The Present Sage Acupuncture
New Patient Health History
Principle complaint:
Is condition worsening? (please specify) ______
What makes it better? (Rest, movement, certain foods, heat, cold, fresh air, emotional expression, etc.) ______
What makes it worse? (Overwork, fatigue, emotional suppression, hunger, heat, certain foods, damp days etc.) ______
What has been diagnosed (by your M.D.)?
Do you have other symptoms you would like to address, or treatment goals you would like to achieve? ______
General health and wellbeing
Please check if you have had any of the items listed below in the last year.
Put a Pin the box if you had this item in the past but no longer have it.
Fatigue / Change in appetite / Muscle weakness/fatigueChills / Poor appetite / Localized weakness
Fevers / Weight loss/gain / Poor balance
Night sweats / Cravings / Tremors
Sweats Easily / Strong thirst (hot or cold drinks) / Sudden energy drop
Poor sleeping / Peculiar tastes/smells
Bleed/bruise easily / Dental/gum problems
Skin and hair
Rashes / Acne / Loss of hairItching / Eczema/Psoriasis / Fungal Infection
Dandruff / Recent moles / Weak nails
Hives/Allergic Dermatitis
Head, eyes, ears, nose and throat
Recurrent sore throats/colds / Cataracts / Sores on lips/tongueHeadaches / Spots in front of eyes / Earaches
Migraines / Night Blindness / Ringing in ears
Sinus problems / Nose bleeds / Poor hearing
Dizziness / Dental problems / Difficulty swallowing
Poor vision / Jaw clicks/locks / Grinding teeth
Eye pain
Palpitations / Pain or pressure in chest / Swelling of hands/feetFast pulse (over 100 beats/minute) / Shortness of breath / Cold hands/feet
Slow pulse (less than 60 beats/minute) / Dizziness / Cold sweats
Irregular heart beat / Fainting / Phlebitis
Low blood pressure / Varicose veins / Anemia
High blood pressure / Blood clots
Please check if you have had any of the items listed below in the last year.
Put a Pin the box if you had this item in the past but no longer have it.
Cough/Wheezing / Bronchitis / Tight sensation in chestAsthma / Pain with deep inhalation / Production of phlegm
Pneumonia / Difficulty inhaling/exhaling
Constipation / Intestinal gas / PancreatitisChronic laxative use / Heartburn / Illeocecal valve syndrome
Diarrhea / Nausea or vomiting / GI tumors
Loose stools / No appetite / IBS/Crohn’s Disease
Abdominal pain / Excessive appetite / Polyps
Indigestion / Significant thirst / Ulcers
Belching / Bad breath / Peritonitis
Bloating / Hemorrhoids
Neuropsychological & emotional
Nervousness / Hopelessness / HeadachesAnxiety/panic attacks / Easily susceptible to stress / Concussion
Depression / Seasonal Affective Disorder / Seizures
Easily irritated / Substance Abuse
Frequent emotional “ups and downs” / Vertigo/Dizziness
Infections / Decreased libido / Copious flowBlood in urine / Excessive libido / Night urination
Unable to hold urine / Frequent urination / Sores on genitals
Scanty flow / Urgent urination / Kidney stones
Burning urination / Pain on urination / Herpes
Urinary tract infection
Neck pain / Carpal Tunnel / BursitisBack pain lower/middle/upper / Foot/ankle pain / Tendonitis
Shoulder pain / Hip pain / Muscle pain
Rotator Cuff / Sciatica / Muscle weakness
Hand/wrist pain
Male sexual health
Prostatitis / Pain in testicles / Premature ejaculationLumps n testicles / Increased libido / Nocturnal emission
Pain/Itching of genitalia / Decreased libido / Impotence
Please check if you have had any of the items listed below in the last year.
Put a P in the box if you had this item in the past but no longer have it.
Female gynecological/reproductive
Age of first menses _____ / Vaginal discharge / EndometriosisDate of last menses ______/ Vaginal dryness / Difficult/painful intercourse
PMS / Uterine Fibroids / Date of last PAP/Pelvic exam ______
Irregular menstruation / Polycystic Ovarian Disease / Infertility
Medical history
Illnesses, surgeries, accidents
______age ______age ______age ___
______age ______age ______age ___
______age ______age ______age ___
Do you have any scars? Note location of all scars from operations or injuries (including minor ones.)
Family medical history Please check any condition that applies to your family and list family member.
Diabetes______/ Emotional disorder______/ Allergies______Heart Disease______/ Seizures______/ High Blood Pressure ______
Asthma______/ Stroke ______/ Neurological disorder______
Medical diagnoses Please check any conditions or symptoms you currently have.Arthritis / Anemia / Respiratory Allergies
High/Low Blood Pressure / Hypo/Hyperglycemia / Asthma
Raynaud’s Disease / Food Allergies/Intolerance / Emphysema
High Cholesterol / Gastritis/Pancreatitis / Chronic Fatigue
Heart Disease / Liver/Gall Bladder Disease / Lyme Disease/Tick-borne illness
Stroke / Diverticulitis/IBS / Chronic Pain Condition
Hepatitis / Ulcer / Intestinal parasites
Medical diagnoses (cont.) Please check any conditions or symptoms you currently have.
Alcoholism / Diabetes / Impotence
Kidney Disease / Thyroid Imbalance / Chronic Fatigue
Cancer / Seizures / Fibromyalgia
Medications Please list all medications, vitamins, and/or food supplements you are currently taking.
Medication ______Dosage ______For what condition? ______
Medication ______Dosage ______For what condition? ______
Medication ______Dosage ______For what condition? ______
Vitamins ______
Food Supplements ______
Allergies or reactions to medications: ______
Health maintenance screening tests
Lipid (cholesterol)Date ______Abnormal? _____
Sigmoidoscopy or ColonoscopyDate ______Abnormal? _____
Pap SmearDate______Abnormal?_____
Dexascan (osteoporosis) Date______Abnormal?_____
PSA (prostate) Date______Abnormal?_____
For each item below, indicate how much, how many, or how often if applicable. Indicate whether this is a current habit or provide the date that you quit.
Cigarettes (packs per day) ______Coffee/Tea (cups per day) ______
Alcohol (drinks per week) ______Soda (regular or diet) ______
Drug use (recreational)______
ExerciseYes NoType of exercise(s) ______
How often? ______If you don’t exercise, why not?______
Please indicate if your diet is:
VegetarianVeganGluten-Free Primarily organicSpecial dietary restrictions
Typical Breakfast ______
Overall energy level (rate from 1-10) _____ Is this better or worse than your experience of energy levels in the past? (please comment) ______
Menstrual cycle
Amount of flow (normal, heavy, light)______
Length of cycle ______Clotting (large, small, black, purple, red, other) ______
Cramps:(dull or sharp, location) ______
Breast tenderness Cravings Mood swings Anger/frustration
Do you practice birth control?______What type?______How long?______
Number of live births ______Number of miscarriages ______
Please indicate if the miscarriage took place during the first, second, or third trimester(s).
Additional information Is there anything else you would like us to know?
Patient Signature Date
The Present Sage Acupuncture | 822 Montgomery Ave. Ste. 316 Narberth, PA 19072