OCTOBER 10, 2017

ATTENDANCE: On Tuesday, October 10, 2017 President Qual called the board meeting of the Lisbon School District #19 to order at 7:30 p.m. Members present were Mark Qual, Matt Webb, Liz Anderson, Brenna Welton and Chad Johnson. Also in attendance were Supt. Steven Johnson, HS Principal Adair, Elem. Principal Meckle, MS Principal Hoff; Business Manager Lori Lyons, and guests Kortney Groettum-Vesel, Mattie Richardson, Ransom Co. Gazette, .

CONSENT AGENDA: Welton moved, seconded by Webb to approve the established agenda, minutes of the September 13, 2017 board meeting, bills list and finance reports. Approved by unanimous roll call vote.

POP Moments: were shared.

PRINCIPALS REPORTS: previously submitted.

GUESTS: were welcomed.

SUPT. REPORT: Dr. Johnson reported on the following: The SmartLab facilitators sent letters to all 4th – 8th grade parents for the after school program and the 1st session started today after school, Attended DPI’s Strategic Planning regional meeting; was surveyed by President John Richman of NDSCS for the purpose to gather information secondary education concerning CTE courses, methods of delivery and job preparatory programs for the ND University System; As the SE Region NDASA director he ran the regional meeting which included VCSU transition to college, reports of the legislative councils committee work on k-12 funding and policy; NDSOS report and NDHSAA report. Kerri Zahrbock, HS counselor has been working with seniors on a number of college or transitioning lesson plans, and today had college application day where 39 seniors successfully applied to college; 4 grant applications from the Lisbon Public Schools to the Lisbon Community Endowment were submitted; and he has been chosen to present at the NDCEL and the NDSBA fall conferences his presentation “The Value of Rural Schools/Community Partnerships”.

LEAVE REQUEST: Supt. Johnson received a request for 5 personal days, which is currently more than has been accumulated for this employee. School board policy states DDC Unpaid Leave, “No leaves shall be granted other than those specified in board policy or the negotiated agreement without specific approval of the board. Such approval shall be at the sole discretion of the board…”. Board members noted it takes time taken away from the students, was a point discussed during negotiations as they can now accumulate to 4 days, but does acknowledge the request for time off. Discussion was held. Anderson moved, seconded by Webb to deny the extended leave request of Randi Lindemann. Approved by unanimous roll call vote.

POLICY FFE: Member Anderson pointed out statements from the following documents which she felt were not stated clearly or were in conflict: LPS policy FFE - Extracurricular Participation Requirements, the LHS Extracurricular Handbook, and the NDHSAA Athletic Eligibility. President Qual referred this to the policy committee plus Dr. Johnson and the HS Principal for further discussion.

ASST WRESTLING COACH: Anderson moved, seconded by Welton to approve Kris Smith as assistant wrestling coach for 2017-18 with pay per negotiated agreement. Approved by unanimous roll call vote.

SCHOOL BOARD MEETING: Welton moved, seconded by Webb to change the November board meeting to Wednesday, November 8, 2017 at 7:30 p.m. in the high school conference room. Approved by unanimous roll call vote.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.



Lori B. Lyons

Business Manager


