OPM Employee Services (Pay and Leave) Course Development
Check-in Meeting 11/16/2016, 10:30 – 11:30am
- Any issues with WebEx? (Mike)—No issues; Webex worked for everyone.
- Introductions/Roll call (Mike)—Attendees: Mike Holt, Jessica Garratt, Jeanne Jacobson, Kristen Foy, Carey Jones
- Meeting Objectives (Mike)
- General purpose of check-in meetings: Bring up new issues (especially those that affect risk – project schedule, technology requirements, communication); go over completed tasks; go over tasks in progress; go over immediate future tasks.
- New Issue: Review the schedule.
- New issue: Discuss what the OPM team liked about the courses/interfaces Carey provided (Introduction to Leave, Work-Life, and Workplace Flexibilities and A Roadmap to Success: Hiring, Retaining and Including People with Disabilities)
- PowerTrain will produce sample interfaces to show OPM at the design meeting December 8, based on OPM’s preferences.
- OPM feedback on “Intro to Leave…” course. Likes included:
- Bright colors
- Buttons
- The Pay & Leave course should include: Resources, Index, Help, Exit, Progress Bar
- Not sure about “Terms” or “Glossary” yet. PowerTrain will have a few samples, and at least one can include a Terms button.
- “Be Sure to visit the Resources!” reminder gif, on screens referencing materials from the Resources screen
- Background image, though Carey noted that if we use a background image, it might be related to whatever “theme” we decide on for the course, to help tie things together; so the image would be relevant to the content or the theme.
- OPM feedback on “Roadmap to Success…” course. Likes included:
- The short animations as a way to break up heavy policy material.
- The roadmap theme/having a theme more generally that pulls the course together.
- The way the buttons blend into the bar and light up when you mouse over them.
- The “clean” look of the bar with the buttons in it (as buttons are not separate) and the clean look of the white background.
- General notes on the two examples:
- OPM slightly preferred the look of the Roadmap course to the Intro to Leave course.
- The seal OPM can be used for the initial interface samples.
- PowerTrain will be reviewing the course content and going over it with our instructional designers in next few days. If we have questions about anything, we will schedule a follow-up meeting with OPM.
- If PowerTrain needs a clarification meeting (with our instructional designers) regarding the course content, we will schedule that between now and Tuesday, November 22, if possible, since it’s Thanksgiving week, or else the week after Thanksgiving.
- Review MS Projects schedule with OPM (Jessica)
- Review upcoming tasks
- Are there any other questions/concerns regarding schedule?
- Jeanne will check about considerations regarding the clearance review of other stakeholders (what type of review?—intricate and content-based, or overarching and design-based; how long that team will need; at what phase [storyboard, Alpha, or Beta] it makes most sense to pull them in for review).
- Jeanne will try to bring that information to our November 30 check-in meeting.
- PowerTrain will make adjustments to the schedule as needed.
- PowerTrain will post the current schedule on the online review site [ as a MS Project file since the OPM team can access that. We will save the file down since PowerTrain has the 2013 version and OPM has 2010.
- Any final questions and/or comments? (Mike)
- Reminder of the next check-in meeting on Nov. 30th. (Mike)
- OPM To-Do
- Review the schedule
- Look into the clearance review
- PowerTrain To-Do
- Post the following materials on the online review site [
- Content materials
- Meeting agenda with meeting notes included
- The project schedule, saved as MSP 2007
- Set up clarification meeting, if needed.
- Create sample interfaces based on OPM preferences.