A-Frames and Spain
There appears to be much speculation and rumour mixed with a little fact about A Frames and Spain.
From our understandings of this complex and changing area we believe the following is as accurate a guide as can reasonably be made at this time. We stress this is only our opinion and advise you to check directly with the authorities prior to any travel.
We do not believe there is any “European Law” on A Frames – for or against.
The EU issue Directives for Member States Governments to enact their own legislation, hence, in the UK, we have the Construction and Use Regulations 1986 and Road Vehicle Lighting Regulations (RVLR) – amongst others.
The UK Department of Transport have issued a Note on A Frames where they state:
“When an "A" frame is attached to a vehicle (e.g. a motor car) and towed by a motor vehicle (e.g. motorhome) we believe the "A" frame and car become a single unit and as such are classified in legislation as a trailer.”
We believe Spain and Germany have national laws that prohibit their citizens from towing a motor vehicle with another motor vehicle. This in itself seems sensible to prevent a non professional from towing another vehicle with any unsuitable connection on a public highway.
However, local Police may try to apply this National Rule to visitors from another EU State where a purpose made system such as an A Frame plus car is considered allowable and classified as a trailer in legislation.
A-Frame plus car (trailer), correctly constructed, braked and lit, being towed by a UK resident citizen using a UK registered taxed and tested tow vehicle, and displaying the registration number of the towing vehicle plus red reflective equilateral triangles, is believed to be a class O2 trailer by the UK registration authorities and therefore legal. Such combination of vehicles in International Traffic should be afforded temporary importation into another EU Member State as tow vehicle plus trailer.
To complicate matters we are of the opinion that some UK A Frames DO NOT fully comply with Construction & Use Regulations as they would apply to trailers.These A-Frames, therefore, should not be considered legal in the UK although the UKauthorities do not seem to enforce this. If these A Frames (trailers) used with a UK registered tow vehicle are NOT compliant in the UK then they will, almost certainly,NOT be considered legal in another EU Member State.
We do not believe an EU Member State has the authority to change the vehicle classification of a registered combination from another EU Member State whilst such combination of vehicles are in International Traffic. The first EU Member State would need to challenge such classification in the Courts of the second EU Member State.
Should you be unfortunate enough to be challenged by the authorities of another EU Member State our advice would be to enlist the help of the nearest UK Embassy or Consulate and your MEP to explain the compliance of your rig in accordance with Construction & Use 1986 the RVLR and the UK registration authorities classification as a trailer – Class O2.