May 25, 2013 – Heavy rain across the City of San Antonio produced flash flooding which resulted in three deaths, two of which were vehicle related. See accounts of these tragic deaths below:
Accounts from News articles appearing in City of San Antonio Express News and local TV Channel 4:
“It was about 7:45 a.m. Saturday when witnesses called to report a woman's car had been swept away in the 400 block of West Rhapsody Drive. Police said the 29-year-old had attempted to climb out of her car but was pulled downstream by the fast-moving water. Her body was found pinned against a fence downstream, in the 200 block of West Nakoma Drive.”The victim has been identified as Lisuli Aguirre, a 30-year old female. See two pictures below.
“Also in San Antonio, around 6:45 p.m., waters receded in Leon Creek, allowing emergency officials to recover the body of an 81-year-old woman who'd been swept away in her car earlier in the day while firefighters were trying to save her. The vehicle was headed west on access road of 5800 block if Highway 90 when it encountered floodwaters. During the rescue effort earlier, one firefighter was on top of her car and another was in a rescue boat; they had broken a window to free her when the current shifted and the car rolled over, throwing the firefighters into the water. By the time they got back into the boat, the car had already flowed downstream. The woman's body was still trapped in her car”. The victim was later identified as Berta Muniz, an81-year old female.
“A call came in around 4:30 p.m. reporting boy had attempted to cross Cibolo Creek from the Universal City side over to the Schertz side. Fire and police officials from both cities are in the swollen creek now searching for him. Others are combing the banks for signs of him. Harris said the area where the young man attempted to cross was a few hundred yards away from the Aviation Avenue low-water crossing, which was closed by authorities earlier Saturday morning because of flooding and safety concerns.”The victim, 18 –year old male Avron Adams was found downstream in the receding floodwaters of Cibolo Creek below the intersection of FM 1518 and Windy Meadows Drive. Note: no vehicle was involved in this tragic incident, it is unclear if the victim tried to wade or swim across the flooded creek along with some friends.
Car lodged under bridge in the 400 Block of West Rhapsody Drive, San Antonio, Texas
Close-up of car lodged under bridge. One fatality, 30-year old female
Search efforts underway to located missing teenager in flooded Cibolo Creek
Resulted in recovery of one body – an 18-year old male
Aerial view of a full Olmos Dam. Obivous that this flood control structure helped prevent major downstreat damage in the heart of San Antonio
City of San Antonio VIA bus swept into floodwaters.
No fatalities from this event.
Floodwaters discharging from flood tunnel under downtown City of San Antonio
Many roads flooded across the City of San Antonio
Turn Around Don’t Drown ruled the day!