Lancaster Central High School
Building Planning Team
Goal #1
Goal Area: Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum/Instructional Strategies/Challenging Goals and Effective Feedback
Building Planning Team Objective: Encourage the regular use of engaging and interactive instructional strategies by accessing and analyzing data, suggesting job-specific and ongoing professional development, and the sharing of best practices.
What? / How? / When? / Who? / Who? / Accomplished?Strategy / Major Tasks / Activities / Dates - Begin/End / 1. Responsibility / 2. Workers / Evidence of Completion/Success
All departments will use common final assessments / 1. Identify important departmental instructional goals.
2. Develop their assessments based on those goals
3. Common Assessments aligned to Regents standards and department instructional goals as indicated by assessment process.
4. Submission of instructional goals to Administrative Liaison. / January 2008
January 2008 / Department Chair
Department Chairs / Members
Members / SPI goals in each department will be met.
All departments will collect and analyze data on final and formative assessments / 1. Train every teacher in the use of the Achievement Series grading software.
2. Train every teacher in the analysis of final and formative assessment data.
3. Development of rubrics based on department instructional goals for use in grading final and formative assessments, including portfolio and performance assessments, as needed. / Nov. 2007- start
Dec. 2007- Complete
March 2008- start
March 2008 / Mike Cornell
LHS administration and Dr. Perini
Department Chairs / Teacher Trainers
Dept. Members / SPI Goals will be met in each department
Sharing of best practices / 1. Identification of what constitutes a “best practice”.
2. Organize a faculty meeting, or other appropriate time for teachers to meet to share best practices / Jan. 2008- start
February 2008 / LHS Admin./Dr. Perini
LHS Admin. / BPT Instruction Committee / SPI Goals will be met in each department
Revise Attendance Policy / 1. Establish an LHS Attendance Committee / January 2008- start
April 2008- make recommendations / Instruction Subcommittee / Members of the Attendance Committee / Daily attendance rate, as well as period-by-period attendance rate will increase.
Lancaster Central High School
Building Planning Team
Goal #2
Goal Area: Instructional Strategies
Building Planning Team Objective: Effectively infuse technology into instruction by providing job-specific, ongoing professional development to teachers and by ensuring a team approach to technical support. We will also work to more clearly communicate specific instructional needs to building and district technology committees.
What? / How? / When? / Who? / Who? / Accomplished?Strategy / Major Tasks / Activities / Dates - Begin/End / 1. Responsibility / 2. Workers / Evidence of Completion/Success
Regular use of Interwrite Boards, and other technological innovations to connect students to the real world and to build essential skills / 1. Purchase Interwrite Boards, and other technology, designed to meet specific instructional goals.
2. Provide professional development to each teacher so that important technologies can be infused into instruction effectively. / December 2007
December 2007 / Department Chair
Dr. Vallely
Dr. Perini / Members
SDC policy board members / SPI goals in departments will be met as a result of effectively infusing technological innovations into instruction.
Departments will communicate their instructional objectives related to hardware and software purchases to technology committees. / 1. Departments will work to align each hardware and software purchase to a specific instructional objective.
2. Attach an instructionally focused rationale to each hardware and software purchase request. / December 2007
December 2007 / Department Chairs
Department Chairs / Teachers
Teachers / SPI goals in each department will be met as a result of the effective infusion of technology into daily instruction.
Refine the process for addressing technical support issues. / 1. Hold regular meetings between LHS teachers, administrators, Pat Bruce, and Michele Ziegler. / January 2008 / LHS Admin., Pat Bruce, Michele Ziegler / SPI goals in each department will be met as a result of the effective infusion of technology into daily instruction.
Lancaster Central High School
Building Planning Team
Goal #3
Goal Area: Student Motivation and Drop Out Prevention
Building Planning Team Objective: Encourage effective communication among all stakeholders by using creative scheduling, time and technology more effectively.
What? / How? / When? / Who? / Who? / Accomplished?Strategy / Major Tasks / Activities / Dates - Begin/End / 1. Responsibility / 2. Workers / Evidence of Completion/Success
Improve school/parent communication / 1. Teachers calling home before discipline reports are filed.
2. Compilation of better student contact information to include multiple parent work and cell numbers / September 2007
September 2007 / Teachers
Mike Cornell and Pat Bruce / Teachers
IS dept. staff / Improved behavior in classes, and more support from parents resulting in fewer discipline reports and meeting SPI goals in all department areas.
Examine various scheduling models to maximize student interest and achievement. / 1. Conduct research on scheduling models that have been proven to increase student achievement.
2. Conduct site visits, as appropriate. / January 2008
May 2008 / John Bender
Subcommittee / Subcommittee
______Building Planning Team
Goal Area: ______
Building Planning Team Objective: ______
What? / How? / When? / Who? / Who? / Accomplished?Strategy / Major Tasks / Activities / Dates - Begin/End / 1. Responsibility / 2. Workers / Evidence of Completion/Success