Meeting 6/2005

22nd December 2005 3.00pm-4.30pm

Legislative Assembly


Dave Broderick Chair

Dee Watson Secretariat

Peter Dunn ex-Officio

Michael Ross ex-Officio

Simon Katz Member

Michael Lonergan Member

Bruce Leaver Member

Geoff Butler Member

Peter Kanowski Member

Peter Newham on behalf of David Prince


Kevin Jeffery

Stephen Wise

Jo Matthews

David Prince

Tony Bartlett

1. Opening and Introduction by Chairman

David Broderick opened the meeting at 3:05pm. Minister Hargreaves spoke to the Council and advised that it had his full support.

Michael Lonergan proposed that the minutes of the previous meeting be accepted with some minor amendments. Simon Katz seconded this.

The table of Actions was reviewed.

2. Apologies:

Tony Bartlett, Stephen Wise, Kevin Jeffery, Jo Matthews and David Prince were not available to attend the meeting.

Total Fire Ban (TOBAN)

The Toban advised in NSW was discussed, also the fact that the ACT do not currently have a Toban in place. It was stressed that it was essential that the ACT would declare its own fire bans when conditions were relevant to the ACT.

Commissioners Report:

Fairbairn Precinct – Airport

The HQ will now be at the Airport. The aircraft will be located there from January. The new facility will include Workshops, a Simulation Centre, the Emergency Management Taskforce. There will also be a Specialist Outdoor Training Facility, which will enable hotfire training, and will be operational by June 2007. A number of other agencies, both from ACT and NSW are interested in utilising this training facility.

Last week Michael Ross & Peter Dunn presented ACT Medals to NSW Firefighters in Sydney, recognising their contribution to fighting the 2003 bushfires.

The Emergencies Act has been amended and the Bill has been passed in the Assembly. The impact on Council is that BOPs will have to be improved.

A new version of the Firelink software has been finalised today and is up and running.

A total plan is also in place for Black Mountain.


A TOBAN has declared for tomorrow, Friday 23 December, starting at midnight tonight. This will be reassessed on Saturday.

Plans are in place for some roadside burning in the early weeks of January, probably after a slasher has gone through.

The ACT RFS has had a very positive meeting with NSW RFS in relation to setting up cooperative arrangements, including IMT’s.

The RFS has received a $90K Federal Grant in relation Farm FireWise, over a 2-year period. Michael Lonergan expressed the opinion that the majority of landholders are members of their local brigades and that this is going to be a waste of money. He also stated that there are no small landholders in the ACT.

Early in the New Year two students will be taken on board to assist with Research. One student will be working with the CSIRO and looking at helicopter bombing, drop patterns and spray applications. The other student, also working with the CSIRO, is looking at CAFS units studying persistence, coverage and application of different foam to water ratios.

Fire Brigade

Peter Newham, on behalf of David Prince, advised that the Fire Brigade have identified staff who are available over the Christmas period. The CFU’s have had their final briefings for the season and ready to be engaged in operations.

The Fire Brigade attended the RFS Field Trip, which was very beneficial. It highlighted the fact that there is a hazard that needs to be managed.

The Fire Brigade have also identified additional staff, and have drawn up operational plans for both Summernats and New Year.

Meeting Chair

Dave Broderick advised that a D4 Bulldozer has been parked at the Depot at Stromlo and is available for use should it be necessary.

Mr Broderick stressed that Members need to make a commitment to attend the monthly Bushfire Council meetings and that apologies need to be advised to Dee Watson prior to each meeting.

Next Meeting:

Council agreed that the next meeting date be changed as it falls on Australia Day. It will be held on the week prior to this, 19 January, at Curtin.

Closed at 16:39pm

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Meeting 3/2005 – 22nd September, 2005 - Action Items:

Meeting No: / Action Item: / Action Officer: / Outcome:
2005/03 / Go through the Wangary report to see if the ACT can answer all questions, then report back to Council. / Michael Ross
2005/03 / Supply TRN coverage diagrams to Council. / Rod Shaw
2005/03 / Find out the timeline for NSW building a site at Cooma for their TRN. / Rod Shaw
2005/03 / Speak with Brian Parry regarding the pump and trolley unit made specifically for use with swimming pools. / Kevin Jeffery
2005/03 / Investigate what procedures could be put into place in order to manage the older vehicles in the field. / Michael Ross / Completed
2005/03 / Investigate the cost for replacement of:
1) Engine
2) Pump
3) Whole vehicle / Michael Ross / Completed
2005/03 / Seek advice from OH & S people within ESA in relation to using older vehicles as first strike vehicles for this season, whilst waiting for the new vehicles to arrive. / Michael Ross
2005/03 / Provide information to the Minister in relation to the fleet vehicles that need to be replaced. / Council
2005/03 / Confirm venue of next meeting. / Dee Watson / Completed
2005/02 / Discuss Forward Planning / All / Progressive
2005/02 / Formally invite the Head of Parks to address the meeting. / Michael Ross / Invited
2005/02 / Update on roll out of the TRN – Presentation to the Council in October
2005/02 / Update of Asset Management Plan for Vehicles at next meeting for advice from Council. / Peter Dunn / Report Supplied
2005/02 / Provide comment on “Lessons from the 2003 Bushfires” to Dee Watson via email. / All / Ongoing
2005/02 / Provide a report in relation to the Bushfire Management School at the next meeting. / Peter Dunn / Ongoing
2005/01 / Brief Council on the response provided by the RFS in response to a request made by ActewAGL in relation the implications of implementing a “Zero Fire” policy within the Cotter Catchment area. / Nick Lheude (RFS) / Done
2005/01 / Kevin Jeffery asked that a status report be given at the next meeting in relation to new radios. / Peter Dunn / Done
2005/01 / Tony Bartlett raised the need to discuss the implications of the Civil Actions being taken as a result of the 2003 Bushfires. / All / Discussed
2005/01 / Letters of appreciation to be sent to past Members of Council. / Peter Dunn/ Minister / Agreed by the Minister
2005/01 / Ensure that a letter of appreciation was sent to the Flint family. / Dave Broderick / Sent
2005/01 / Peter Dunn suggested inviting relevant people from NSW RFS or NSW National Parks to attend a Bushfire Council Meeting to discuss fuel management. / Michael Ross / In train
2005/01 / Documentation to be supplied at the next meeting in relation to “keeping tracks open”. / Bruce Leaver / Distributed
2005/01 / Tony Bartlett offered to provide a copy of Urban Services Risk Assessment. / Tony Bartlett / Given to Michael Ross
2005/01 / Review Key Lessons From the 2003 Fires, for further discussion next meeting. / All / Progressive
Dave Broderick to invite Government Solicitor to attend meeting. / Dave Broderick / Agreed
2005/01 / Send out Induction Packs to new Members not present at the meeting. / Dee Watson / Packs posted.

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