Staff Handbook
Lowrey Middle School
Table of Contents
Cover Page...... 1
Table of Contents...... 2
Committee...... 3
Statement of Purpose...... 4
Michigan State Board Policy...... 5
Creating Behavior Expectations...... 6
Lowrey Middle School Expectations Matrix...... 7
Behavior Grid (Majors and Minors)...... 8
Tardy Card Procedure ...... 11
5th Tardy Parent Letter (teacher)...... 13
5th Tardy Letter Home Sign Sheet (teacher)...... 14
6th Tardy Script for Student Call Home (office)...... 15
6th Tardy Phone Call Home Log ...... 16
Focus Card Procedure...... 17
Sign Sheet for Replacement Cards (office)...... 19
Replacement Focus and Tardy Card Letter...... 20
Polar Points Procedure...... 21
Acknowledging and Rewarding Positive Behavior...... 22
Behavior Intervention Referral Procedure (Majors)...... 23
Teaching the Expectations Matrix...... 24
Tier 2 Interventions...... 25
Tier 2 Criteria...... 25
TIER 2 Targeted Interventions Grid...... 26
Description of Tier 2 Interventions ...... 27
Lowrey Home/School Behavior Plan...... 28
Three Tiered Model ...... 29
Posters...... 30
Lowrey Middle School
Positive Behavior Interventions and Support
2011 -2012
Lisa Cunningham
Hassan Dakroub
Denise Elliott
Yvonne Jenks
Ryan Lazar
Robert Lohaus
Michael Moyer
Kamal Saad
Steven Saleh
Ahlam Taha
Amy Wiedyke
Rima Younes
Jayne Allen
John Clay
Statement of Purpose
Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS) is a collaborative and positive process for structuring the learning environment to support the academic and social success of all students
The main purpose of PBIS is to provide and maintain a school-wide consistent, positive, and fair behavior plan. This plan promotes and encourages a philosophy that encompasses the entire school population and establishes a “community” where everyone is engaged, active, and invested in the process. PBIS establishes a positive learning and working climate, provides a unified teaching focus and maximizes efficiency of instructional time. Further more, it fosters improved communication among students, faculty, staff, parents and other community members, and efficiently provides extra supports for at-risk student populations. Therefore, the benefits of this type of plan are beneficial to everyone.
PBIS is a broad range of systemic and individualized strategies for achieving important social and learning outcomes while preventing problem behavior through positive reinforcement and reward. The primary focus and philosophy of this program will be “reinforcing” targeted behaviors rather than “punishing” or delivering “consequences” for unwanted behaviors.
Research shows us that students achieve at a higher level when they know the expectations and feel safe. PBIS will help us to improve in both of these areas. Our plan provides detailed expectations for every area in the school as well as most situations that may occur throughout the school day while putting an extreme emphasis on safety.
The success of our PBIS plan will improve over time with patience, commitment, and positive participation from our staff and students. We are excited and we are ready.
The vision of the State Board of Education is to create learning environments that prepare students to be successful citizens in the 21st Century. The educational community must provide a system that will support students’ efforts to manage their own behavior and assure academic achievement. An effective behavior support system is a proactive, positive, skill-building approach for the teaching and learning of successful student behavior. Positive behavior support systems ensure effective strategies that promote pro-social behavior and respectful learning environments. Research-based positive behavior support systems are appropriate for all students, regardless of age.
The principles of Universal Education reflect the beliefs that each person deserves and needs a positive, concerned, accepting educational community that values diversity and provides a comprehensive system of individual supports from birth to adulthood. A positive behavior support policy incorporates the demonstration and teaching of positive, proactive social behaviors throughout the school environment.
A positive behavior support system is a data-based effort that concentrates on adjusting the system that supports the student. Such a system is implemented by collaborative, school-based teams using person-centered planning. School-wide expectations for behavior are clearly stated, widely promoted, and frequently referenced. Both individual and school-wide learning and behavior problems are assessed comprehensively. Functional assessment of learning and behavior challenges is linked to an intervention that focuses on skill building. The effectiveness of the selected intervention is evaluated and reviewed, leading to data-based revisions. Positive interventions that support adaptive and pro-social behavior and build on the strengths of the student lead to an improved learning environment. Students are offered a continuum of methods that help them learn and maintain appropriate behavior and discourage violation of codes of student conduct.
In keeping with this vision, it is the policy of the State Board of Education that each school district in Michigan implement a system of school-wide positive behavior support strategies.
Adopted September 12, 2006
Creating Behavior Expectations
RESPECT: It is the ability to show honor, esteem, and consideration for others. It is the ability to show compassion toward others. Respect for others is closely related to respect for oneself. Those who lack self-respect usually do not give respect to others. Respect is important to give and to receive. It shows that you think the other person has value and importance. It is an unspoken communication that occurs between people. It is an attitude as well as a personal quality, an important “ingredient” of life.
RESPONSIBILITY: A core value of our district; the ability to act and/or make decisions on one’s own without supervision. It is an obligation/expectation to carry forward a task to a successful end. Those practicing responsibility will think before acting, expect accountability for his/her actions, will admit mistakes and plan for correction of those mistakes. In the words of Henry Ward Beecher, an abolitionist, “Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anybody else expects of you, never excuse yourself.”
SAFETY: Student perception of school safety is associated with violence in schools (Gottfredson & Skroban, 1996). When students perceive their school to be a dangerous place, they are more likely to engage in problematic behaviors that they view are necessary for their personal safety. Safety should be the number one concern of school staff as students cannot learn unless there is a perception of safety. It is the right of all students, parents, and staff members to be safe from danger, risk, or injury in the school environment. Safety does not “just happen.” It is incumbent upon each person to contribute to safety in our community and in all areas of our school. If you witness an unsafe situation, report it.
Page 1
Lowrey Middle School Expectations Matrix
/ Always / Classrooms / Hallways/Stairways / Cafeteria / Bathrooms/Locker Rooms / Spectator Events/Assemblies / Arrival/Departure•Respect yourself & the personal space of others
•Use appropriate language, tone, & volume
•Treat others as you would like to be treated
•Accept decisions & directions from adults / •Speak when it’s your turn
•Listen when others are talking
•Treat substitutes & guests with best behavior / •Close locker gently
•Keep hallways clean
•Respect classes in session / •Use good manners
•Wait your turn in line / •Be considerate of other’s privacy
•Take care of the facilities
•Make sure all items you leave with are your own / •Stand & remove hats for National Anthem
•Use supportive & positive language
•Exercise good sportsmanship toward all teams, officials, & guests / •Enter & Exit in an orderly manner
•Preserve the landscaping
•Represent yourself & your school properly
•Come to school prepared to learn: clean, well rested, & fed
•Clean up after yourself
•Follow Dress Code
•Leave Cell Phones in locker & turned off / •Be on time
•Bring all required materials
•Give your best effort
•Do your own work
•Participate in class / •Keep moving toward destination
•Keep locker clean & organized
•Keep locker locked
•Keep locker combination private
•Obtain appropriate pass from your teacher / •Bring your lunch and/or money/ID
•Clean your table & surrounding area before dismissal
•Obtain a pass if leaving early / •Report graffiti, damage, or unsafe behavior to a staff member
•Flush the toilet
•Return to class promptly
•Turn in found items
•Keep locker locked
•Keep locker combination private / •Attend the entire event
•Ask appropriate questions / •Bring all necessary materials
•Enter & Exit building through designated entrances.
•Arrive at school no more than 10 minutes early
•Depart school grounds promptly after dismissal
•Report mean, inappropriate, & unsafe behaviors.
•Think before you act
•Keep hands, feet, & objects to yourself / •Learn & follow classroom expectations / •Walk at a safe pace
•Stay to the right / •Be on time
•Remain seated until dismissed
•Follow dismissal procedures / •Wash hands thoroughly
•Put all items in locker
•For conflicts, get help immediately from a staff member. / •Sit in designated areas
•Follow dismissal instructions
•At school dances, use appropriate dancing
•Immediately depart school property / •Go directly to your locker, then your expected destination
•For conflicts, get help immediately from a staff member.
Behavior Grid (Majors and Minors)
Code 122-Bomb / Student delivers a verbal or
written message suggesting / Administrator referral
Threat/Weapons / possible explosive materials, / Referral to outside
Threat/False / pending explosions, and/or / appropriate authority.
Alarm/911 Call / weapon being on or near / Parental notification.
school grounds.
Student is in possession of
Code 121- / substances/objects readily / Administrator referral.
capable of causing bodily harm
Referral to outside
Combustibles/Arson / and/or property damage. / appropriate authority.
Code 124-Fireworks / Student plans and/or
Parental notification.
participates in malicious
burning of property.
Student is in possession of, / Administrator referral.
Code 114-Controlled / uses, or is under the influence
Referral to outside
of alcohol, drugs (prescription,
Substance / over-the-counter and/or illegal) / appropriate authority.
or drug paraphernalia. / Parental notification.
A disorderly, physical or verbal / Repeated disruptive behavior,
Code 103- / outburst, which results in a
which results in a minor / Record infraction on the Focus
major disruption of learning / Administrator referral.
Disorderly/Disruptive / disruptive of learning / Card. Teach/re-teach
and/or the civil environment. / Parental notification
Behavior / (i.e., arguing with a teacher and / unresolved with redirection. / expectation.
See Focus Card.
Record infraction on the Focus
Card. Teach/re-teach
Code 106-Dress Code / Refusal to comply to staff / Student follows request to / expectations. If student does
Administrator referral. / not have the correct attire, they
request to cover up or adjust / cover-up or adjust clothing; not
Violation / clothing; reoccurring. / Parental notification / reoccurring. / can exchange their
inappropriate attire for school
issued attire from the
counseling/social work office.
Code 104- / Use of someone's
name/identity without / Administrator referral.
permission (written, verbal, / Parental notification
Code 113- / Any kind of threat, bullying, / Administrator referral. / Making fun of another, put
Harassment (Sexual, / intimidation, verbal assault, / Record infraction on the Focus
Parental notification. Possible / downs, name calling,
verbal, physical, / racial slur, or innapropriate / Card. Teach/re-teach
referral to appropriate outside / anappropriate jokes even in a
emotional, or / touching/contact to the point of / expectation.
authority. / playful manner; not reoccurring.
technological) / causing emotional distress.
Code 112- / Including profane, racial/ethnic,
and/or sexual slurs and/or / Administrator referral. / Including profane, racial/ethnic / Record infraction on the Focus
Inappropriate / gestures leading to / and or sexual slurs and/or / Card. Teach/re-teach
Parental notification
Language / insubordination, disruption, or / gestures. / expectation.
Code 107- / Blatant or repeated refusal to / Record infraction on the Focus
comply with a resonable / Administrator referral. / Initial refusal, but eventual
Card. Teach/re-teach
Insubordination / request which creates an / Parental notification / compliance
obvious disruption.
Code 116-Physical / Fighting-when physical contact / Administrator referral. / Play-fighting, horseplay, / Record infraction on the Focus
Aggression / escalates to unsafe / Parental notification / posturing that results in non- / Card. Teach/re-teach
environment. / physical or minor contact / expectation.
Plagiarize, cheat, gain / Record infraction on the Focus
Code 101-Plagiarism / unauthorized access to or / Administrator referral.
Sharing homework / Card. Teach/re-teach
tamper with educational / Parental notification
materials and/or records / expectation.
Code 105-Public / Failure to comply with initial / Hugging, hand-holding, or other / Record infraction on the Focus
request to refrain from public / Administrator referral.
inappropriate personal physical / Card. Teach/re-teach
Display of Affection / display of affection or / Parental notification
contact. / expectation.
inappropriate contact.
Inappropriate use of technology
and any violation of the District
Code 115-Technology Technology Use Agreement. / Administrator referral.
Abuse / Violation of District Cell Phone / Parental notification
Code 117-Theft / Student in possession of or / Administrator referral.
responsible for removing
Parental notification
someone else's property.
Egregious Tardy (5-15 min) / Administrator referral.
Parental notification / Record infraction on the Focus
Code 108-Truancy
Skipping (after 15 min) / Administrator referral. / Tardiness / Card. Teach/re-teach
Parental notification / expectation.
Page 2
Excessive Tardiness (7 or / See Unis Tardy Policy(willmore) / create later)
Code 102-Vandalism / Careless or intentional damage / Administrator referral.
to any property that does not / Possible referral to
belong to the individual. / appropriate outside authority.
A student shall not knowingly
Code 126/127/128- / possess, handle, or transmit / Administrator referral.
any object that can reasonably
Possible referral to
Weapons / be considered a weapon at / appropriate outside authority.
school, on school property, or
at a school sponsored event.
Unprepared for Class / Student comes without required / Record infraction on the Focus
material for class (i.e. PE / Card. Teach/re-teach
Clothes, Books, planner) / expectation.
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Tardy Card Procedure
The Tardy Card is a tool used for behavior management. It will help teach the student what behavior is expected while simultaneously teaching the student that certain behavior should be changed. The Tardy Card is used to empower students to take control toward personal responsibility. Students will be responsible for carrying their own card it allows them to reflect on the incident(s), what happened, what they can change, and to look at patterns in their behavior.
Since the purpose of the program is to teach individual student responsibility, the card will be carried at all times by the student. They may carry it in their planner, pocket, or on a lanyard. If a Staff member finds that a student is tardy to class, lunch, or any other school day event they will use the card as part of a teachable moment. The teacher will record the tardy on the student’s card and may offer suggestions as how the student can be on time.
The Tardy Card will hold up to ten corrections. There is a progressive behavior modification plan in place as follows:
- For tardies one through four the signature on the card serves as a written warning.
- When a student reaches the fifth tardy they will receive a letter informing their parents/ guardians that they have a negative pattern of tardiness and that they are entering the detention/ suspension levels of the behavior plan. The student will sign and date the letter and also sign a record sheet that they received the letter. This process will take place in the student office. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure the letter is delivered to the parents.
- When the student reaches the sixth tardy the student will call home from the office and inform their parents/ guardians of the number tardies he/she has. A script of what to say will be provided if needed. Student will document their call in the Call Home Log.
- When the student reaches the seventh tardy they will receive a detention.
- When the student reaches the eighth tardy they will receive 2 detentions.
- When the student reaches the ninth tardy they will be referred to the administrator for a parent meeting with social worker to discuss possible interventions.
- When the student reaches the tenth tardy they will be referred to the administrator who will assign one day of Out of School Suspension.
If a student’s planner is lost, stolen, misplaced, damaged, or otherwise unavailable, the student will be assigned a detention by the teacher and referred to the counseling office to purchase a new planner. The student will be required to sign for a replacement planner. The office staff will refer to Zangle to mark the correct number of tardies in the new planner.
A letter informing parents / guardians of the loss of the planner will be attached to the replacement planner. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure the letter is delivered to the parents. The office will keep record of replacement planners. If this becomes a reoccurring event the student will be referred to the school administrator for the appropriate intervention.
Tardy Card
Student NameID:
Date / Period / Teacher’s Name / Action
1 / Corrective Feedback
2 / Corrective Feedback
3 / Corrective Feedback
4 / Corrective Feedback
5 / Corrective Feedback and Letter
6 / Student Calls Home
7 / Detention
8 / 2 Detentions
9 / Parent Meeting with Admin and Social Worker
10 / 1 OSS
Consequences of Tardy Infractions
1-4thCorrective feedback
5thCorrective feedback and letter sent home from the office
Student Signs for letter
6thStudent calls home using script
7th 1 Detention assigned by 7th tardy teacher
8th2 Detentions assigned by 8th tardy teacher