Duration– 2 lessons x 45min
Students’ age- 9th grade; 16 years
Main topic of the lesson-Primary economic sector: Agriculture and fishery
Aims of the lesson:
Students should learn:
-the point, the meaning and the factors for development and territorial distribution of agriculture;
-peculiarities of agriculture;
-basic conceptions;
-branch and territorial structure;
-problems and perspectives;
Students should know how to:
-characterizeaccording to the algorithm given;
-analyze and make conclusions;
-make connections;
-draw conclusions and suggest ways of solving problems;
-work with different sources of information;
- Methods and skills:
-work with students’ book, maps, Internet;
-critical thinking;
-comparison and conclusions;
VII. Materials and equipment- students’ book, atlas, maps, tests, notebooks, Internet.
- Detailed description of the lesson’s parts:
1. Beginning of the lesson:
-main question- Why and how will the agriculture solve the provision problem? (this question should be written on the board and students should ask it in the beginning and in the end of the lesson)
-leading questions- What is anationaleconomy? How many sectors does it have? Which are the branches in the primary sector?
2. Examination and evaluation of the skills-a short test on the last lesson;
3. Announcement and motivating the theme-Primary economic sector. Agriculture and fishery
The teacher should motivate learning that theme with the importance of that branches and necessityof skills about peculiarities, structure and geographical distribution; problems and perspectives.
- Doing the new educational content:
- The point, the meaning and the factors for development and territorial distribution of agriculture-the teacher says about the points and the factors for development and with a talk students clear up their influence and meaning of the agriculture. Examples are shown.
- Basic conceptions- the teacher explains the types of agriculture (intensive and extensive); what is cultivation of theland.
Students divide into 3 groups:
-1 group-they should find areas with the biggest areas of the cultivated land, using the students’ book;
-2 groups-they should give examples of countries with intensive and extensive agriculture;
-3 groups-they should make a sketch of the integration linksbetween agriculture and other industries;
4.3Main agricultural branches :
-plant growing- the teacher gives prescription about characterizing the branch cultivation; production and areas of distribution; talking about vegetable –growing and fruit-growing. Students give examples of different kinds from different areas of the world;
-animal husbandry- the teacher characterizes its branches with a story and a talk. Students give examples from their homeland.
4.4Fishery-Students should analyze fishery from a diagram in the students’ book.
4.5 Problems and development tendency-Students comment on problems and solving them. They forecast the future development of the agriculture. One of the students should present scientific information about the problems in the sector in Bulgaria and their influence on Bulgarians’ nutritious balance.
5. Final part-drawing conclusions, which are written on the board;accentuating on the main question.
IX. Evaluation- evaluating students, whо are doing test and the student, who worked individually.
X. Useful links on the Internet-