Ballygar National School
Ballygar, Co. Galway,
Tel/Fax: 090 6624951 Email:
Booklist Rang 4
Book RentalDue to the large cost involved in equipping your child for his new school year, the school has tried to cut these costs by providing many of the school books for rental. The children will be given their rental books in September. Rented books have to be returned at the end of the school year and it is most important that they are kept in good condition. Lost rental books will have to be replaced at their full purchase prices. There will be spot checks on rental books throughout the year to ensure that they are being properly maintained.
Book Title / Rental
The Golden Harp – 4th Class Reading Zone
Operation Maths 4
Alive O6
History Quest 4
Geography Quest 4
Science Quest 4
Total Cost for all rental Books / €25
Additional Costs
Art and photocopying fees
Use of Mattie McDonagh Centre
Screening tests / €15
Total Payable to School / €55
The following workbooks must be bought new:
Book Title / PriceEnglish:
Spellbound 4
Word Wise 3
English Dictionary
Handwriting- Write Here – Cursive Style – 4th Class
Collins Irish Pocket Dictionary
Beal Beo 4
Mathemagic Tables Book ( CJ Fallon)
Mental Maths 4
Total Cost New Books
Copies required:
2x A4 Hardbook- lined
1 Test Copy - Hardback
3 x Maths Copies
5 x 120 page copies
2 x 88 page copies
1 Folder with plastic Sheets
Each Pupil must also have the following:
· Mathematical Set
· Calculator
· 1 project display folder
· Labelled Pencil Case including:
- 1 Eraser
- 2 Pencils
- 2 Blue Pens
- 2 Red Pens
- 1 Ruler
- 1 Pencil Parer
- Colouring Pencils or twistables (not markers)
- 1 Permanent Black Marker
- 1 pritt stick
- 1 Thin whiteboard marker
- 1 storage box for books
All books, workbooks and copies should be neatly covered and clearly labelled.