Prairie Ridge Homeowners Association
Board Meeting Minutes.
Meeting Date: April 8, 2009
Attendees: Dave Marifern, Patrick Zeeveld, Michelle Haines, Paula Aide (providing minutes).
Meeting location and start time: 6:45 PM at Dave’s home.
Secretary’s Report: The meeting minutes from the 1/26/09 were reviewedby all.
Dave motioned to approve and Michelle seconded the motion. Remaining members agree with the motion. The meeting minutes have been filed for reference.
Treasurer’s Report:
Balance Sheets–Amounts reviewed by members. The sheet is attached to the
minutes. Most recent balance sheet has been reviewed by the Board.
Dues Standings - 8 homes now owe dues for 2008 (2 of which are multi-year delinquent). New dues billing went out after the Annual meeting and now 65 homes owe dues for 2009/2010.
Taxes – Thetaxes were paid on time this year and no penalties were incurred.
Savings CD - The CD currently coming due will be renewed for another 9
months. The current balance of CD can be found on Balance sheet.
Old Business
Grievances – open issues (not all were discussed at this meeting but remain open)
Lot 73*: No action has been taken by the owner regarding the dead tree. The
lot remains empty to date and is a overlying reason why the tree has not
Lot 150*: No action has been taken by the owner regarding the dead tree. The
lot remains empty to date and is a overlying reason why the tree has not
survived. Dave will discuss the dead tree with the owner when he calls
about the overdue dues.
*The Board realizes that the tree may not be replaced until building complete.
Replacement of vacant lot trees will be due one year from building. Owners have
no way of watering the trees if planted before any building is erected.
Lot 110: The abandoned mower/snowblower issue has not been seen in many
months and this issue has been closed.
Lot 114: No or little landscaping. Dave to follow up with Ron (LARC)
concerning if the owner has a prior approved plan which is not being acted
upon. There is no plan on file for this homeowner. Additional follow-up
is needed. Dave is drafting letter (this will be the 2nd notice of
noncompliance). This letter has yet to be mailed. Dave found out that
the owner is not well and family is not very supportive.
Lot 005: This Unofficial grievance is being closed for now as covenants do not
specify size and the owner claims that they had prior Board approval and
we cannot confirm or disprove this claim. The size of the storage locker
would be acceptable under the new Rules & Policies which are still
pending Covenant Vote approval/closure.
Lot 113: Dead tree observed. This was a replacement tree from the year
before (in 2007)
Replacement Lamp Post Items – We need to update the charges for the parts of sensors and bulbs on the website as they are now outdated and do not reflect the current pricing we get for the items.
Monument Lighting– The new lamps will be connected to existing power (no add cost of electrical hookup).
The monument light on Northview Dr has been installed and the grass was uprooted to install the electrical pipe. The grass will need to be fixed as it was not covered by the electrician bid.
The light on 104th Ave was temporarily delayed since the power will need to come from under entry road. We will further discuss our options with the contractor in the Spring. Update: This was investigated further and it was discovered that the light cannot be installed without installing a separate elect. Box. Dave motions to discontinue persuing the install for this entrance. Michelle seconds the motion. All understand the delema and regretfully agree.
The light on Prairie Ridge Blvd. will need to be discussed with VK as they own the monument and see if we could lease the monument from them or make an arrangement to install a light on the monument without any recourse. This has not yet been addressed as of 4/8/09.
Sidenote – The main street lighting is out on Prairie Ridge Blvd. Dave to call Public Works Dept to discuss outage and inform them of the dead trees on SW corner of PR Blvd and 100th Ave.
Damages - Snow plow damage has been seen all over subdivision. Dave will call Village and discuss remedies. Busted curbs also caused by plow will need to be ID’ed so the Village can come and fix them. Curb damage remains open and needs resolution. This was not discussed in the Jan meeting; however, this remains to be discussed at a later meeting. Update – it appears that the damages from the plow have been corrected by the Village; therefore, this discussion point is being closed.
Website – The Board has determined that they don’t feel comfortable enough with the website to edit it without assistance. Another training meeting has been anticipated for April 22nd at 630pm with Mike and Sue (webmasters).
Landscaping – Entry and cul-du-sac trees have been trimmed. No plants or new mulch have been installed as of 4/8/09. The Board was contacted by Gro-Rite about paying the bills in the future. Do we want to pay Gro-Rite in installments or lump sum? They broke it down to saving approx 2% on $2225.79/ month for 8 months if we pay the lump sum off at once.
Dave motions to pay it in installments to ensure that we have some leverage if things are not being done to our needs. Pat seconds the motion and all others agree with the motion.
Need to inquire about that since we paid for it in Bids below:
Bid 102356 $4534.13 (improvement of outlots/entries) was approved by all
members and signed/paid for as stated in Jan meeting minutes.
Bid 102358 $2328.29 (re-mulching contract for only Assn areas) was
approved by all members and signed/paid for as stated in Jan meeting minutes.
New Business
Mail box name plate – one homeowner (lot 85) needs a replacement name plate for the mailbox. The plate will be replaced by us at no charge to the resident. Paula will communicate this. Owner telephoned on 9/20/08 by Paula. Update: Dave has ordered name plate and is awaiting notification to pickup and deliver to homeowner.
Lot 156 asked about installing dog run. Dave responded and suggested sending us the information. We will forward to the LARC once received.
Lot 154 or lot 155 has a missing tree from a while back or has one that is not appropriately placed.
Lot 21 wants to install ½ court basketball court. Pan was sent to Dave and he forwarded it to Rob for approval.
Lot 100 wants to install screened porch – plans forwarded to Rob via Dave.
Meeting adjourned: 8:30PM
Next meeting date:
Balance Sheet – (1 page)