A LevelPHYSICSPre Induction Task July 2017
In order to get you fully prepared for PhysicsA Level, we have set you the following task. We will be using the information you research for this task in the first few weeks of A Level Physics. Make sure that you have the work with you to hand in for the first lesson, preferably printed off on paper if possible, as well as having uploaded it onto the College Student Portal using the directions below.
Task – Wave Properties Research Task
Unit 4This section provides knowledge and understanding of wave properties, electromagnetic waves, superposition and stationary waves.In order to prepare you for this section of the course you are required to answer the following research questions.
Describewhat is meant by the following terms used in Wave Motion: / Explain the difference between:Displacement, amplitude, wavelength, period, phase, phase difference, frequency, reflection, refraction and speed of a wave. / *Progressive and Stationary Waves – giving examples
* Longitudinal and Transverse Waves – giving examples
* Mechanical and Electromagnetic Waves – giving examples
Investigate (by research) the techniques and procedures used to find the frequency of sound waves using: / By research, evaluate the truth of the following statements below:
An oscilloscope
a microphone
a guitar /
- The sky appears red at sunset due to refraction.
- LASER light is blinding because it is such a high power light source.
- Either
b.)Light behaves as a particle called a “photon”.
How to present your information
You may present your information in a way that you enjoy working. It could be type written, like an essay or report; a presentation, such as by using Microsoft PowerPoint.
It is very important that you write in detail and avoid copy and pasting from the internet!
Useful websites to get you started
A LevelPhysics Kit List
Our Kit List is here not only to remind you what the A Level Physics course is about, but also to let you know essential items you will need for the course.
In the new A Level Physics specification you will need very good mathematical skills, along with an ability to use English Language clearly and concisely. In the first module in the 1st year we study the topics of waves, electricity and the mind boggling topic of quantum physics….when physicists threw away the rule book and started again. Don’t worry we do study astrophysics and use E=mc2, but that’s a bit later on.
Practical Work – Practical work is carried out regularly in our well-equipped labs to reinforce theory work. It is assessed as a series of 12 investigations over two years called “Practical Endorsements”. You are graded as a pass or fail on the “Practical Endorsements” and they do not count towards your overall A Level Grade, but are required by universities as a measure of your competence in practical work.
How we work – we use a variety of teaching and learning styles such as individual learning, paired problem solving, practical planning and investigations, research tasks, past paper questions, discussion and debate and structured tasks. We set weekly homework.
What we need from you –to bring basic stationary to lessons, be punctual and engaged. To commit to at least 4.5 hours of time per week outside of lesson to be spent on homework, reading, research and revision for this subject.
Skills we develop and test
- Recall skills – Like any job, there is key, factual information that successful physicists must know.
- Mathematical skills – Everyone will develop the appropriate mathematical skills for A Level Physics.
- Problem solving skills - Applying mathematical principles to investigate how the Universe around us works.
- Written Communication - Clear written self-expression in describing and explaining why the Universe works the way it does.
- Comprehension Skills - Understanding scientific text and extracting relevant scientific information.
- Graphical presentation and analysis – being able to interpret, present and analyse data
- Evaluation – to be able to make judgements using evidence provided
- Independent learning – your ability to go away and research to gain knowledge and answers.