SEM Family Name & ID


SEM-05 Geometry Link



IFC Release: 2.3.TC1

SEM Member Names & ID


05-01 ElementTypeGeometry

05-02 IndividualGeometry,

Organization: Pankow Foundation, PCI

Creation date: 15/8/2011


Author(s): Manu Venugopal

Revision History: 12/9/2011 C. Eastman

SEM Description:

This SEM Family associates a shape with a BuildingElement, or alternatively, with a BuildingElementType when the shape isused as a template. A shape will be assigned to a BuildingElement instance by one of these two methods.
The Geometry Link SEM supports links to all the elements that can receive shapes and will be extensively used as the number of element types supported by SEMs grow.

SEM Family Name


SEM Geometry Link-05



Identify SEMs Outside this Family that itLinks With

List of Parent SEMs, if any:
Building Element Types / IfcBuildingElementProxyType, IfcCoveringType, IfcBeamType, IfcColumnType, IfcCurtainWallType, IfcDoorType, IfcMemberType, IfcRailingType, IfcRampType, IfcRampFlightType, IfcWallType,IfcSlabType, IfcStairFlightType, IfcWindowType, IfcStairType, IfcRoofType, IfcPileType, IfcFootingType, IfcBuildingElementComponentType, IfcPlateType
Elements that will not directly reference the spatial hierarchy are removed from this category.
IfcDistributionElement / IfcDistributionFlowElement and its subtypes, IfcFlowMovingDevice, IfcFlowSegment, IfcFlowStorageDevice, IfcFlowTerminal, IfcFlowTreatmentDevice
IfcFeatureElement / IfcFeatureElementAddition, IfcFeatureElementSubtraction
IfcElementAssembly / IfcElementAssembly
IfcVirtualElement / IfcVirtualElement
IfcSpace / IfcSpace
IfcGrid / IfcGrid
Primary Building Elements / IfcBeam, IfcBuildingElementProxy,IfcColumn, IfcCovering,IfcCurtainWall, IfcDoor, IfcFooting, IfcMember, IfcPile, IfcPlate, IfcRailing, IfcRamp, IfcRampFlight, IfcRoof, IfcSlab, IfcStair, IfcStairFlight, IfcWall, : IfcBuildingElementComponent, IfcWindow
List of Child SEMs, if any:
IfcSolidModel / IfcManifoldSolidBrep, IfcSweptAreaSolid, IfcCsgSolid, IfcSweptDiskSolid
IfcBoundingBox / IfcBoundingBox
IfcFaceBasedSurfaceModel / IfcFaceBasedSurfaceModel

SEM Family Name


SEM Geometry Link-05



SEM Precedent Sequence <Identifies all the sequences where this SEM may be applied, with both before and after links to other SEMS its execution, and which Member(s) to use This may be a large table

Scenario (Business purpose) SEMs Used
1. Assign ElementType Geometryto Element Type SEM- 02-(01-11) SEM-05-01
2. Assign ElementIndividualGeometryto Primary Building Element SEM- 04-(01-11) SEM-05-02

SEM Member Name


SEM-05-ElementTypeGeometry-01, SEM-05-ElementGeometry-02


4++FC Binding for Each Member SEM

Version History


12/9/2011 C. Eastman

SEM Member binding diagram binding diagram using flattened entity shapes, for the general case of SEM family; list in title the cases, if any, that this applies to without elaboration

SEM Member Methods <Identifies the Methods needed to insert a Member of this SEM Family into the existing SEM structure. Some may be optional, other always apply

  1. Assign an Element Type the Element Type Geomtetry
  2. Assign the Primary Building Element the Element Geomtery.

SEM Family Name


<unique name for reference use; Family Name followed by Member names>



Concepts used to define this SEM<list of the Concepts from IFC Solutions Factory that are being re-placed or re-used in the current SEM Family>

PCI-054 Element Type Assignment
PCI-081 Piece Type Geometry Assignment
PCI-087 Generic Shape Representation

Concepts are available from IFC Solutions Factory Website