MLK 2007

Packet by Vanderbilt and Wisconsin

1. These mountains feature a variety of fossilized fauna in the Goderdzi Pass, and the Keli plateau is home to the geologically important Sakokhe volcano.They include the lush MeskhetiRange and Mt.Tetnuld, and are drained in various portions by the Kuban’ River and theKuraRiver. Extending from the foot town of Sochi east to the AbseronPeninsula, the LikhiRange joins their greater and lesser potions. Home toBethlehemCave, they run through southern Dagestan and have their highest peak at Mt.Elbrus. FTP, name these mountains which passthrough Georgia and Azerbaijanrunning from the Black Seato the Caspian Sea.

Answer: Caucasus Mountains

2. The protagonist views frescoes at the Santa Croce Church and watches one man kill another in a debt-related argument before driving towards Fiesole with an English chaplain. Minor characters in this work include Sir Harry Otwayand the protagonist’s brother Freddy, while more prominent are his sister Teresa Alan, the Reverend Arthur Beebe, and the novelist Miss Lavish. That protagonist is engaged to Cecil Vyse, and the action of the novel begins at the Pension Bertolini where Mr. Emerson and his son George offer to switch places with Charlotte Bartlett and Lucy Honeychurch. FTP, name this 1908 E.M. Forster novel about that titular location, from which the characters can see quite well.

Answer: ARoom with a View

3. Two years before this battle, the French were bothered with an uprising known as the Cabochienne, in which a group of butchers attempted to impose an ordinance on Paris. The winning commander went on to forge an alliance with Sigismond de Luxembourg after this battle, where his left flank was commanded by Lord Camoys. The other side suffered the death of Jean le Maingre, the MarshalBoucicaut, and Charles d’Orleans as well as their commander, the Constable Charles d’Albret. Fought on muddy ground, it eventually led to the signing of the Treaty of Troyes. FTP, name this major victory for Henry V of England in 1415, an epic battle of the Hundred Years War.

Answer: Battle of Agincourt

4. Different types of this organic compound are named for Mosher, Hantzsch, Roche, and probably most famously, Hagemann. Lesser-known ways to make them are named after Yamaguchi and Steglich, particularly useful for forming the tert-butyl type of them. Acids of any chain length can be created by the very useful synthesis named for the malonic type of these compounds. Cyclic ones are known as lactones, and the simplest way of preparing them is named after Fischer and simply creates them by reacting a primary alcohol with a carboxylic acid. FTP, name this basic functional group consisting of a carbonyl group single bonded to an oxygen.

Answer: esters

5. This guy’s version of Belshazzar’s Feast is lost, but his version of Judith and Holofernes as a small ceiling painting was done around the same time as Portrait of a Bearded Man, and shows his attempts to experiment with decorative colors. He painted two nude women and two clothed men on a small boat in The Deliverance of Arsenoe. His more famous works include one depicting an orange robe clad St Mark hovering upside-down at top center entitled The Miracle of the Slave and his Origin of the Milky Way completed for Emperor Rudolph II, as well as his mystical 1594 version of The Last Supper. FTP, name this Venetian painter with a nickname that means “little dyer.”

Answer: Jacopo Tintoretto (or Jacopo Robusti)

6. This deity, also known as Ayabba, was visited by a man who carried a short toad named Nudimmud but he left and went back to the Hall of the Synod. One of her “sons” had a counselor named Kaka that he sent on a mission down to the “sediment,” an action requested by Kishar and Anshar. Also the mother of Lahmu and Lahamu, she grew fearful upon hearing the advance of Slayer, Pitiless, Racer, and Flyer. Her war minister Kingu had his blood spilled and used to make mankind after she was killed by Marduk. FTP, name this consort of Apsu in the Enuma Elish, a primeval dragon representing chaos in Babylonian myth.

Answer: Tiamat

7. The main character makes a few trips to the grove of Silvanus throughout this work, and at one point returns to his house from the marketplace bearing incense and flowers, only to find a group of caterers and other strangers in his home. His slave Staphyla is the first to learn of his daughter’sproposed marriage to his rich neighbor, but Staphyla is concerned because the daughter is actually already pregnant because she’s been violated by Lyconides, the son of Eunomia and nephew of Megadorus, who also seeks to marry her. At the work’s end, Euclio has a great change of heart and bestows the title object on his daughter and her new husband. FTP, name this story of a miser and his riches, a comedy by Plautus.

Answer: The Pot of Gold or Aulularia

8. In his autobiography, this politician praised his wife for being the first to graduate from a certain law school, and claimed that she covertly wrote a brief for him. He also talks about buying a local newspaper called Old Dane to support his candidacy and hiring long-time supporter John Nelson as editor. He drafted an act also known as the Furuseth Act giving rights to seamen in the merchant marine. His bid for president came on a ticket with Burton Wheeler fromMontana, and succeeded in taking votes away from John Davis in 1924. Known also for leading a pacifist filibuster in 1917 after the receipt of the Zimmerman note, FTP, name this Progressive senator and governor from Wisconsin nicknamed “Fighting Bob.”

Answer: Robert La Follette, Sr.

9. This effect was incorrectly explained by Bohr-Kramers-Slater theory, and the relativistic formula for it is a function of a parameter, epsilon, defined as Planck's constant times the frequency divided by the mass of an electron times speed of light squared. The Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect applies its inverse effect to cosmic microwave background radiation photons gaining energy when they travel through a hot electron cloud, and its above differential cross-section is given by the Klein-Nishina formula. The most likely interaction between an X-ray and soft tissue, FTP, name this effect in which a photon loses energy as it scatters off of a single electron, named for an American Nobel-winning physicist.

Answer: Compton effect or scattering

10. This man wrote an opera taken from the story “Le Rosier de Madame Husson,” and his opus #71 is based on the Japanese Noh play “SumidaRiver.” He penned a TV opera Owen Wingrave as well as the music for thedocumentary film Night Mail. One of his most famous works is dedicated to the children of John and Jean Maud and contains a fortississimo finish while another includes the “Four Sea Interludes” and is based on a work by George Crabbe. Better known among his operas is an adaptation of Thomas Mann’s Death in Venice. FTP, name this British composer of Noye’s Flood, War Requiem, The Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra, and Peter Grimes.

Answer: Benjamin Britten

11. In the second section, the author contrasts the foundations of a state with the construction of a house and a highway. In another section, he concludes that simply because man can imagine the head of a lion attached to the body of a goat does not mean that chimeras really exist. It references the work of Spanish thinker Raymond Lully, and was originally meant to be part of a work entitled The World.The author begins that good sense is the most evenly distributed thing among men, but soon arrives at a position that even all the wildest supposition of skeptics cannot shake, that cogito ergo sum. FTP, name this treatise published before Meditations on First Philosophy, by René Descartes.

Answer: Discourse onMethod (Discourse on the Method ofRightly Conducting the Reason, and Seeking Truth in the Sciences)

12. In a recent work this man declares himself to be “throwing ketchup on my fries” and implores a man named Frank to take his hood off, while in a work featuring Sun God he references “innocent dope pushers and overnight kingpins.” On the track “Malcolm,” he encourages you to “smack him where his hand hurt,” and on “Apollo Kids” he says he will “crawl up in the bed with grandma.” Lesser-known works include Bulletproof Wallets and 2004’s critically acclaimed The Pretty Toney Album.He begins the album Enter the 36 Chambers by noting that his “glock burst leaving a hearse I did worse.” The leader of the Theodore unit and the mastermind behind albums like More Fish, Fishscale, and the legendary Supreme Clientele, FTP, name this rapper born Denis Coles and also known as Tony Starks, who debuted as a founding member of the Wu-Tang Clan.

Answer: Ghostface Killah (prompt on Ghostface)

13. This author’s lone mystery novel appeared in print over sixty years after her death. That work, entitled Unpunished, departs thematically from more characteristic works likeThe Crux, Moving the Mountain, and What Diantha Did.After a collection entitled In This Our World,she wroteabout child-care inConcerning Childrenand married her cousin in 1902. Edward Bellamy’s Looking Backward inspired her utopian novel Herland, and she satirized her treatments with Dr. Silas Mitchell in her most famous work in 1892. The one-time wife of Charles Stetson, FTP, name this early feminist and author of Women and Economics and “The Yellow Wallpaper.”

Answer: Charlotte Perkins Gilman

14. David and Isabel Crook wrote about the effects of it at Ten Mile Inn. It’s also been analyzed by René Dumont and Jasper Becker, who criticizes men like Edgar Snow for casually approving of it. Known as the “three bitter years,” it began with an operation in Chayashan and was facilitated by the anti-Rightist movement. The second of the five-year plans, it saw the organization of families into work teams and brigades, and the development of backyard steel furnaces and communal kitchens. Criticized by moderates like Peng Dehuai, FTP, name this disastrous policy begun by Mao Zedong in 1958, with a name that indicates his intention to move the Chinese economy ahead by a bound.

Answer: TheGreat Leap Forward

15. Their reactivity is increased in patients with Behcet’s disease. A decrease in their adenine nucleotide characterizes Delta Storage Pool Deficiency, a defect in their dense granules which is similar to a syndrome that describes them as gray. Bernard-Soulier Syndrome occurs when glycoprotein IB [one-B] is missing from their membranes, and since this is the receptor for von Willebrand factor, they fail to adhere properly. Carriers of L-tryptophan and serotonin, they are bound with fibrin after a cascade of reactions, creating a web-like mesh. Produced from megakaryocytes and also known as thrombocytes, FTP, name these small cell fragments which play a key role in clotting blood.

Answer: platelets

16. This case cites the precedent of U.S Department of Agriculture v. Morenoin its holding. The dissent begins by accusing that the “Court has mistaken a Kulturkampf for a fit of spite” and then criticizes the majority’s use of the concept of “animus” and its dubious claim of using rational basis review. The majority, written by Kennedy, begins by quoting Harlan’s dissent in Plessy v. Ferguson that the Constitution “neither knows nor tolerates classes among citizens.” The Court used the equal protection clause to strike down Amendment 2 added to the state constitution of Colorado to prevent gays and lesbians from being treated as a protected class. FTP, name this 1996 case hailed as a landmark by homosexuals.

Answer: Romer v. Evans

17. One of this author’s novels follows Gideon Zadock as he falls in love with Natasha Solomon. In another, Dr. Adam Kelno sues the author Abraham Cady, much like this author was once sued by a Polish doctor, Wladislaw Dering. When Esquire Magazine purchased an article of his about football and encouraged him to write a novel, the result was his 1953 debut Battle Cry. This author wrote about the Larkin family in 1995’s The Redemption and about Germany in a work subtitled A Novel of Berlin. He published Ireland: A Terrible Beauty and Jerusalem: Song of Songs together with his wife Jill, and his work Mila 18 forced Joseph Heller to change the title of his book from Catch 18 to Catch 22. FTP, name this modern Jewish author of Trinity, QB VII, and Exodus.

Answer: Leon Uris

18. This man’s numerous self-portraits include one with a leather belt, one as a wounded man, and one as a desperate man. His hunting scenes include the aptly titled Hunt Breakfast and Stag Taking to the Water, while his seascapes include several versions of the Cliff at Etretat. His several still-lifes includeThe Trellis, painted before his piece Peasants of Flagey Returning from the Fair.In 1855, a work sub-titled “A Real Allegory Determining a Phase of Seven Years of my Artistic Life.” emerged, followed by a provocative view of a nude woman entitled The Origin of the World. FTP, name this realist French artist best known for The Painter’s Studio, The Stone Breakers, and the Burial at Ornans.

Answer: Gustave Courbet

19. This man set up a Board of Nine Select Men to rule with him, and soon after came into conflict with Theophilus Eaton. He replaced William Kieft, whom he sent away on the Princess, and arrested Corporal Barendt. His tenure ended after receiving a letter from Sir George Cartwright, and after being replaced by Richard Nicholls, he retired to his estate, the Great Bouwerie. A former governor ofCuracao and ancestor of Hamilton Fish, he signed the Treaty of Hartford, but the policies of his rule would be opposed by the Flushing Remonstrance. After building FortCasimir, he conquered New Sweden in 1654. FTP, name this cruel and one-legged man who served as governor of the New Netherlands.

Answer: Peter Stuyvesant

20. A namesake study on these by Henry and Elske Smith created a correction formula for computing their area. They are associated with Moreton Waves and EIT Waves, with the latter covering a wider angular span and being observed father away. They can create a loop prominence system and their structure may be described as parallel-ribbon. A famous one is known as the Seahorse, and ones called Hyder are linked to the disappearance of a large dark filament instead of an active site. Bigger than plage fluctuations, their precursor stage sees emission of soft x-rays. Originating in the photosphere and extending into the corona, FTP, name these hugely energetic explosions in the Sun’s atmosphere.

Answer: solar flares

TB. This man classified discipline as repetitive behavior under determinate conditions in a work on Moral Education,and composed another work on the normality of crime. The inspiration for Bateson’s schismogenesis theory, he differentiated between repressive and restitutive law, seeing crime as a reflection of a population’s unconscious. Rodney Needham translated his collaboration with Marcel Mauss on Primitive Classification, andhe sought to identify the common social origins of religious beliefs in Elementary Forms of Religious Life. FTP, name this French sociologist whose best-known works include The Division of Labor in Society and a study on Suicide.

Answer:Emile Durkheim

1. This man’s famous portraits include Walter Rathenau and a painting of the four sons of his Lubeck patron, Max Linde. FTPE:

A. Name this Norwegian painter of The Scream.

Answer: Edward Munch

B. The Scream is one work in this extended cycle of paintings by Edward Munch including The Storm and Death in the Sickroom, which reflects a preoccupation with the fall of man.

Answer: The Frieze of Life

C. This painting in the Frieze of Life series ought not to be confused with a scandalous Philip Burne-Jones work of the same name which inspired a poem by Kipling.

Answer: (A) Vampire

2. It tells the story of John T. Unger who hails from the small town of Hades and his summer holiday with schoolmate Percy Washington in the Rockies. FTPE:

A. Name this American short story, written in 1921.

Answer: “The Diamond as Big as the Ritz”

B. This guy wrote “The Diamond as Big as the Ritz,” as well as some novels like Tender is the Night.

Answer: Francis Scott Fitzgerald

C. Clothes for a Summer Hotel is a play about Fitzgerald and his wife Zelda by this other American author, who also wrote a lone novel The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone.

Answer: TennesseeWilliams

3. Name some places where battles of the Mexican-American War happened, FTPE.

A. The first engagement came here in 1846, when Mariano Arista was beaten back by Taylor after attacking Jacob Brown’s fort. It shares its name with the location of the campus of StanfordUniversity.