Philadelphia Regional Section of IFT
Scholarship Application

This application and all attachments form an application packet. The packet must be submitted directly to the Scholarship Chair by midnighton April 11, 2014. You may choose to submit the application on-line or by US Mail.

Letters of recommendation must be sent directly to the Scholarship Chair from the recommender.

You may submit applications and letters of recommendation via email to:

Or by US Mail to:

S.Jay Hegenboden

Ottens Flavors

7800 Holstein Avenue

Philadelphia, PA 19153

In addition, a copy of the entire application (minus letters of recommendation) must be provided to the department head at the college/university you are attending or planning to attend.

Only qualified applicants will be considered.


  • Students must be enrolled in an educational institution as a full-time student pursuing a degree (Associates or higher) in the field of food science and technology, or in one or more of the sciences or branches of engineering concerned with advancing food science and technology
  • Students must be members of the Philadelphia Section of the Institute of Food Technologists. Membership application information is available at:
  • Student’s permanent address (as shown by Driver’s License, passport or other documentation) must include the following Zip Codes OR the Student must be enrolled in a school which is located in one of the following Zip Codes.

080XX through 087XX

180XX through 181XX

183XX through 185XX

189XX through 194XX

197XX through 198XX

I. Information

Name: ______

School Address / Permanent address (as given on your driver’s license or Passport)
Email / Phone:

College/University and Department


Expected Degree, Major/Minor and Year of Graduation:

Department Head: ______Phone: ______

Email: ______

Student Status (specifyone) __ High School Senior

__Freshman ___Sophomore __ Junior __ Senior

___Graduate Student

Along with this completed form you must also enclose the following attachments:

  • A copy of your transcripts of ALL college/university work you have completed to date. Note that a summary of your transcript is required in section IV and a summary of proposed courses that you expect to take to complete your curriculum in section V. High school seniors should submit high school transcripts as well as SAT/ACT scores with verbal and math scores itemized.
  • A letter of recommendation from a faculty member familiar with your scholastic achievements. This letter should include a general appraisal of your scholastic achievements and potential, extracurricular activities and personal character traits in particular relation to the purposes and eligibility requirements of this scholarship program.
  • A second letter of recommendation from a second reference, preferably a non-faculty member familiar with your personal achievements and potential. This letter should include a general appraisal of your scholarship potential, extracurricular activities and personal character traits in particular relation to the purpose and eligibility requirements of this scholarship program.

I hereby certify that all information provided in this application including attachments is true and correct. I further agree that if I withdraw from school, transfer to an unapproved curriculum or program, or receive my degree during tenure of this scholarship (if granted), that all unused balance is forfeitable to the Philadelphia Regional Section of IFT, and I shall notify the Scholarship Chair within 30 days.


Applicant signature Date

Send your completed packet to:

S.Jay Hegenboden

Ottens Flavors

7800 Holstein Avenue

Philadelphia, PA 19153

The deadline for submission of applications is APRIL 11, 2014.

II. Statement of Interest

Please provide a statement of why you are interested in food science/technology. Statement must be 300 words or less.

III. Additional Information:

(a. What are your career aspirations?



b. List of awards, honors, scholarships, etc. received:


c. List of extracurricular activities/hobbies:



d. Summary of work experience (if any):



e. Food industry/IFT involvement:



f. Schools attended (list institutions, dates, majors):

IV. Completed Course Summary Section:

Provide a written summary of your transcript(s) listing all college/university level courses completed and current enrollment. High school seniors, list high school courses. List by subject category as indicated below. Attach all transcripts (unofficial transcripts are acceptable). If applying for other IFT Scholarships/Fellowships, it is permissible to submit those same course summaries in lieu of the summaries requested in this section and the next.

Subject Category / Course # / # of Credits / Course Title/Description / Letter Grade *
* Grades based on A = 4.0 system; convert accordingly. Enter * for current courses

Food Science/Technology












Communications (writing, speech, languages, etc.)


Humanities and Social Sciences



V. Expected Course Summary Section:

Provide a written summary of the courses you expect to take for completion of your curriculum. List by subject category as indicated below.

Subject Category / Course # / # of Credits / Course Title/Description

Food Science/Technology










Communications (writing, speech, languages, etc.)


Humanities and Social Sciences



2014 Philadelphia IFT Scholarship Application

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