2015-2016- D. Brown

Honors Physical Science provides an opportunity for students who have excelled in science to further their knowledge base through hands-on activities, computer simulated labs, and theoretical knowledge, and field experiences.

During the course of study, we will be focusing on the world of matter and energy as it affects us in our everyday life. Honors Physical Science will provide a basis for further study through the honors curriculum of science and also prepare students to meet the challenge of the state test known as HSAP.

As this is an honors level course, there will be assigned readings and activities that will need to be completed outside of the classroom; as well as, a field trip, which will entail a project. Students will be notified in advance when these assignments will be due and are expected to have them completed by deadlines.



  1. Write in blue or black ink or use a #2 pencil.
  2. Homework will be assigned and is due in the appropriate basket at the beginning of the period.
  3. Homework will be graded according to a rubric located in the front of the classroom.
  4. Makeup work will follow school policy – 5 days for a lawful absence and 3 days for an unlawful absence.

-All makeup tests, quizzes, labs, and extra help will be given once a week (the day will be announced at the beginning of each week) in room 327.


Students are only allowed 10 absences in a unit course!

Dress Code:



  1. Limited lecture involving new material
  2. Hands-on laboratory activities
  3. Research projects on assigned topics
  4. Team work
  5. Open class discussions
  6. Science computer lab experiences
  7. A field trip that will require portfolio or project components
  8. One novel that will be provided by the teacher
  9. Computer work will be assigned that may need to be completed out of class. This may require a trip to the county library or time at the school library if a home computer is not available.


Class Rules-

  1. You are in the room when the tardy bell rings.
  2. You are always prepared with your pen or pencil, paper, and book.
  3. You remain in your seat unless otherwise instructed or you are given permission.
  4. You are always respectful and polite:

-raise hand

-speak softly

-do NOT cause class disruptions

  1. You abide by all DCSD rules, policies, and procedures.

**Disciplinary actions will follow district guidelines and DHS policies that can be located in the student handbook and/or the district secondary discipline brochure.

Grading Policy:

A point system will be used:


Tests=100 points

Quizzes=50 points

Homework=5-20 points

Labs= 75 points

Class Work=10-20 points

Projects=200 points (at least one per nine weeks)

Current Events=50 points each- 4 given during 1st and 3rd nine weeks

Novel activities=50 points (each assignment for one novel per nine weeks)

Materials Needed:

3 ring binder

Loose -leaf paper

Calculator (basic function- we do have a class set of graphing calculators)

Colored Pencils

Hand held pencil sharpener

Graph paper

Blue or black pens and pencils

Provided by TEACHER:

**Textbook- Holt Spectrum for Physical Science

**Interactive Reader

**Bellringer notebook- provided by teacher

**Novel- Full Tilt

**Formula Folder