PharmaBase is a web based pharmacy services platform that has been developed to help all pharmacy contractors.
PharmaBase is operated by Health Information Exchange Ltd (HIE), which is a limited company whose shares are held in trust for PSNC. The creation of HIE and the development of PharmaBase has been undertaken by PSNC for NHS pharmacy contractors, and net revenues will be used for their benefit
Deployment of PharmaBase has commenced in South Yorkshire and all independent pharmacy contractors and branches of small chains should have by now received a letter that contains their logon details if you have not then please email the secretary on and she will put you in contact with a HIE person who will be able to assist.
CCA and AIMp member company pharmacies will receive their logon details from head office (unless the individual company has asked us to send out individual letters to pharmacies).
What will you be able to do with PharmaBase?
PharmaBase will support pharmacy contractors and their staff to deliver services more efficiently. With your logon details you will be able to access the first release of PharmaBase which will support you to:
- Demonstrate compliance with your terms of service and reduce the bureaucracy of contract monitoring by PCTs, via an electronic version of PSNC’s Contract Workbook. This integrates with NHS Primary Care Commissioning’s Community Pharmacy Assurance Framework (CPAF), which is used by many PCTs to undertake the contract monitoring of pharmacy services;
- Make records of EHCsupplied via locally commissioned Enhanced services and claim payment for the service (where the service commissioner has agreed to use PharmaBase);
- Make records of supervised consumption of medicines in line with locally commissioned Enhanced services and claim payment for the service (where the service commissioner has agreed to use PharmaBase); and
- Check payments received from commissioners for EHC and supervised consumption services.
The Government’s White Paper Equity and Excellence: Liberating the NHS is clear that all healthcare providers must be able to demonstrate their value to the new NHS; failure to do so will result in services being decommissioned. PharmaBase has been developed to allow community pharmacy to take control of building its own evidence base for the services it provides.
You can read more about PharmaBase, including Frequently Asked Questions, on the PSNC website:
The LPC are working with members of the PCT commissioning team to ensure they understand how PharmaBase operates. There will be a South Yorkshire LPC/PCT meeting on the 20th July 2011where HIE will present Pharmabase to the PCT’s to enable them to understand how the new system operates and how it could assist the PCT in terms of data collection across the initial LES’s. The LPC are also discussing ‘Neo’ the current online reporting system with the Drug & Alchol Commissioning Team with a view to transferring to the new PharmaBase system.
Looking ahead.....
HIE are currently developing the next release of PharmaBase. This will include support for the New Medicine Service – a nationally commissioned and funded Advanced service that all pharmacy contractors will be able to provide later in 2011. Modules for more Enhanced services, such as Needle Exchange will also be added during the year.
If you have any questions regarding PharmaBase or would like the secretary to call in and discuss further please email where we would be happy to assist.
NHS Rotherham will be in contact with pharmacy contractors shortly to ascertain those who wish to express an interest in providing this service for this financial year.
For those of you who were unable to access the service last year it may be worth considering undertaking training andmake certain you have the correct facilities so that you are prepared in advance to provide the service.
The PCT are currently reviewing this service. Until the review is complete (in September 2011) they have decided not to extend the Locally Enhanced Service (LES) to new contractors. The existing LES will roll over until the service has had a full review.
The LPC are busy working with existing contractors who are delivering the Minor Ailments Service to ascertain patient acceptability. If you are currently providing the minor ailments service and wish to participate (and we would encourage you to do so) can you please contact the secretary at for further details.
It is important that pharmacists involved help the LPC to demonstrate the value of the service – thank you for your support
The PCT has proposed to restrict the supply of EHC by increasing the age group to > 16 years and move from a Patient Group Direction to a P supply.
The LPC is resisting this proposal and has met with the PCT to discuss the revision to the LES asthe LPC feel strongly that we would prefer this age group to remain as this was the original reason for the LES – to reduce teenage pregnancy.
This is still under negotiation for further details please contact the secretary at
the Patient Group Direction (PGD) CP1 (Supply of Trimethoprim 200mg Tablets by Accredited Community Pharmacists in Rotherham PCT to Women aged 16-70 Years, for Treatment of Uncomplicated Bacterial Cystitis to Women) expired on Friday 15th April 2011 was withdrawn and will not be renewed.
The reasons for not continuing with the supply of Trimethoprim 200mg under the terms of the PGD are:
- Incidence of resistance and increasing numbers of ESBLs that are being reported through the lab
- The numbers of supplies made under the scheme have been very low
- Very few pharmacists are accredited and trained to provide the service
It is important that when clients present to access the protocol you offer self- care advice and where appropriate signpost patients to their General Practitioner, or the Walk in Centre. Can you please make a record where you have done so as this is an element of Essential Services.
A copy of the letter that the PCT sent out to all pharmacy contractors can be found at:
Enhanced Services
Can ALL pharmacies please acknowledge receipt of the PCT letter by faxing back the reply slip that was attached to the original letter to 01709 302061 Thank you
DIARY DATE - Clinical Governance Leads Meeting
As you are aware anamed clinical governance lead should exist for each pharmacy and you should inform the PCT if this person changes.
The Next Clinical Governance Leads Meeting will be held on:
17th November 2011
The annual clinical governance meeting is mandatory and NHS Rotherham has requested that an appropriate member of staff attend this meeting. The person attending may not be a pharmacist; it could be another member of the pharmacy team with a responsibility to feed back clinical governance matters to other pharmacy members of staff.
You will be kept informed through the PCT’s newsletter as to the venue and subject matter at a later date.
NHS Employers and PSNC announced a number of service developments within the pharmacy contract that will deliver improved outcomes for patients. These follow our joint negotiation and agreement by the Department of Health.
The changes will be implemented during 2011/12, with a target implementation date of 1st October 2011. They comprise three key elements:
New Medicines Service (NMS) - for people with long-term conditions newly prescribed a medicine to help improve medicines adherence. The NMS will be an Advanced service to initially focus on particular patient groups and conditions.
National target patient groups for Medicines Use Reviews (MURs) to ensure they are provided to those who will benefit the most. To bolster the effectiveness of MURs we will introduce outcome measures for each target group and measures which will improve post-payment monitoring. These changes will ensure that MURs are delivered to a high quality, and provide greater value for money and benefit to patients.
Clinical Governance– the clinical governance requirements of the pharmacy contract will change to strengthen and build upon the existing clinical governance regime.The key changes for pharmacy are:
- an addition to the existing requirement to publicise NHS services that are available at or from the pharmacy that clarifies that where a pharmacy advertises NHS essential and advanced services there should be an acknowledgement that these are funded by the NHS
- an addition to the existing requirement to ensure that contractors reflect on the results of their annual patient satisfaction survey, take appropriate action and publish the results
- all patient safety incidents should be reported to the NPSA or its successor organisation. Pharmacies will be expected to have a patient safety incident log and near-miss log
- pharmacies should have a whistle blowing policy
- patient safety notices, alerts and other communications concerning patient safety issued on behalf of the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), the National Patient Safety Agency (NPSA) or successor body, and the Department of Health should be acted upon within required timescales. Actions taken in response to the alerts should be recorded
- pharmacies should keep patients, staff and visitors safe by having systems to ensure that the risk of health care acquired infection to patients is minimised. Cleanliness and infection control measures should be proportionate to the activities being undertaken in the pharmacy
- premises should provide a professional healthcare environment. There should be a clear separation between the healthcare environment (where patients will receive NHS services) and the non-professional area of the pharmacy.
At a recent Clinical Governance meeting the PCT highlighted an issue with regards to MUR space within the pharmacy and have asked the LPC to remind contractors that if they are planning a refit or minor relocation can they please complete a Prem 1 on consultation room status as this is a requirement of the regulations. A copy of this can be found at:
The Registration Authority team moved on the 24th May 2011.Pharmacies requiringSmartcards make note of the following changes to contact details:
RA Agent – 01709 423213 or 01709 423242
RA Manager – 01709 423243
RA Fax Number – 01709 423328
The team will based on the 2nd floor of the Rotherham Community Health Centre, Greasbrough Road, Rotherham, S60 1RY.
Any pharmacist who does not have a sponsor will have to still have to send their applications to Sue Wrightat NHS Rotherham, Oak House,
Pharmacy contractors are reminded that the General Pharmaceutical Council’s grandparenting period for pharmacy technicians comes to an end on 30 June 2011. Pharmacy Technicians who apply for registration by that date will be entitled to register if they have a qualification recognised by the GPhC and meet the work experience requirements. After that date, new applicants will need to meet new entry requirements and may need to undertake further qualifications and work experience.
Please see this link for further details:
There will be further information at the clinical governance training event in November 2011 regarding the strengthening of the role of the pharmacist in reporting incidents but for the time being the LPC would like to provide the following information on NSPA alerts where it involves community pharmacists.
Recognising that the community pharmacy has a pivotal role to play in contributing to national learning from medication incidents, the National Reporting and Learning Service (NRLS) works to encourage pharmacy staff to share learning via incident reporting.
In preparation for the expected busy year ahead with NPSA alerts the LPC have collated all the most recent and past alerts, guidance and reports.
PSNC has also a very useful page on their website on NPSA alerts this can be found at:
Alternatively please use the link below for reporting:
Area / Date Published / TypeThe adult patient’s passport to safer use of insulin / 30thMarch 2011 / Alert
Reducing the harm caused by misplaced nasogastric feeding tubes in adults,... / 10th March 2011 / Alert
Safer spinal (intrathecal), epidural and regional devices / 31st January 2011 / Alert
Essential care after an inpatient fall / 13th January 2011 / Alert
Safer ambulatory syringe drivers / 16th December 2010 / Alert
Preventing fatalities from medication loading doses / 25thNovember 2010 / Alert
The transfusion of blood and blood components in an emergency / 21st October 2010 / Alert
Laparoscopic surgery: Failure to recognise post-operative deterioration / 22nd September 2010 / Alert
Prevention of over infusion of intravenous fluid* and medicines in neonates / 28th August 2010 / Alert
Reducing treatment dose errors with low molecular weight heparins / 30 July 2010 / Alert
Safer administration of insulin / 16 June 2010 / Alert
Never Events - Framework: Update for 2010-11 / 24 March 2010 / Guidance
Design for patient safety: A guide to the design of electronic infusion devices / 24 March 2010 / Guidance
High Hazards- summary and full report / 01 March 2010 / Guidance
Pembury: summary report / 01 March 2010 / Guidance
Design for patient safety: user testing in the development of medical devices / 01 March 2010 / Guidance
Design for patient safety: guidelines for the safe on-screen display of... / 23 Feb 2010 / Guidance
Vaccine cold storage / 21 Jan 2010 / Alert
Safer lithium therapy / 01 Dec 2009 / Alert
Pain relief in terminal care in the community | Signal / 27 Nov 2009 / Signal
Safety in doses / 03 Sept 2009 / Data report
Review of patient safety for children and young people / 01 June 2009 / Data report
Questions are the answer! Seven questions every board member should ask about... / 01 June 2009 / Guidance
Seven steps to patient safety for primary care / 13 Feb 2009 / Guidance
Risk of omitting Hib when administering Infanrix-IPB+Hib / 12 Oct 2008 / Alert
Reducing dosing errors with opioid medicines / 04 July 2008 / Alert
Design for patient safety: a guide to the labelling and packaging of injectable... / 01 May 2008 / Guidance
Oral anti-cancer medicines: risks of incorrect dosing / 22 Jan 2008 / Alert
Fire hazard with paraffin-based skin products / 26 Nov 2007 / Alert
LPC Members
Member / Employee / Pharmacy Name / RepresentingJulie OliverChair of the LPC
Andrew Watson Vice Chair of the LPC
Steve Howcroft
Greg Campbell
Allan Green
Richard Hackett
Jonathon McGill
Mohammed Akudi
Vicky Bennett
Employed Members of the LPC
Sandra Parnham
Stewart Kelly
Liz Grasso / H I Weldricks, Crown Street, Swinton
Knollbeck Pharmacy
Co-op, Poplar Glade, Wickersley
H I Weldricks,
H I Weldricks, Braithwell Road, Maltby
J M McGill
Rotherhchem Pharmacy, Canklow
Heritage Pharmacy, Dinnington
LPC Treasurer
Administrative Support / AIMp
CCA = Company Chemist Association
AIMp = Association of Independent Multiple Pharmacies
LPC Web-site
The LPC has moved their website to PSNC main website, the website contains all of the LPC current and past activities, please feel free to access the web site on:
LPC Meeting Dates
11th July 2011
12th September AGM
10th October 2011
14th November 2011
All meetings start at 7pm sharp and conclude at approximately 9pm
If you would like to attend please email the secretary at: