Final Exam Review Questions
1. When does Traditionalism begin and end?
2. What type of production did they have?
3. How are the traditional societies divided?
4. What are the 4 main types of traditional socities?
5. How are traditional people bonded?
6. What is a totem? What do they do with a totem?
7. During which of the 4 Traditional societies do cities emerge?
8. Draw the Traditional Social tower? How and why is it different from Modern Social Tower (think ideology tower)?
9. What does their architecture look like?
10. What are Traditional people’s way of informal social control?
11. Where did Traditional people place justice?
12. What is virtue and morality linked to?
13. What is asceticism?
Walled Towns
- What 3 things emerged from Walled Towns?
- What years are associated with the Walled Towns?
- Why were taxes a good thing?
- Where was the market located in a Walled Town?
- What does the WT give to people who come into the WT from outside?
- How were representatives chosen in WT?
- What type of work is done in WT?
- Classes or Caste system?
- Civility or courtesy?
- How are they bonded?
- What else emerges out of WT?
- What was located outside of WT?
1st Industrial Revolution
- When did the 1st IR begin and end?
- What type of production began before the main type of factory was created? Explain this system.
- What are the 3 separations that exist?
- What happens to civil rights?
- Where was work located?
- What are the effects of alienation?
- What emerged from factories?
- Who were the main factory workers during this time?
- Does the value of the worker go up or down? Why?
2nd Industrial Revolution
- When does the 2nd IR begin and end?
- What effect did alienation have on 2nd IR workers?
- What was the main type of facotyr during this time?
- What happens to civil rights?
- What separation came about in the 2nd IR?
- What emerged from the 2nd IR?
- Where do the workers live? Where do owners live?
- What is the main system of production?
- When does Fordism begin and end?
- What was the main goal in Fordism?
- What was the main governmental type?
- How did they manage the economy?
- When does capitalism work best?
- What happened to public goods?
- What happens to social state and how did that effect society?
- In other countries, how are businesses run?
- What is a social state?
- What type of taxation existed?
- What was the highest tax rate during this time, and who was it directed towards?**** (REALLY IMPORTANT STAT HERE)
- Who regulated the media in Fordism? Was the media a separator or a unifier?
Post Fordism
- When did PF begin?
- What governmental type exists here?
- What type of market exists during PF?
- What is happening to the government?
- What is happening to the social classes?
- How are people controlled?
- What is happening to taxes? What type of taxes?
- What is happening to the social state?
- What is happening to public goods?
- What are the 2 political philosophies of this time?
- What is a prosumer? Why is this important?
- What is the image of PF?
- What is happening to the labour markets?
- What did the Taft-Hartley Act do?
- What is Neo-Conservatism?
- What is Neo-Liberalism?
- What is paramilitary?
- How are social programs being eliminated?
- What is the 5th big separation?
- What is happening to workers?