East Central Neighborhood Steering Committee/Council
Mission Statement: To Protect and Preserve the East Central Neighborhood and Its Quality of Life through Planning, Visionary Leadership, Accountability, and Neighborhood Volunteers working with City of Spokane Departments, Agencies and Neighbors for the benefit of Current and Future Residents with the Aid and Assistance of Community Development Grants and other Funding Sources.
July 21, 2015, Tues. 6:00 p.m. at East Central Community Center, 500 S. Stone
MEMBERS PRESENT: (Quorum 25% of voting members 7): Valena Arguello, Toni Butler,Landon Carrell, Bill Conley, Deb Conklin, Lois D’Ewart,Penny Flower, Joy Hart, Jim Hanley, Jennifer Hansen,Bob Mauk, Bev Numbers, Jerry Numbers, Alicia Powell, Carole Shook, Doug Schroeder, Heather Wallace, Colleen McCalip, Allen McCalip
Guests: Shirlee Roberts-Dawrey, Darrel McCallum DOT, Jody Qualley DOT, Kristi Roybal, Lawrence Stone, Alexandra Montague, Lisa White, Patricia Butterfield, Councilman Mike Fagan
EXCUSED ABSENCE(Notify Joy or Heather):Debby Ryan, Ron Myers, Megan Wallace, Harrison Baldwin, Gretchen Chomas,
Minutes: June minutes approved with no changes
- Safety Report: Property and vehicle crime up. There was a homicide at 4th and Altamont-investigation pending.
- DOT-Darrel McCallum-The state budget includes funding for the entire transportation North corridor project-$750 million. Estimated completion 2029. There will be three main phases of engineering, right of way acquisition, and construction. It is anticipated that the section nearest I-90 will be completed 2019-2021. See full discussion as attachment.The w/b Freya off ramp assessment to mitigate air quality problems and congestion may be completed by 2016.
- Office of Ombudsman: none
- City Council Guests:Councilman Fagan-Two OPO Commissioners will be appointed next Monday, achieving quorum. Speed radar cameras will begin soon. Tickets begin at 28mph and range from $296-$800. Half of the money will go to SPS. There is no depository for the funds yet. $852,000 funds have been made available for the blue bridge in Riverfront Park. The cost estimate of the Mission St. bridge has increased to $3 million. The Altamont underpass project will proceed. City received a grant for region-wide neighborhood signage. Tickets for Uber and Lyfte drivers parking in taxi areas up to $200. City will be entering into an 18 month MOU with Uber and Lyfte.
CDBG INITIAL APPLICATION REVIEW:Applicants included Southeast Daycare, East Central Community Center, SPEAR, SERA, Sprague Ave. pedestrian improvements, Liberty Park roof and Perry St. bike corral. See full attached report and motions below.
- Community Assembly Report- Neighborhood Councils will beginning receiving land use change notices. The ONS has items that neighborhoods can borrow for events-tent, popcorn popper, cones, vest, etc. The CDBG process will include Conflict of Interest forms- once a motion has been made, any financially involved persons must refrain from discussion and voting.
- PeTT-(Harrison Baldwin)-no report
- Public Safety Committee/Stakeholder group(Joy Hart)-Decision making will be by consensus. Police had a great presentation on disparity in calls for service among poorly managed properties. Getting information so that something can be done about the problem.
- CDBG – (Valena Arguello)-no report
- Sidewalks- no report needed
- Clean-up:(Jerry)- Curbside pick-up generated 24.96 tons of garbage, dump passes-28 tons for a total of $8008.00 funds used. Fall dump passes Oct 3-18th and curbside Oct 19, 22nd, 24th
- 2015 Traffic Calming-Harrison/Joy/Jerry- no report
- Greening Grant 2015-(Jennifer Hansen)-No report
- Social Media-(Alicia Bemiss-Powell)-no report
- Other City Business: none
1.COPS:Need more volunteers
2.ESBA/TIP(Jennifer Hansen): Creating plans to help businesses survive construction
3.South Perry (Deb Conklin).: Businesses took over planning for Fair July 25th-street will be closed. South Perry is one of the pilots for the SRHD walk/bike/bus program and are looking at bike racks and carrels in some current parking spots.
4.Neighborhood Matters (Jennifer Hansen): Sprague CAFÉ had a successful block party. Planning a graffiti removal day and also participating in Art on the Ave. Both groups will be participating in Night Out Against Crime events-MLK on August 4th and ECCC on August 21st. On September 9th United Way will be having their Day of Action with 300 corporate volunteers in the East Central neighborhood with the staging at ECCC.
5.New Business: None
- Motion to approve June minutes by Bev, 2nd by Lois=approve unanimous.
- Motion to move reserve $31,000 from Park account to ECCC for flooring by Doug, 2nd Bev, 12 approve, 0 opposed, 7 abstain-Jerry, Landon, Jen, 4 unidentified.
- Motion to move up to $35,000 to daycare for cooling system by Doug, 2nd by ?. 14 approve, 0 opposed, 5 abstain-Carol, Landon, Jen, Heather, 1 unidentified.
- Motion to move $14,900 to SPEAR for heating/cooling, bathrooms and flooring by Heather, 2ND Jerry. 14 approve, 0 opposed, 5 abstain-Claudia, Jen, Deb, Landon, Alicia
- Motion to move $15,000 to SERA and reserve $15,000 for additional expenses related to SPEAR requests by Jerry, Heather 2nd. 14 approve, 0 opposed, 5 abstain-Jen, Landon and 3 unidentified.
Meeting Adjourned 9:10pm
Minutes prepared by Heather Wallace, Secretary.
Next Executive Planning Meeting noon Tuesday September 1st, 2015@ noon-Wisconsin Burger.
7/21/2015 Department of Transportation report to the East Central Neighborhood Council
Darrel McCallum DOT
For updates:
-review design workbook
The state budget includes funding for the entire transportation North corridor project-$750 million. Estimated completion 2029. There will be three main phases of engineering, right of way acquisition, and construction. It is anticipated that the section nearest I-90 will be completed 2019-2021.
- The build schedule will be related to budget fund release each 2 year period.
- Unexpected engineering issues may impact final design.
- Property acquisition and construction will be going on at the same time
- Wellesley/Freya intersection area will be completed by 2016. Railroad realignment is next section.
- There is significant railroad ground contamination in the Hillyard area that will require clean-up and some rerouting. Department of Ecology is currently reviewing-more information at DOE website.
- May be a challenge to keep current access points and connection to I-90.
- Larry Stone expressed concern that the existing Altamont access be maintained, that the area bordering East Central be beautified, and that the large collector/distributor model be eliminated.
- The ultimate project will likely be smaller in scope than the current collector/distributor on the books.
- 8 neighborhoods will be impacted and will thus be consulted for design along the project
- When will the design for the I-90 interchange area be complete?
- FHWA has to approve the engineering study which will take about 1 year and then design can begin
- How will noise be addressed?
- Noise walls and other options will be factored into the design.
- Jim Hanley expressed concern about what is going to happen to the 2nd/3rd area in the next 14 years. He recommended planting some drought resistant trees to improve the look of the area and help with noise concerns.
- What is the plan for trail connections?
- The Children of the Sun trail will connect to the Centennial Trail and that to Ben Burr. The River to I-90 section is not certain yet.
- Our Place Park will be replaced with green space along the highway route.
Vice ChairDoug
CA RepJoy Hart
CA AltLois D’Ewart –