Directions to Turner Auditorium, Health Sciences Building, D-209
1959 NE Pacific Street
On this campus map find the red circled area in the bottom left at K/L-15:
Driving Directions
Go to the intersection of 15th Ave NE and NE PacificStreet, and then head south on 15th (to go behind our building). Take a left at ColumbiaRoad, and pay $11 cash at the parking booth there. Park in the South Campus ParkingGarage or S-1 lot.
After you park in S-1, come up to street level and locate the U-Car sign above the north
central stairwell of the parking lot. You should be facing north to see stairs across the
street with a sign to their right that says: Warren G. Magnuson Health Science Center.
Head up the stairs, and at the top of the stairs you will be in a courtyard with signs for the
“Courtyard Café.” Enter the doors to the left of the café and take an immediate right and
walk to the end of that hallway. Turner Auditorium (D-209) will be on your left.
Walking Directions
From Upper Campus: Locate the eastern-most (hospital end) pedestrian bridge across
Pacific Avenue into the middle of the Health Sciences Building (the bridge is west of and
behind Bloedel). This bridge will lead you into the outer stairwell of the T-wing on the 4th
floor. Take the outer stairs down to the 2nd floor and enter the main part of the building.
Take an immediate left and then a right. At the T in the hallway take a right and then your
first left. Walk until just before you reach the glass doors to the outside and take a left
down the hall. You’ll pass the Courtyard Café on your right. Turner Auditorium is at the
end of that hall on the left.
From the Rotunda: Exit the south side of the Rotunda, go down the stairs and take a left
along Columbia Road. When you see the U-Car sign on the other side of the street (at the
2nd crosswalk), take a left and head up the stairs with a sign to their right that says:
Warren G. Magnuson Health Science Center. At the top of the stairs you will be in a
courtyard with signs for the “Courtyard Café.” Enter the doors to the left of the café and
take an immediate right and walk to the end of that hallway. Turner Auditorium (D-209)will be on your left.