K-20 Customer Zoom FAQs:

Where can I find Zoom support documentation?

The best place to start is at on the Getting Started support page.

What support options exist for Zoom?

Zoom has many options if you ever need technical support. You can search a desired topic, chat online, submit a ticket, or call directly.

  1. Zoom Support Center Search
  2. Chat Online (during business hours)
  3. Go to main website page – CLICK HERE
  4. Scroll down to bottom of page. You will see aBLUE “Help” Tab, on the right you can click.
  1. Call Support Directly:(888) 799-9666 Ext. 2
  2. Submit a Support Ticket

How do I get started with Zoom?

  • If you have not logged in to your account before, please visit our main website at
  • On the top right click on “SIGN IN” using your current email address.
  • The system will either prompt you to create a new password, or follow the prompts for “Forgot Password” to create a new password.
  • If you DO have an account with one or more licenses, please log in to main website at and follow the instructions listed below.
  • Once you have signed in with your username and password, you can go to your user management page and add additional usersas needed.

Once Zoom has created an account for me, how do I add users?

  1. Log into your account at our website (
  2. Use your email and password (password set up upon confirmation - you should have received an additional email from Zoom)
  3. Select "User Management" on the left
  4. Once selected, towards the top center of the screen you will see the "Add Users" button
  5. Select and add your users (make sure to select “Pro”)
  6. They will receive an email to confirm their trial license and create password

Can I update/change my administrative email address in my account?

Yes! Instructions are below:

  1. Log into your account at our website:
  2. Use your email and password (password set up upon confirmation - you should have received an additional email from Zoom. If not, enter your email address and system can walk you through "forgot password" prompts​)

While in the Admin. Center:

  1. Select "My Profile" tab on left
  2. Click "Edit" to the right of the Sign In Email listed
  3. Update with preferred email address, enter password
  4. Click "Save Changes" to update and complete the process.

Is there a way to join a call using a room connector resource without going through the splash screen at the start?

Yes! The basic format of the dial string you will need to use to accomplish this is [IP Address]##[Meeting ID] as in 582 0857. More information on this topic can be found on the Zoom website at

I have been hearing about “Zoom Rooms” lately. What are those?

Zoom Rooms is a solution consisting of subscription-based software for some desktop devices and requires camera, microphone and meeting control resources, such as an iPad. Zoom Rooms is outside the scope of the cloud-based service being provided by K-20.

Can the welcome message from Zoom be suppressed for the sub accounts I create?

The instant an account is created by Zoom, the account owner is notified. The instant a new user is created, that user is notified. Currently we do not offer a "delay" to the activation email.

If the account owner/admin does not want this email sent to users of the account, it can be disabled ONLY when a user list is uploaded. This is disabled by the account owner/admin, in the Admin Center, under Account Settings.

Is it possible for me to have multiple accounts with Zoom?

Zoom does not allow multiple accounts for users and if you want to create a new account you first have to agree to be disassociated from the previous account.