Intel Retiree Board Meeting Minutes, July 18, 2007
Attendees: Elyce Wair, Ted Cornish, John Coutu, Melissa Laird, Dollie Smith, Linda Bertuglia, Craig Martin, Barbara Frank, Tracy Koon, Ida Holmes, Dahmane Dahmani, Sharon Bernier, Diana Daggett, Laura Good, guest: Dana Vandercoeuvering
June Meeting minutes approved
Intel Support Update – Diana reported that Ken Epps will be back from sabbatical Friday. She will set up time with him at the end of next week to discuss support and ownership for the retiree group. She will invite Ken to the next board meeting. Also, Diana wanted us to know that Intel’s 40th anniversary is coming up and there may be volunteer activities tied into the celebration. Diana discussed Community Affairs activities, such as Tech Wizards in Oregon and starting up programs in Arizona, and Design Squad, These are examples of programs that retirees can be involved in. Intel is interested in bringing local retirees into community involvement programs. Retirees can apply for matching grants for education and volunteer activity in schools, as well as for the United Way. The application is on the Web Site. We need to refresh information and put a reminder in the Newsletter. The Web Site needs to be checked to assure that all is working. Diana will get the latest numbers for contributions by retirees. Diana will get back to us and provide a point of contact at each Intel site for volunteering for community affairs.
Other Volunteer Work - Ted mentioned that there are a lot of volunteer opportunities for seniors, vets, and mental illness. Interested parties can contact him. Diana mentioned that there is some very exciting work being done at Intel for senior citizens that involves neurological support.
Newsletter/Communication – Melissa Laird will write “One of Our Own”. Sharon will put together a page for Arizona. She asked about including information about the Walk for Breast Cancer because Intel retirees participate. That stimulated a conversation about re-instating the volunteer column in the Newsletter and the Communication Committee will address this as part of the Newsletter content. All information collection is on track for delivery to Ted by August 3rd. Some questions arose about the Medical Plan questions. Elyce will follow up on this. She said that Ben Manning should be the main contact for Medical information.
Annual Dinner – Elyce will contact Judy Goodman about working/planning the dinner. We have more or less settled on October Twenty something. Last year’s dinner was held on October 25th, Wednesday. We need to talk with Ken Epps regarding the dinner and any budget/support we may garner from Intel.
Opens and New Business:
Retiree Talent - Craig Martin discussed programs that would possibly utilize retiree talents at Intel. Laura gave a little historical background and said that at the current time the programs no longer exist. Craig said that perhaps we could stimulate interest again.
Clubs? - Elyce brought up information from the survey at last year’s dinner and said that we can enhance what we are doing by looking for a prototype for clubs. If anyone is interested in starting a club Elyce would like to know. This would be a value added to ourselves and our fellow retirees.
Organizational Structure - Elyce also raised the issue of policies and procedures – We all agree that this is needed and Melissa Laird, Laura Good and Elyce will work on this. Dollie will provide copies ofthe draft and org chart that was done some years ago, as well as feedback on an organizational structure. Elyce will ask Pat Mitchell if he is interested in working on this.
Web Site? -Sharon brought up looking at starting a web site for the retirees to use for dynamic information. She will check with someone she knows on web development. Elyce will check with Tech Wizards to see if someone there might help us.
Intel Vault Program - Dana Vandercoeuvering, guest speaker, gave an overview of the Vault Program and some of the nice advantages. We had a robust discussion on the benefits. Retirees need to register on line on the Web Site and then access after they receive their card. The next card will be valid for two years. This program is part of Global Benefits, Work/Life/Balance. The Web Site isn’t working correctly and Dana will pursue the fix.
Next Meeting August 15, 200710:00 PDT
Dollie Smith
Attached is Elyce’s A. R. tracking document.