IB English A1 Syllabus and Assessment
Class of 2016
2 Years—11th and 12th Grade
Syllabus / Assessment
Part I: Works in Translation (Junior year, 2nd semester)
1. The Thief and the Dogs, NaguibMafouz (Egypt, 20th C.)
2. Chronicle of a Death Foretold, Gabriel Garcia Marquez (Columbia, 20th C.)
3. A Doll’s House, Henrik Ibsen (Norway 19th C.) / 25%
Analytical Essay
Assessments include Interactive Oral, The Reflective Statement, Supervised Writing, and a 1500 word analytical essay
Graded Externally by IB ExaminersPart II: Detailed Study (Genre Study) (Senior year, 1st semester)
- Othello, Shakespeare (Drama)
- Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen (Prose-fiction)
- Poetry of Elizabeth Bishop (Poetry)
Individual Oral Commentary
oTaped commentary on a poem AND passage from a Part II work
o30 minutes
Graded Internally by IB Teacher
Tapes sent to IB for evaluation
Part III: Groups of Works, Genre: The Novel (Senior year, 2nd semester)
- Their Eyes Were Watching God, Zora Neale Hurston
- As I Lay Dying, William Faulkner
- The Handmaid’s Tale, Margaret Atwood
- Heart of Darkness, Joseph Conrad
Exam Paper I (20%):
oWritten commentary over an unseen prose passage or poem
o2 hours
Exam Paper II (25%):
oComparison/Contrast essay on a general question pertaining to the genre of the novel
o2 hours
Graded Externally by IB Examiners
Part IV: School’s Free Choice
- In Cold Blood, Truman Capote (U.S. 20th C.)
- Short stories of Flannery O’Connor (U. S. 20th C.)
- Poetry of Sylvia Plath/Seamus Heaney/Emily Dickinson (19th/20th C.)
Individual Oral Presentation
oPresentation of a topic based on Part 4 works
o10-15 minutes
Graded Internally by IB Teacher
IB Senior English 2015-2016 Syllabus
Instructor: Ms. Stephanie Lindow
Room 319
Course Activities:
You will be completing Parts II and III in IB Senior English. During first semester this will include the reading and study of Othello by William Shakespeare, Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, and various poems by Elizabeth Bishop. The goal of this first semester will be to prepare you to successfully complete the Individual Oral Commentary and Discussion (required assessment for IB). In semester two, we will prepare for the May Exam which will require you to compare and contrast two of the novels from semester two- Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston, As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner, The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood, and Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad.
Required Materials:
- Pencils and pens
- Highlighters (at least two different colors…great for annotating)
- Organizational system-folder or 3-ring binder
- Loose-leaf paper or notebook
- Computer
Optional Materials:
- Post-it notes (you may find these helpful for marking important spots in the text)
- Your own copy of the texts
- If you wish, you may choose to purchase your own copy of the texts that we are reading. This will allow you the opportunity to write directly in your copy of the text which you may find helpful throughout the study of the text. If you choose to do this, I would recommend you purchase the same version we are reading in class to make it easier for you to follow along with class discussion. Below are the ISBN numbers for each of the novels we will read this year. Please note that it will not be necessary for you to purchase Heart of Darkness as each of you will receive a paper copy for you to write on for this novel.
- Othello: 978-0-7434-7755-0
- Pride and Prejudice: 978-0-307-27810-4
- Their Eyes Were Watching God: 978-0-06-112006-0
- As I Lay Dying: 978-0-679-73225-9
- The Handmaid’s Tale: 978-0-385-49081-8
- Be on time and prepared for class. This includes bringing the necessary materials to class and being ready to participate in all class activities.
- Do your best. I don’t expect you to simply try; I want your best work.
- Complete assignments on time. This includes reading assignments. As this class is literature based, there will be frequent reading assignments. Late work will be penalized (see late work section).
- Take responsibility for work missed due to absence. You must take the initiative to make up material you have missed. This includes material covered in class and work done outside of class.
- If you know you are going to miss class, for example a school field trip, you must get your work prior to your absence, and it must be done upon your return to class or earlier, or it will be considered late.
- A reading schedule is available at the start of each novel for the entire novel in the shared folder in Google Drive. Please consult this if you forget the reading assignment or are absent, so you can stay current with the reading.
- Your grade will be based on essays, tests/quizzes, projects, reading journals, and in-class work/participation.
- Grading is done on a total point system and then converted to a percentage grade:
- 100%-98% A+
- 97%-93% A
- 92%-90% A-
- 89%-88% B+
- 87%-83% B
- 82%-80% B-
- 79%-78% C+
- 77%-73% C
- 72%-70% C-
- 69%-63% D
- 62%-60% D-
- 59% and lower F
Late Work:
- Assignments submitted later that day will receive an automatic 7% deduction.
- Assignments submitted one day late will receive an automatic 10% deduction.
- Assignments submitted two days late will receive an automatic 20% deduction.
- Assignments turned in after three days will not be awarded any points. However, all major assignments MUST be completed in order to pass this class.
Plagiarism, Cheating, and Misconduct:
- I want your best, not someone else’s. I expect you to complete all assignments, papers, tests, etc. on your own. Plagiarism (copying another’s ideas or words without acknowledgement) is a very serious offense, as is cheating (copying or using answers from another student, using crib notes of any kind, etc.).
- I support and follow the Lincoln High School Academic Honesty policy. If a student is caught plagiarizing or cheating, he/she will receive a zero on that assignment, and I may contact parents and administration. It may also be necessary for the student to redo that assignment, without credit, in order to demonstrate that they have learned the course material.
- If you are caught a second time, you will receive a zero in the course.
Miscellaneous Policies:
- Use appropriate language (no swearing or use of abusive language).
- Limit requests for passes during my class. So plan ahead and use time between classes wisely.
- I will dismiss you, not the bell. Do not line up by the door and prepare to leave. We will usually be working till the bell, so participate until class is finished.
- Cell phones, iPods, headphones etc. may be used when permission has been granted by me prior to being used. If they become a distraction to the user or others within the class, they will be confiscated for the class period. It will be brought to the office on repeat offenses.
- You should bring your computer to class with you each day.
- Final exams will be worth 10% of the semester grade.
- I am available by email or telephone. Students, I prefer you email me at .
- I will be available before and after school as well as first hour if you need to see me. Please arrange a time to meet with me if possible to ensure that I will be available to help you.
- I will always be available during the WIN period, so please sign up to attend my session to receive help even if the session is not what you want help in.
- I want all of my students to succeed. Please let me know if you have questions, concerns, or need extra help. I am ready and willing to help you pass this class.
Student Name: ______
______Yes, I have read the syllabus for IB English and understand the expectations of the course. I know what plagiarism is and understand the impact plagiarizing will have on my grade.
Student Signature: ______
Parent/Guardian, please sign below to indicate that you have also read the syllabus and understand the expectations I have for your child in my class. Please contact me with any questions at 920-663-9673 or . Thank You!
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______
Parent/Guardian Preferred Contact Information: ______