Job Description and Person Specification

Group Director of Human Resources

Reference: RCSI HG/15/ 5 year fixed term contract

Closing Date: Friday 4th September 2015

Job Specification
Group Director of Human Resources
RCSI Hospital Group
Job Title and Grade / Group Director of Human Resources –RCSI Hospital Group
Campaign Reference / RCSI HG/15/ 5
Closing Date / Friday 4th September 2015 @ 12 noon
Duration of Post / Fixed term contract for a duration of 5 years. Secondments may be considered from publicly funded health agencies.
Location of Post / RCSI Offices, St Stephen’s Green
Organisational Area / RCSI Hospital Group
Details of Service / The reform actions necessary to enable the Government to deliver ‘whole system’ health reform, as undertaken within the Programme for Government, are laid out in Future Health: A Strategic Framework for Reform of the Health Service 2012 – 2015. The establishment of Hospital Groups is an integral part of this reform, which will see public hospitals reorganised into more efficient and accountable hospital groups that will harness the benefits of increase independence and greater control at local level. The Government’s decision regarding the establishment and operation of the new hospital groups is informed by two reports The Establishment of Hospital Groups as a Transition to Independent Hospital Trusts and The Framework for Development – Securing the Future of Smaller Hospitals. These reports fulfil important commitments in Future Health for the reform of the health service.
The overarching aim of the wider health system reform programme is to deliver a single-tier health system based on Universal Health Insurance (UHI), underpinned by the principle of social solidarity, with equitable access based on need and not on ability to pay. In preparation for the introduction of UHI, a new financing system, (Activity based funding will be introduced. The alignment of ABF with the national clinical programmes will provide Hospital Groups with the tools to provide effective and efficient services within a clear national framework.
Initially the Hospital Groups will be established on a non-statutory administrative basis with an Interim Group Board appointed by the Minister for Health overseeing the delivery of high quality, safe patient care. In the first year of operation each Hospital Group will develop a strategic plan for future service configuration. These plans will describe the provision of more efficient and effective patient services; how the services will be reorganised to provide optimal care to the respective populations; and the plans to achieve maximum integration and synergy with other Hospital Groups and all other health services, particularly primary and community care services.
Each Group will have a single consolidated executive management team, with responsibility for performance and outcomes, within a clearly-defined budget and employment ceiling. The executive management team will have autonomy to reconfigure services across the group, including the deployment and redeployment of all staff, subject to an agreed policy framework and approval process.
In addition each Hospital Group will have a primary academic partner which will ensure the capability of the Group to delivery on healthcare teaching, training and research and innovation agenda in an integrated manner.
The establishment of Hospital Groups and, subsequently, Hospital Trusts, will enable hospitals to provide care in the right way at the right location. This will be done in a manner that ensures a safe, high quality service for all, maximising and capitalising on the strengths of both larger and smaller hospitals, with better outcome for patients. Following an agreed period of time rigorous evaluation of each group will be undertaken to ensure it is fit for purpose to function as a Hospital Trust. Legislation will be put in place to enable Independent Hospital Trusts to be established taking account of any changes to Groups which may emerge from the review process.
Reporting / The Group Director of Human Resources will report directly to the Chief Executive Officer of the
Relationships / RCSI Hospital Group
Key Working / In the execution of the role the Group Director of Human Resources will be supported by the
Relationships / Group Executive Management Team comprising of:
§ / Group CEO and Deputy Group CEO
§ / Clinical Director(s)
§ / Group Chief Financial Officer
§ / Group Director of Nursing
§ / Group Director of ICT
§ / Group Director of Quality, Risk and Patient Safety
The Group Director of HR will also work with the GMs, HR Directors/HR Managers, Medical
Manpower Managers, Directors of Nursing and other key management stakeholders (with
people management responsibility) within the RCSI Hospitals.
In addition he/she will have a professional link to the Human Resources function at national
strategic and policy level.
The proper execution of duties will involve the development of appropriate communication
arrangements with key stakeholders both internal and external.
Scope of the Post / To participate as a member of the RCSI Hospital Group Executive Management Team.
The RCSI Hospital Group includes the following hospitals:
Beaumont Hospital; Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, Drogheda; Connolly Hospital; Cavan General Hospital; Rotunda Hospital; Louth County Hospital; Monaghan Hospital.
(Academic Partner: RCSI)
The post holder will have corporate responsibility and accountability for the major people change
initiatives for the RCSI Hospital Group. The post holder will work closely with the Clinical
Directorate teams who are responsible and accountable and have authority for clinical services
within their directorate.
Purpose of the post / The Group Director of Human Resources contributes to the Group Executive Management Team
agenda of the RCSI Hospital Group by providing strong strategic, professional and
managerial leadership for all aspects of health service operations within the group. The post
holder will demonstrate care, compassion and respect for all patients receiving care and for staff
delivering care across the Hospital Group.
Duties & Responsibilities / Each member of the RCSI Hospital Group Executive Management Team is required to
support the principle that the care and treatment of patients and their families comes first at all
times and will approach their work with flexibility and enthusiasm necessary to make this principle
a reality for every child and young person accessing services.
The Group Director of Human Resources in conjunction with the Group CEO, Clinical Directors
and other members of the Group Executive Management Team will ensure that the strategic
direction taken by the Hospital Group is applicable to, and takes into account, all of the
organisation’s mission, vision and values and its key initial remits to:
1. Integrate the hospitals within the RCSI Hospital Group.
2. Establishment of corporate and clinical governance structures for the Group.
3. Develop an Engagement Strategy with staff and staff representative bodies
4. Develop a HR Strategy for the Group
5. Develop an RCSI Workforce Plan
6. Manage Group level ER issues
The post holder will also take into account the evolution, mitigation and management of all the corporate and clinical risks (HSE, July 2010, ‘Achieving Excellence in Clinical Governance’ and HIQA June 2012 ‘National Standards for Safer Better Healthcare’ in performance of the role.
•  The Group Director of Human Resources as a member of the Group Executive Management Team will share corporate responsibility for the achievement of the organisation’s corporate and clinical objectives.
•  Implement the Hospital Group’s strategy, in particular, leading on the development and implementation of the organisation development and integration plan.
•  Contribute to policy, planning and decision-making processes for the Hospital Group.
•  As a member of the Group Executive Management Team, ensure objectives and decisions are effectively communicated across the Group.
•  Develop and maintain effective working relations with all relevant managers within the Hospital Group to ensure achievement of corporate Group objectives and effective working across the Hospital Group.
Strategic and Organisational Consulting
•  Consults and engages on people matters relating to the formulation of the organisation design and implementation plans for the new RCSI Hospital Group along with the organisational requirements to execute that strategy and plan.
Workforce Planning
•  Conducts in-depth supply and demand analyses of the current and future people and skills needs of the organisation and develop strategies and plans to meet those needs.
•  Aids in defining talent management, recruiting strategy and execution, and talent retention plans
•  Provides managers with HR Management Information from a range of sources, and assists them with using this information.
•  Leads on workforce planning and projections required for input to the business case for the new RCSI Hospital Group.
Culture, Vision and Values
•  Facilitates the definition and communication of the organisations culture, visions and values which guides the decisions and actions of the managers and employees of the organisation.
•  Acts as a Change Agent to hospitals and design processes and approaches, which prepare employees for ongoing change and transformation.
Leadership and Key Talent Development, Retention and Acquisition
•  Creates processes and experiences that grow the capacity of the organisation's key people resources which include key talent identification, planning, development and recruitment.
•  Encourages building strength through diversity.
•  Designs and implements retention strategies focusing on key leaders and individuals with core competencies or skills critical to the organisation.
Employee Involvement and Engagement
• Identifies through elements of the work, engagement strategies to increase productivity, employee
performance, and employee satisfaction and design metrics to track the effectiveness of these
• Facilitate engagement with representative bodies via the HRA and ensure appropriate
consultation and engagement in line with the Health Service Information and Consultation
Agreement which gives effect to the EU Directive and relevant 2006 Act.
• Creates processes and solutions in partnership with management which support a positive
employee relations environment through effective communications, policies and practices.
Organisational Change and Integration
•  In conjunction with stakeholders design and develop the human resource strategies to ensure effective integration of hospitals. This may include cultural assimilation and talent identification and selection.
•  Provides guidance and advice on the people decisions and actions, which are involved in integration activity.
•  Primarily interacts with HR Directors/HR Mangers in the hospitals and operational areas as well as colleagues in the Group.
•  Extensive interaction and effective working relationships with the Human Resources Directors/HR Managers in other hospitals within the RCSI Hospital Group to ensure effective development and implementation of programs, practices and processes to meet business needs.
Other Responsibilities:
• Lead on the development of the strategic Human Resource Strategic Plan, and ensure it
aligns with the overall RCSI Hospital Group Strategy
• Provides organisational consultancy on key people strategies in support of the Group
• Initiates key talent development, sourcing and deployment strategies, which may apply
across all hospitals.
The above Job Description is not intended to be a comprehensive list of all duties
involved and consequently, the post holder may be required to perform other duties as
appropriate to the post which may be assigned to him/her from time to time and
contribute to the development of the post while in office and due to transition, to the full
establishment of the Hospital Group.
Eligibility Criteria
Qualifications and/or experience / Candidates must at the latest date of application have:
• Significant experience as a senior manager in a large complex organisation with multiple
• stakeholders.
• Successful track record of planning and delivering major change programmes.
• Significant leadership and strategic experience.
• Track record of achievement in a performance driven organisation.
• Experience of clinical and/or corporate governance.
• Possess the requisite knowledge, skills and attributes to manage a complex area including an ability
and capacity to discharge the administrative functions of the post
• At least 8 years Human Resources generalist experience with expertise in all Human Resources
functional areas with a strong emphasis in organisational development/effectiveness and leadership
A candidate for and any person holding the office must be fully competent and capable of undertaking the duties attached to the office and be in a state of health such as would indicate a reasonable prospect of ability to render regular and efficient service.
Each candidate for and any person holding the office must be of good character.
Age restrictions shall only apply to a candidate where he/she is not classified as a new entrant
(within the meaning of the Public Service Superannuation Act, 2004). A candidate who is not
classified as a new entrant must be under 65 years of age on the first day on the month in which
the latest date for receiving completed application forms for the office occurs.
.Experience, Skills,
Competencies and
Knowledge / The successful candidate will demonstrate strong evidence of the following skills and
Competencies and competencies
•  Professional Knowledge
•  Significant knowledge of health services at a senior level in a large computerised
•  organisation.
•  Significant knowledge of quality and risk
•  Knowledge of relevant legislation and policies.
•  Leadership and Direction
•  Ability to direct and manage change and organisational development including the capacity
•  to lead, organise and motivate staff to function effectively in times of rapid change.
•  Ability to work effectively within a multi-disciplinary organisation in a complex and pressured
•  environment.
•  Operational Excellence –Managing and Delivering Results
•  Ability to manage resources through excellent organisational and operational skills.
•  Flexibility, adaptability and openness to working effectively in a changing environment.
•  Ability to lead and achieve results.
•  Excellent report writing skills.
•  Working with and through others –Influencing to Achieve
•  Flexible, team oriented and a relationship builder and have a significant track record of
•  achievement in the area.
•  Leadership and team management skills including the ability to work with multi-disciplinary
•  team members.
•  •Excellent influencing and negotiation skills.
•  Critical Analysis and Decision Making
•  The ability to evaluate complex information from a variety of sources, make and
•  communicate effective decisions.
•  Excellent problem solving skills.
Building and Maintaining Relationships –Communication
•  A high level of interpersonal and communication skills including the ability to build and maintain relationships.
•  The ability to communicate ideas, positions and information clearly and convincingly in a manner that is sensitive to wider issues and has the ability to advocate for and negotiate positions which allow for the ongoing improvement of services.
Personal Commitment and Motivation
• Demonstrate a commitment to continued professional development.
• Demonstrate a customer service user centered approach to provision of health and personal
social services.
• Be capable of coping with competing demands without a diminution in performance.
Shortlisting / Applicants may be shortlisted for interview based on information supplied in the application form
at the closing date or in other specified assessment documentation. Criteria for short listing are
based on the requirements of the post as outlined in the experience, skills, competencies and/ or
knowledge section of this job specification.
Failure to include information regarding these requirements may result in you not being called
forward to the next stage of the selection process.
Those successful at the short listing stage of this process (where applied) will be called forward
to interview.
Code of Practice / The RCSI will run this campaign in compliance with the Code of Practice prepared by the
Commission for Public Service Appointments (CPSA). The Code of Practice sets out how the
core principles of probity, merit, equity and fairness might be applied on a principle basis. The
Code also specifies the responsibilities placed on candidates, facilities for feedback to applicants
on matters relating to their application when requested, and outlines procedures in relation to
requests for a review of the recruitment and selection process and review in relation to
allegations of a breach of the Code of Practice. Additional information on the review process is
available in the document posted with each vacancy entitled “Code of Practice, information for
Codes of practice are published by the CPSA and are available on in
the document posted with each vacancy entitled “Code of Practice, Information for Candidates or on
The reform programme outlined for the Health Services may impact on this role and as structures
change the job description may be reviewed. This job description is a guide to the general range
of duties assigned to the post holder. It is intended to be neither definitive nor restrictive and is
subject to periodic review with the employee concerned.

Terms and Conditions of Employment