / Elizabeth, all
Lunch – including opportunity to trial ‘Tell OS’ / 12.30
The PSMA User Group – continued / 13.15 / All
3 / Updates from Ordnance Survey / 14.00 / Andy
4 / PSMA operational issues / 15.00 / All
5 / Any other business / 15.30 / All
6 / Date and venue of next meeting / 15.45 / All
- Welcome, apologies and introductions
The meeting will be hosted by Andy Wilson. Apologies have been received from Riley Marsden.
As this will be the first time that the new PSMA User Group will meet, it would be helpful during the introductions for each member to also outline briefly:
- What areas, products or topics you are particularly interested in,
- What you would like to see the PSMA User Group achieve in 2012-13.
All ideas will be collated and used to help shape what the PSMA User Group will deliver in 2012-13 (item 2).
- The PSMA User Group – role, activities, etc
There are a number of areas for the Group to consider:
2.1Interaction with GI Customer Group
The first meeting of the GI Customer Group was held on 20 March. The minutes of the meeting will be published on the PSMA members' area.
The Chair of the User Group will attend the meetings of the GI Customer Group as required. The GI Customer Group has not yet confirmed what it would expect from the PSMA User Group, but it is expected that a short report from the User Group Chair will be submitted.
Further meetings of the GI Customer Group in 2012 will be held on 12 June, 12 September and 5 December.
2.2PSMA User Group Chair - proposal
The PSMA User Group needs to agree how its Chair will be elected. As not all of the members are known to each other, it is proposed that an election is held after the meeting.
The process to appoint the Chair is proposed as:
- Interested members to self-nominate by 3pm 22 May
- If more than one candidate, PSMA secretariat to start voting in election 23 May
- Voting closes 30 May
- Chair announced 31 May
Action: All to agree the election process for the Group’s Chair
Once the process for electing the Chair has been agreed, candidates can nominate themselves.
2.3Terms of reference
The terms of reference, group composition and election process for the PSMA User Group were drawn up by the PSMA Interim User Group.
The GI Customer Group will also be reviewing the terms of reference for the PSMA User Group. Is the PSMA User Group content with the terms of reference as currently set out?
Action: All to review the PSMA User Group documents before the meeting
2.4Work plan for 2012-13
An important aspect of the meeting is for the PSMA User Group to consider what it will deliver in 2012-13. It is proposed that before this activity, members review the first year of the PSMA and consider:
- What worked well
- What didn’t work
- What could be improved
Ideas drawn out from this exercise can be used to help shape the activities for the PSMA User Group. Other topics that the PSMA User Group may wish to consider are:
- Address migration
- Use of OS Vector Map Local
- Sharing of best practice, developing case studies
- Helping new joiners (especially Tier 2 members)
- Product formats
- Product attribution
- Events (and see 2.5)
- Communications to members
- Redeveloping PSMA members' area, including PSMA User Group pages
- Member surveys
- How best to work with OS “buddy” Account Manager
- User requirement generation/monitoring in conjunction with OS
Action: To establish the PSMA User Group’s activity plan for 2012-13
2.5Member events
Ordnance Survey has started planning for this year’s members’ events. The views of the User Group are required on how these events should be run, locations, dates, format and content, etc. A full proposal for the events will be circulated by Ordnance Survey ahead of the meeting.
Aspects to be agreed:
- Aims of these events
- Target audiences
- Format – seminars, workshops, etc
- Topics to be included
- Speakers
- Role of PSMA User Group at each event
- Date and locations of the events
And anything else you wish to cover.
Action: To agree the programme for member events in 2012-13
2.6Role of PSMA User Group members
Once the overall plan for the PSMA User Group has been established, members can agree who will who will hold a particular an area of interest or ‘special’ responsibility, e.g. liaising with gazetteer custodians, ‘owning’ a topic. This will be drawn out based on what information each member presented under item 1 and the Group’s agreed activities for 2012-13.
The Group also needs to agree how the PSMA organisations will be allocated to each PSMA User Group members; please see forum for information about this:
Action: To agree PSMA User Group ‘owners’ or leads for each activity
During the lunch break there will be an opportunity for members to trial the ‘Tell OS’ system.
‘Tell OS’ is the new online system that will allow members to inform Ordnance Survey of any errors or omissions in their products and Ordnance Survey are looking for PSMA User Group feedback on this.
- Updates from Ordnance Survey
Andy Wilson to provide an update on the PSMA from the Ordnance Survey perspective and will include:
- Review of Q4 2011-12 (the quarterly report will be circulated before the meeting)
- Updates on membership by sector
- Derived data exemptions workshop – update on actions arising
- Progress of the Change Intelligence Pilot
- Update on progress, current objectives, and future plans of the group working on Rights of Way
- Update on delivery of National Trails in Open Data as stated in the Open Data document published by the Cabinet Office in autumn 2011
- Update on inclusion of Scottish data in AddressBase products
- Tier 2 strategy
- Rationalisation of information and documents on PSMA members' area
- Risks and issues logs
Delivery dates for the quarterly reports for 2012-13 are:
- Q1 2012-13 by 27 August
- Q2 2012-13 by 26 October
- Q3 2012-13 by 29 January 2013
- Q4 2012-13 by 29 April 2013
- PSMA operational issues
An opportunity for members to highlight any issues or raise topics for discussion not already covered in the meeting.
- Any other business
- Date and venue of next meeting
The date and venue will be agreed at the meeting. It is proposed that the PSMA User Group next meets on 25, 26 or 27 September. This is because:
- the next PSMA report from Ordnance Survey will be received by 27 August,
- the GI Customer Group meets on 12 September,
- the proposed week also avoids the AGI GeoCommunity conference
Agenda - 17 May 2012